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Laravel Teams Logger

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Log handler for Laravel for sending log messages to Microsoft Teams with the Teams Incoming Webhook Connector.

Tested on:

  • Laravel 10.x (PHP 8.3, 8.2, 8.1)
  • Laravel 11.x (PHP 8.3, 8.2)


  • send simple styled log messages
  • send card styled *log messages
  • include facts in card log messages
  • include actions in card log messages
  • configurable content and visuals (colors, avatars)


Require this package with composer.

$ composer require kopitar/laravel-teams-logger


After installing the package using composer, create a new custom channel in config/logging.php:

'teams' => [
    'driver'  => 'custom',
    'via'     => \Kopitar\LaravelTeamsLogger\TeamsLoggerFactory::class,
    'level'   => 'debug',
    'url'     => env('TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL')

Copy teams_logger.php config file from this package to your Laravel config folder with the following command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=teams

Add TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL variable to your .env file with the URL provided by your Microsoft Teams Connector. (See MS Teams Documentation for more information on where to get your webhook URL).

There are additional .env variables for this package that are optional and have default values. The names of these variables can be found in config/teams_logger.php and on the list bellow. These optional .env variables provide a way for you to change number of retries, disable avatars, set a default message type etc.

  • TEAMS_LOG_NAME (name of logger, also used as title in card type messages)
  • TEAMS_LOG_TYPE (sets one of three types of log messages)
  • TEAMS_RETRIES (number of retries if request to Teams webhook fails)
  • TEAMS_MARKDOWN (disable or enable markdown in card type messages)
  • TEAMS_AVATAR (disable or enable avatar image in messages)

To change colors or avatar images you need to replace the values found for each log level in config/teams_logger.php.


Simple type:

To send a simple style log message to Teams use the following code (assuming type is configured to simple):

Log::channel('teams')->info('Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem!');



Card type:

To send a card style log message to Teams use the following code (assuming type is configured to card and use_avatar is set to true):

Log::channel('teams')->debug('Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem!');



Json type:

To send any style log messages to Teams you can also simply use JSON formatted data (assuming type is configured to json):

Log::channel('teams')->info('{"text":"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem!","themeColor":"#df0087"}');

This example would produce a simple log message with a themeColor of #df0087



Advanced Usage

1. Override configuration

Almost any configuration value can be overriden on any log message by defining a new value in the second parameter. The simplest example would be overriding the type setting. If your config says to use simple type for your log messages but you want to send a card type at a specific place in your code you can do this like in the example below:

    'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem!', ['type' => 'card']

Other possible configuration overrides are listed in the example below:

    'Neque porro **quisquam** est qui dolorem! [Markdown disabled](',
        'type' => 'card',
        'title' => 'Alternative title',
        'themeColor' => '#0000ff',
        'avatar' => false,
        'markdown' => false

This sets type to 'card', activityTitle to 'Alternative title', sets the themeColor to blue and disables avatar image and markdown.



If sending messages of simple type the only config value you are able to override is themeColor. Markdown is used by default and cannot be disabled!

Log::channel('teams')->debug('Neque porro **quisquam** est qui dolorem!', ['themeColor' => '#0000ff']);

2. Facts

When using 'card' type you can also pass a facts parameter which needs to be an array. The contents of this array are then rendered as a key:value list in the card message.

    'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem!',
        'type' => 'card',
        'facts' => [
            'happened at' => now()->toDayDateTimeString(),
            'file' => __FILE__,
            'severity' => 'Critical'



3. Actions

When using 'card' type you can also pass an actions parameter which needs to be an array. Actions provide a way for you to include a potentialAction property in your message which is an array of actions which add interactive actions in your messages like adding comments, changing statuses, opening links etc.

Read Actions documentation on for more information!

        Log::channel('teams')->info("Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem!", [
           'type' => 'card',
           'actions' => [[
                '@type' => 'ActionCard',
                'name' => 'Add a comment',
                'inputs' => [
                        '@type' => 'TextInput',
                        'id' => 'comment',
                        'isMultiline' => false,
                        'title' => 'Add a comment here for this task'
                'actions' => [
                        '@type' => 'HttpPOST',
                        'name' => 'Add comment',
                        'target' => 'https =>//'



Preview (simple type)


Preview (card type)



Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


This laravel-teams-logging package is available under the MIT license. See file for more info.