diff --git a/R/helper_output_list.R b/R/helper_output_list.R
index 391c1e4..2db3d09 100644
--- a/R/helper_output_list.R
+++ b/R/helper_output_list.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 output_list <- function(obs_r, act_r,
                         critical_r, r_final, rxcv, rycv, rxcvGz, rycvGz, 
-                        itcvGz, itcv, r2xz, r2yz, 
+                        itcvGz, itcv, r2xz, r2yz, benchmark_corr_product = NA, itcv_ratio_to_benchmark = NA,
                         delta_star, delta_star_restricted, delta_exact, delta_pctbias, 
                         cor_oster, cor_exact, 
                         beta_threshold, beta_threshold_verify,
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ output_list <- function(obs_r, act_r,
                  itcv = itcv, 
                  r2xz = r2xz, 
                  r2yz = r2yz, 
+                 benchmark_corr_product = benchmark_corr_product,
+                 itcv_ratio_to_benchmark = itcv_ratio_to_benchmark,
                  delta_star = delta_star, 
                  delta_star_restricted = delta_star_restricted, 
                  delta_exact = delta_exact, 
diff --git a/R/helper_output_print.R b/R/helper_output_print.R
index ea5c98c..5bdcbe0 100644
--- a/R/helper_output_print.R
+++ b/R/helper_output_print.R
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 #' @param rycv the correlation between y and CV. 
 #' @param rxcvGz the correlation between predictor of interest and CV necessary to nullify the inference for smallest impact, conditioning on all observed covariates.
 #' @param rycvGz the correlation between outcome and CV necessary to nullify the inference for smallest impact, conditioning on all observed covariates.
+#' @param benchmark_corr_product the product of the correlations of covariates Z with X and Y (Rxz * Ryz), measuring the observed association strength.
+#' @param itcv_ratio_to_benchmark the ratio of the ITCV to the benchmark_corr_product, indicating the robustness of inference.
 #' @importFrom crayon bold underline italic
 output_print <- function(n_covariates,
@@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ output_print <- function(n_covariates,
                          rxcv = NA,
                          rycv = NA,
-                         rycvGz) {
+                         rycvGz,
+                         benchmark_corr_product = NA,
+                         itcv_ratio_to_benchmark = NA) {
   if (index == "RIR"){
     cat(crayon::bold("Robustness of Inference to Replacement (RIR):\n"))
     if ((abs(est_eff) > abs(beta_threshhold)) & is.na(eff_thr) == TRUE) {
@@ -343,6 +347,26 @@ output_print <- function(n_covariates,
+    if (!is.na(benchmark_corr_product)) {
+        cat("Interpretation of Benchmark Correlations for ITCV:")
+        cat("\n")
+        cat(paste0("Benchmark correlation product ('benchmark_corr_product') is Rxz*Ryz = ", round(benchmark_corr_product, 4),
+                   ", showing"))
+        cat("\n")
+        cat("the association strength of all observed covariates Z with X and Y.\n")
+        cat("\n")
+        cat(paste0("The ratio ('itcv_ratio_to_benchmark') is ", round(itcv_ratio_to_benchmark, 4),
+                   ", indicating the robustness of inference."))
+        cat("\n")
+        cat("A smaller ratio means required correlations to nullify the inference would need to be")
+        cat("\n")
+        cat("much stronger than observed.\n")
+        cat("\n")
+        cat("If Z includes pretests or fixed effects, the benchmark may be inflated, making the ratio\n")
+        cat("unusually small. Interpret robustness cautiously in such cases.\n")
+        cat("\n")
+    }
     cat("See Frank (2000) for a description of the method.")
diff --git a/R/helper_output_table.R b/R/helper_output_table.R
index 479e660..4a2887c 100644
--- a/R/helper_output_table.R
+++ b/R/helper_output_table.R
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 #' @importFrom broom tidy
 #' @importFrom purrr modify_if
 #' @importFrom stats cor
-#' @importFrom dplyr select filter mutate
+#' @importFrom ppcor pcor
+#' @importFrom dplyr select filter mutate arrange %>%
 #' @importFrom rlang !! enquo
 output_table <- function(model_object, tested_variable) {
   p <- all.vars(model_object$call)[1]
@@ -46,5 +47,77 @@ output_table <- function(model_object, tested_variable) {
                                    digits = 3)
-  return(model_output)
+  options(pillar.neg = FALSE)
+  # Observed Impact Table
+  impact_table <- tibble(
+      term = covariate_names,
+      `Cor(vX)` = NA_real_,
+      `Cor(vY)` = NA_real_,
+      Impact = NA_real_
+  )
+  for (i in seq_along(covariate_names)) {
+      covariate <- covariate_names[i]
+      if (all(c(covariate, tested_variable, p) %in% colnames(cor_df))) {
+          cor_vx <- cor_df[covariate, tested_variable]
+          cor_vy <- cor_df[covariate, p]
+          impact <- cor_vx * cor_vy
+          impact_table$`Cor(vX)`[i] <- round(cor_vx, 4)
+          impact_table$`Cor(vY)`[i] <- round(cor_vy, 4)
+          impact_table$Impact[i] <- round(impact, 4)
+      }
+  }
+  # Partial Impact Table
+  impact_table_partial <- tibble(
+      term = covariate_names,
+      `Partial Cor(vX)` = NA_real_,
+      `Partial Cor(vY)` = NA_real_,
+      Partial_Impact = NA_real_
+  )
+  # Compute partial correlations with error handling
+  for (i in seq_along(covariate_names)) {
+      covariate <- covariate_names[i]
+      tryCatch({
+          pcor_vx <- suppressWarnings(ppcor::pcor(model_object$model[, c(covariate, tested_variable, covariate_names)])$estimate[1, 2])
+          pcor_vy <- suppressWarnings(ppcor::pcor(model_object$model[, c(covariate, p, covariate_names)])$estimate[1, 2])
+          partial_impact <- pcor_vx * pcor_vy
+          impact_table_partial$`Partial Cor(vX)`[i] <- round(pcor_vx, 4)
+          impact_table_partial$`Partial Cor(vY)`[i] <- round(pcor_vy, 4)
+          impact_table_partial$Partial_Impact[i] <- round(partial_impact, 4)
+      }, error = function(e) {
+          # Handle errors during partial correlation computation
+          impact_table_partial$`Partial Cor(vX)`[i] <- NA
+          impact_table_partial$`Partial Cor(vY)`[i] <- NA
+          impact_table_partial$Partial_Impact[i] <- NA
+      })
+  }
+  # Sort Partial Impact Table in descending order
+  impact_table_partial <- impact_table_partial %>% arrange(desc(Partial_Impact))
+  cat(paste0("X represents ", tested_variable, ", Y represents ", p, 
+             ", v represents each covariate.\n",
+             "First table is based on unconditional correlations, second table is based on\n",
+             "partial correlations.\n\n"))
+  # Check if any row has all Partial Correlation components as NA
+  if (any(is.na(impact_table_partial$`Partial Cor(vX)`) &
+          is.na(impact_table_partial$`Partial Cor(vY)`) &
+          is.na(impact_table_partial$Partial_Impact))) {
+      stop(
+          paste0(
+              "Numerical instability detected in partial correlation. This indicates potential multicollinearity or scaling issues.\n",
+              "To resolve this issue, consider:\n",
+              "1) Standardize predictors with scale().\n",
+              "2) Remove or combine highly correlated predictors.\n",
+              "3) Apply regularization (e.g., ridge regression)."
+          )
+      )
+  }
+  # Return all three tables as a list
+  return(list(Main_Output = model_output, Unconditional_Impact = impact_table, Partial_Impact = impact_table_partial))
diff --git a/R/test_sensitivity.R b/R/test_sensitivity.R
index 61d8577..cc1908a 100644
--- a/R/test_sensitivity.R
+++ b/R/test_sensitivity.R
@@ -290,6 +290,20 @@ test_sensitivity <- function(est_eff,
   r_final <- (act_r_forVF - r_con * rycvGz)/sqrt((1 - r_con^2) * (1 - rycvGz^2))
   ## compare r_final with critical_r
+  # calculate ITCV benchmark only if r2xz and r2yz are not NA
+  benchmark_corr_product <- if (!is.na(r2xz) && !is.na(r2yz)) {
+      r2xz * r2yz
+  } else {
+      NA
+  }
+  # itcv_ratio_to_benchmark only if benchmark_corr_product, uncond_rcxv, and uncond_rcyv are not NA
+  itcv_ratio_to_benchmark <- if (!is.na(benchmark_corr_product) && !is.na(uncond_rxcv) && !is.na(uncond_rycv)) {
+      abs((uncond_rxcv * uncond_rycv) / benchmark_corr_product)
+  } else {
+      NA
+  }
   # output dispatch
   if (length(to_return) > 1) {
@@ -331,6 +345,8 @@ test_sensitivity <- function(est_eff,
                        rxcvGz = rxcvGz, rycvGz = rycvGz,
                        itcvGz = itcvGz, itcv = uncond_rxcv * uncond_rycv,
                        r2xz = r2xz, r2yz = r2yz,
+                       benchmark_corr_product = NA,
+                       itcv_ratio_to_benchmark = NA,
                        delta_star = NA, delta_star_restricted = NA,
                        delta_exact = NA, delta_pctbias = NA,
                        cor_oster = NA, cor_exact = NA,
@@ -353,7 +369,10 @@ test_sensitivity <- function(est_eff,
   } else if (to_return == "corr_plot") {
     return(plot_correlation(r_con = r_con, obs_r = obs_r, critical_r = critical_r))
   } else if (to_return == "print") {
-    return(output_print(n_covariates, est_eff, beta_threshold, bias, sustain, nu, eff_thr, recase, obs_r, critical_r, r_con, itcv, alpha, index, far_bound, sdx, sdy, R2, uncond_rxcv, uncond_rycv, rxcvGz, rycvGz))
+      return(output_print(n_covariates, est_eff, beta_threshold, bias, sustain, nu, eff_thr, 
+                          recase, obs_r, critical_r, r_con, itcv, alpha, index, far_bound, 
+                          sdx, sdy, R2, uncond_rxcv, uncond_rycv, rxcvGz, rycvGz,
+                          benchmark_corr_product, itcv_ratio_to_benchmark))
   } else if (to_return == "table") {
     return(output_table(model_object, tested_variable))
   } else {
diff --git a/R/test_sensitivity_ln.R b/R/test_sensitivity_ln.R
index 891efc8..1b70a78 100644
--- a/R/test_sensitivity_ln.R
+++ b/R/test_sensitivity_ln.R
@@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ test_sensitivity_ln <- function(est_eff,
   ### chi-square p
-  p_start_chi <- chisq.test(final_solution$table_start,correct = FALSE)$p.value
-  p_final_chi <- chisq.test(final_solution$table_final,correct = FALSE)$p.value
+  p_start_chi <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(final_solution$table_start,correct = FALSE)$p.value)
+  p_final_chi <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(final_solution$table_final,correct = FALSE)$p.value)
   ### Fisher's p
   p_start_fisher <- suppressWarnings(fisher.test(final_solution$table_start)$p.value)
   p_final_fisher <- suppressWarnings(fisher.test(final_solution$table_final)$p.value)