- Structuring Widgets: The help bringing structure to the form.
- Input Widgets: All possibilities to record data.
- Button Widgets: All ways to create a button.
- Display Widgets: The allow to simply display data
- form
- fieldset
- input ** text ** search ** password ** file ** tel ** url ** email ** number ** date ** time ** datetime ** datetime-local ** week ** month ** range ** radio ** checkbox
- selectOne
- selectMany
- textarea
- progress
- meter
- image
- button
- input [type = button | submit | reset]
- h1, h2, h3, h4
- paragraph
- audio
- video
- placeholder
- defaultValue
- required
- pattern
- tabindex
- legend for fieldset
- labels for input widgets
- datalist for input widgets
- img, map, area for image widgets
- option, optgroup for selectOne and selectMany
- formData -> do not copy all children to the child scope
- label property in formData instead of formSchema
- Make two-way bindings
- Implement missing linker functions
- Implement missing directives
- Consider errors and special cases
- Generate more testdata