You are provided with a Postgres endpoint containing a sample database of a fictional company, and this S3 bucket. Your code should read data from the DB and write summarized results to the S3 bucket - 2 json files, 1 csv file.
- Single zip file, containing code and Dockerfile. The file name should be your name.
- You can use the provided bucket for testing, but at time of submission please make sure only the zip file and this readme are in the bucket.
- The submission criteria is that once the Dockerfile is built and ran (docker run...), the results will appear in the bucket.
- Provide a way to configure the DB and S3 connection details (any way you see fit).
- total number of units in inventory
- total price of units in inventory
- number of suppliers
- number of employees
- top 5 selling countries, sales per country
Row for each year:
- total sales
- total products sold
- best customer country
- best selling category
- total sales per region
- sales per category
- top 3 sale representatives, total sales volume, total discount given
Port: 5432
User: ruslan
Password: passwd