- Migrated to OAuth2 for authentication.
- Fixed a crash that was caused by a missing ending verse.
- Fixed crashes related to PRAW Forbidden exception handling.
- Another large update!
- VerseBot now scans its own inbox for username mentions instead of scanning every comment on reddit.
- Added user default translation requests.
- Added subreddit default translation requests.
- New translations added to BibleGateway are automatically picked up by the bot within 24 hours.
- Fixed some reddit links that caused AutoModerator to automatically delete VerseBot comments.
- Removed Heroku-related files, not hosted on Heroku any longer.
- Added a cool new header image to the README (thanks @adamgrieger)!
- Replaced TaggedTanakh pickle file with Bible Hub website parsing.
- Removed NJPS translation, added JPS translation.
- Added user translation cleaning function. Deletes user translations that haven't been used for 90 days or more.
- Added edit link and delete link at bottom of every VerseBot comment which allows a user to edit/delete their own VerseBot response.
- Added default translations for /r/TelaIgne.
- Fixed "Back" appearing at the end of every verse.
- Updated PRAW dependency.
- Added default translations for /r/DebateACatholic.
- Added default translations for /r/3OP.
- Added default translations for /r/Resurrexi.
- Added "Eph" as an abbreviation for Ephesians.
- Reformatted code spacing and comments to comply with PEP guidelines.
- Disabled comment edit/deletion again. Still seems to not be working. I will figure this out! Sorry.
- Re-enabled comment edit/deletion. If you find any issues, let me know!
- Fixed some weird formatting issues in config.py.
- Removed code that incorrectly marked some edit/delete messages as read.
- Updated PRAW to 2.1.18.
- Added NABRE translation to database.
- Set default translation for /r/Catholicism and /r/divineoffice to NABRE.
- Temporarily disabled edit/delete actions (again) until I get the chance to fix it once and for all.
- Fixed a bug that made edit/delete actions stop working.
- Moved comment URL in edit/delete message to comment body to avoid creating a subject over 100 characters long (thanks /u/emprags!).
- Added complete translation names and translation languages to translation statistics table.
- Improved readability of some SQL scripts.
- Added the ability for users to edit/delete VerseBot comments. Only the user who triggers the VerseBot response will have the ability to edit/delete the comment.
- Added logic for "fixing" the the book, translation, and subreddit statistics when a VerseBot response is edited/deleted.
- Added a short sentence at the end of the comment footer that gives links for editing and deleting a comment.
- Added messages.py to implement comment editing/deletion, and more functions in the future.
- Moved all regex to regex.py to clean up the code a bit.
- Fixed Biblical references in the book of Wisdom (deuterocanon).
- Updated createdatabase.sql to reflect above change.
- Released the VerseBot Statistics website!
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to reply to a recently deleted comment.
- Set /r/Lectionary default translation to NRSV.
- Changed default translation for /r/AcademicBiblical to NRSV.
- Fixed "Back" appearing at the end of every quotation (thanks to /u/coveredinbeeees for finding this!).
- Compatibility changes for the new version of BibleGateway.
- Reverted to legacy BibleGateway website for compatibility reasons. Will update to the new BibleGateway eventually.
- Updated PRAW to address an AttributeError caused by a recent reddit update.
- Made NRSVCE the default translation of /r/divineoffice.
- Made KJV the default translation of /r/Protestantism.
- Made OJB the default translation of /r/AcademicBiblical.
- Fixed NET Bible translation. Now use the keyword 'NET' to trigger this translation.
- Fixed bot choosing wrong translations.
- Set default translation for /r/Catholicism to RSVCE.
- Added bibles/NJPS.pickle to add the NJPS translation to the bot.
- Added NJPS translation to translation stats table.
- Set default translation for /r/Judaism to NJPS.
- Implemented necessary functions and logic to incorporate pickle files once again.
- Added pickler.py. This is the script that is run to generate pickle files for Bible translations from XML.
- Fixed link to Supported Translations in VerseBot Info.md.
- Fixed the bot mistaking books such as '1 John' as just 'John'.
- Added ordereddict to requirements.txt.
- HUGE update!
- Completely refactored codebase.
- VerseBot now uses BibleGateway as its source for Bible texts. Because of this, VerseBot now supports over 100 translations in 62 languages!
- Bot automatically recognizes new translations on BibleGateway every 24 hours or so (whenever the bot is restarted automatically).
- Added helpers.py to handle all BibleGateway functions (and possibly more in the future).
- Changed method of retrieving new comments. Now uses PRAW's comment stream.
- Bot now scans ALL subreddits (will be monitored for reliability).
- Updated comment ids table to hold timestamp of reply.
- Now automatically deletes all comment ids in the database 2 days old or older on startup.
- Added book stats table.
- Added translation stats table.
- Added subreddit stats table.
- Updated createdatabase.sql to reflect database changes.
- Moved all database actions to database.py.
- Rewritten for transition to Python 2.7.6 for better library support.
- Changed runtime.txt to Python 2.7.6.
- Updated PRAW and psycopg2, added BeautifulSoupv4.
- Added tests/tests.py to implement unit tests.
- Removed Bible pickle files (no longer needed).
- Renamed configloader.py to config.py.
- Cleaned up config in config.py, removed all references to pickle file locations.
- Renamed booknames.py to data.py.
- Changed bookNames datatype in data.py from OrderedDict to Dict. OrderedDict was not needed anymore.
- Got rid of temp.txt. Not needed anymore.
- Appropriately renders titles in verse contents, much like BibleGateway.
- Now retrieves verse and translation titles from BibleGateway for more detail.
- Added docs/Supported Translations.md.
- VerseBot released on /r/christiansupport.
- Added New Living Translation (NLT).
- VerseBot released on /r/ReformedBaptist.
- VerseBot released on /r/NTChristian.
- VerseBot released on /r/HolyBible.
- Removed some redundant code.
- VerseBot released on /r/Protestantism.
- VerseBot released on /r/divineoffice.
- Removed Nova Vulgata footer announcement.
- Merry Christmas!
- Nova Vulgata (A Latin translation) added to VerseBot.
- Removed some redundant code.
- Added a small update notice on the comment footer. Will probably be changed later for easier updating in the future.
- VerseBot released on /r/DebateAChristian.
- Fixed an incorrect verse in the ESV translation.
- VerseBot released on /r/Reformed.
- Added Hebrew names for some of the Old Testament books.
- Added JPS Tanakh translation.
- Released bot on /r/Judaism.
- Complete rewrite of VerseBot code. Should be much easier to update/understand now.
- Code is more thoroughly commented.
- VerseBot no longer replies to comments with verse text from a different book of the Bible. Example: interpreting [1 Timohty 1:1] as Titus 1:1 (misspelled on purpose).
- Horizontal rule added to bottom of comment before comment footer.
- Fixed slight formatting error.
- Added 'Mathew' (Matthew) to list of accepted bible names.
- Verse titles now link to full chapter for context.
- Added 1st Timothy and 2nd Timothy to list of Bible abbreviations.
- Made a slight change to regex to allow for the change above.
- VerseBot released on /r/SOTE.
- Set following translation default: SOTE = ESV.
- Added Brenton's Septuagint.
- Set following translation default: OrthodoxChristianity = Brenton's Septuagint.
- Added Douay-Rheims American translation.
- Added ability to set subreddit-specific default translations.
- Set the following translation defaults: Christianity = ESV, TrueChristian = ESV, Catholicism = Douay-Rheims.
- VerseBot released on /r/Catholicism.
- VerseBot released on /r/OrthodoxChristianity.
- Updated PRAW to 2.1.6. This fixes spamming during times when reddit is under heavy load.
- Restructured database. Now only stores the comment ids of comments that have been replied to.
- Added a Python set that keeps track of comment ids from the current session. This is to further protect against spamming in the event the bot loses connection to the database.
- Renamed .p extensions to .pickle. The .p files were being incorrectly recognized by Github as OpenEdge ABL files.
- Added 1 Macc, 1 Mac, 2 Macc, and 2 Mac to the list of Bible abbreviations.
- Attempt at fixing situation where a valid comment is not replied to.
- Added KJV Deuterocanon to bot
- Changed .pk1 file extensions to .p
- kjv.pk1 is now kjvapocrypha.p (still includes books not in the apocrypha)
- Removed old, unused code.
- Now correctly handles case where the starting verse is greater than the ending verse (e.g. John 3:17-16).
- Fixed replies with multiple verse quotations outputting the desired verses in random order.
- Updated PRAW in requirements.txt to 2.1.5.
- Added the following Bible abbreviations to booknames.py: 1Samuel, 1Sam, 1Sm, 2Samuel, 2Sam, 2Sm, 1Kings, 1Kgs, 2Kings, 2Kgs, 1Chronicles, 1Chron, 1Chr, 2Chronicles, 2Chron, 2Chr, 1Corinthians, 1Cor, 2Corinthians, 2Cor, 1Thessalonians, 1Thess, 1Thes, 2Thessalonians, 2Thess, 2Thes, 1Timothy, 1Tim, 1Tm, 2Timothy, 2Tim, 2Tm, 1Peter, 1Pet, 1Pt, 2Peter, 2Pet, 2Pt, 1John, 1Jn, 2John, 2Jn, 3John, 3Jn.
- Altered message that is displayed when quoted verses exceed the character limit.
- Fixed bot replying to links when not directly called upon.
- Added 'mat' (Matthew) to the list of accepted Bible names/abbreviations.
- Changed character limit from 2000 to 3000 (still experimenting with this).
- Bot now scans new subreddit comments instead of comments from the top ten hot threads.
- Bot is now triggered by verse quotations within brackets.
- Bot will now post alternate comment if constructed comment exceeds 2000 characters.
- Added booknames.py, a dictionary with a collection of accepted Bible names (including abbreviations).
- Repickled Bible translation files to use book numbers instead of book names to cooperate with booknames.py.
- Added docs/Accepted Bible Names.md.
- Added docs/VerseBot Info.md.
- Added CHANGELOG.md.
- Removed 'Starting next scan...' console output.