Go to the server directory
cd server
Initialize venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install Flask and crypto
pip install Flask
pip install pycryptodome
Run the application
FLASK_RUN_PORT=5007 FLASK_APP=server.py flask run
Navigate to http://localhost:5007, start browser developer tools, and examine the session cookie
Note the user data printed on the page, such as:
{"user": "guest", "date": "2020-01-29"}
This is the plaintext of the encrypted session cookie. Since the application does not validate the ciphertext integrity, we can perform bit-flipping to obtain a ciphertext that would decrypt to desired plaintext.
We are lucky because the most critical part of the session cookie is within the first block (i.e. 16 bytes), so we only need to bit flip one block. It's easy to do by manipulating the IV.
Putting everything together (this is just an example, your cipher text will be different):
$ ./flip.py prPhoAqyxpoCXsnmFklgCmB3IWlwG56VDS0JP/WGyBNNhiRxIl2lutCk9F2hZUn8NcbttVvEK6I6TpPOlmFFew== '{"user": "guest"' '{"user": "admin"'
Now, replace the encrypted part with the new value in the session cookie, refresh the page and behold the admin session!