All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning v2.0.0.
- Update initializer script
- Move images folder
- Add figures folder
- Add default keywords
- Update README
- Update bibliography
- Implement powershell build script that can be run from any location
- Implement powershell build script that searches for latex file in its PSRoot folder
- Implement powershell script that renames main latex and bibtex files to match repo root directory name
- Update README with new build instructions
- Implement latex build template (GitHub Actions)
- Implement latex deploy template (GitHub Actions)
- Hotfix update GitHub Actions GitVersion
- Changelog added
- README updated
- Theorem environments update
- Footnote added
- Bump GitHub Actions version
- Hotfix update GitHub Actions GitVersion
- Initial release before change log introduced.