public int Aerospike::query ( string $ns, string $set, array $where, callback $record_cb [, array $select [, array $options ]] )
public int Aerospike::scan ( string $ns, string $set, callback $record_cb [, array $select [, array $options ]] )
public array Aerospike::predicateEquals ( string $bin, int|string $val )
public array Aerospike::predicateBetween ( string $bin, int $min, int $max )
public array Aerospike::predicateContains ( string $bin, int $index_type, int|string $val )
public array Aerospike::predicateRange ( string $bin, int $index_type, int $min, int $max )
$config = ["hosts" => [["addr"=>"localhost", "port"=>3000]], "shm"=>[]];
$client = new Aerospike($config, true);
if (!$client->isConnected()) {
echo "Aerospike failed to connect[{$client->errorno()}]: {$client->error()}\n";
$total = 0;
$in_thirties = 0;
$where = Aerospike::predicateBetween("age", 30, 39);
$status = $client->query("test", "users", $where, function ($record) use (&$in_thirties, &$total) {
echo "{$record['bins']['email']} age {$record['bins']['age']}\n";
$total += (int) $record['bins']['age'];
if ($in_thirties >= 10) return false; // stop the stream at the tenth record
}, ["email", "age"]);
if ($status == Aerospike::ERR_QUERY) {
echo "An error occured while querying[{$client->errorno()}] ".$client->error();
else if ($status == Aerospike::ERR_QUERY_ABORTED) {
echo "Stopped the result stream after {$in_thirties} results\n";
} else {
echo "The average age of employees in their thirties is ".round($total / $in_thirties)."\n";