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Dialogs plugin for Telegram Bot API PHP SDK

The extension for Telegram Bot API PHP SDK v3.1+ that allows to implement dialogs for telegram bots.

About this fork

Original package is not maintained anymore and does not support Telegram Bot API PHP SDK v3. The goal of the fork is to maintain the package compatible with the latest Telegram Bot API PHP SDK, PHP 8+ and Laravel features, focus on stability, better DX and readability.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require koot-labs/telegram-bot-dialogs

The package will automatically register itself.

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="telegram-config"

It will create config/telegram.php file that uses the following env variables:

  • TELEGRAM_DIALOGS_CACHE_DRIVER: database is default value
  • TELEGRAM_DIALOGS_CACHE_PREFIX: tg_dialog_ is default value


  1. Create a Dialog class
  2. Create a Telegram command to activate Dialog from the Command.
  3. Setup your controller class to proceed active Dialog on income webhook request.

1. Create a Dialog class

Each dialog should be implemented as class that extends basic Dialog as you can see in HelloExampleDialog or the code bellow:

use KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\Dialog;
use Telegram\Bot\Objects\Update;

final class HelloDialog extends Dialog
    /** @var list<string> List of method to execute. The order defines the sequence */
    protected array $steps = ['sayHello', 'sayOk',];

    public function sayHello(Update $update): void
            'chat_id' => $this->getChatId(),
            'text' => 'Hello! How are you?',

    public function sayOk(Update $update): void
            'chat_id' => $this->getChatId(),
            'text' => 'I’m also OK :)',

2. Create a Telegram command

To initiate a dialog please use DialogManager (or, if you use Laravel, Dialogs Facade) — it will care about storing and recovering Dialog instance state between steps/requests. To execute the first and next steps please call Dialogs::proceed() method with update object as an argument. Also, it is possible to use dialogs with Telegram commands and DI through type hinting.

use App\Dialogs\HelloExampleDialog;
use KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\Laravel\Facades\Dialogs;
use Telegram\Bot\Commands\Command;

final class HelloCommand extends Command
    /** @var string Command name */
    protected $name = 'hello';

    /** @var string Command description */
    protected $description = 'Just say "Hello" and ask few questions in a dialog mode.';

    public function handle(): void
        Dialogs::activate(new HelloExampleDialog($this->update->getChat()->id));

3. Setup your controller

Process request inside your Laravel webhook controller:

use Telegram\Bot\BotsManager;
use KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\DialogManager;

final class TelegramWebhookController
    public function handle(DialogManager $dialogs, BotsManager $botsManager): void
        $update = $bot->commandsHandler(true);

            ? $dialogs->proceed($update) // proceed an active dialog (activated in HelloCommand)
            : $botsManager->sendMessage([ // fallback message
                'chat_id' => $update->getChat()->id,
                'text' => 'There is no active dialog at this moment. Type /hello to start a new dialog.',

Dialog class API

  • isEnd() - Check the end of the dialog
  • 🔐 end() - End dialog
  • 🔐 nextStep(string $stepName) - Jump to the particular step, where $step is the public method name
  • 🔐 memory - Laravel Collection to store intermediate data between steps

DialogManager class API

DialogManager is in charge of:

  • storing and recovering Dialog instances between steps/requests
  • running Dialog steps (using Dialog public API)
  • switching/activating Dialogs

For Laravel apps, the package provides Dialogs Facade, that proxies calls to DialogManager class.

DialogManager public API:

  • activate(\KootLabs\TelegramBotDialogs\Dialog $dialog) - Activate a new Dialog (without running it). The same user/chat may have few open Dialogs, DialogManager should know which one is active.
  • proceed(\Telegram\Bot\Objects\Update $update) - Run the next step handler for the active Dialog (if exists)
  • exists(\Telegram\Bot\Objects\Update $update) - Check for existing Dialog for a given Update (based on chat_id and optional user_id)
  • setBot(\Telegram\Bot\Api $bot) - Use non-default Bot for Telegram Bot API calls


Tasks to do for v1.0:

  • Add documentation and examples
  • Support for channel bots
  • Improve test coverage
  • Improve developer experience (cleaner API (similar method in Dialog and DialogManager))
  • Reach message type validation
  • Reach API to validate message types and content
  • Support \Iterators and/or \Generators for Dialog steps

Backward compatibility promise

Dialogs package uses Semver 2.0. This means that versions are tagged with MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Only a new major version will be allowed to break backward compatibility (BC).

Classes marked as @experimental or @internal are not included in our backward compatibility promise. You are also not guaranteed that the value returned from a method is always the same. You are guaranteed that the data type will not change.

PHP 8 introduced named arguments, which increased the cost and reduces flexibility for package maintainers. The names of the arguments for methods in Dialogs is not included in our BC promise.