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eslint-config-konrad npm

Set of Javascript rules that I consider useful to remain a good Javascript code style. 👮


  1. Pick one way to install the addon.

    $ yarn add eslint-config-konrad --dev
    $ npm install eslint-config-konrad --save-dev
  2. Inherit in your eslint config (.eslintrc or .eslintrc.js)

      "extends": "eslint-config-konrad",
      "rules": {}


Inherits from eslint:recommended.


complexity ["error",10]

Enforce a maximum cyclomatic complexity of 10 allowed in a program which can be one indicator for the quality of your code. (Codecentric Article, Docs)

prefer-const ["error"]

Require const declarations for variables that are never reassigned after declared. (Docs)

strict ["error", "safe"]

Disallow strict mode in ES6 modules context (modules are "strict" by design), otherwise require it. (Docs)

no-unused-vars ["error",{"vars": "local","args": "none"}]

Disallow unused local variables. Don't check arguments. (Docs)

no-empty ["error",{"allowEmptyCatch": true}]

Disallow empty block statements except empty catch blocks. (Docs)

no-duplicate-imports ["error"]

Disallow duplicate module imports. (Docs)

prefer-template ["error"]

Require template literals instead of string concatenation. (Docs)

new-cap ["error"]

Require constructor names to begin with a capital letter. (Docs)


indent [error, 2]

Enforce consistent indentation of 2 spaces. (Docs)

quotes [2,"single",{"avoidEscape": true}]

Enforce the consistent use of single quotes, except when a different type avoids escaping. (Docs)

linebreak-style [2,"unix"]

Enforce consistent UNIX linebreak style. (Docs)

semi [2,"always"]

Require semicolons instead of ASI. (Docs)

comma-style ["error","last"]

Enforce consistent comma style with comma after and on the same line as an array element, object property, or variable declaration. (Docs)

no-multiple-empty-lines ["error"]

Disallow multiple empty lines. (Docs)

no-trailing-spaces ["error"]

Disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines. (Docs)


valid-jsdoc ["error",{"requireParamDescription": false,"requireReturnDescription": false,"prefer": {"return": "returns"}}]

Don't require JSDoc, but if attached, enforce it to be valid and consistent. Don't require param or return value description (but presence!) and enforce "@returns" instead of a mixture of "@return" and "@returns". (Docs)