diff --git a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/agent.py b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/agent.py
index 87fc07a..1779b5d 100644
--- a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/agent.py
+++ b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/agent.py
@@ -7,16 +7,11 @@
import logging
from typing import AsyncGenerator
import sys
-from agentpress.xml_tool_parser import XMLToolParser
-from agentpress.xml_tool_executor import XMLToolExecutor
-from agentpress.xml_results_adder import XMLResultsAdder
async def run_agent(thread_id: str, max_iterations: int = 5):
- # Initialize managers and tools
thread_manager = ThreadManager()
state_manager = StateManager()
- # Initialize tools
@@ -24,12 +19,10 @@ async def init():
async def pre_iteration():
- # Update files state
files_tool = FilesTool()
await files_tool._init_workspace_state()
async def after_iteration():
- # Ask the user for a custom message or use the default
custom_message = input("Enter a message to send (or press Enter to use 'Continue!!!' as message): ")
message_content = custom_message if custom_message else """
@@ -151,8 +144,8 @@ async def finalizer():
- native_tool_calling=True,
- xml_tool_calling=False,
+ native_tool_calling=False,
+ xml_tool_calling=True,
diff --git a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/files_tool.py b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/files_tool.py
index 485d52f..c27159b 100644
--- a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/files_tool.py
+++ b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/files_tool.py
@@ -138,7 +138,11 @@ async def _update_workspace_state(self):
{"param_name": "file_path", "node_type": "attribute", "path": "."},
{"param_name": "file_contents", "node_type": "content", "path": "."}
- description="Create a new file with the provided contents"
+ example='''
+ File contents go here
+ '''
async def create_file(self, file_path: str, file_contents: str) -> ToolResult:
@@ -177,7 +181,10 @@ async def create_file(self, file_path: str, file_contents: str) -> ToolResult:
{"param_name": "file_path", "node_type": "attribute", "path": "."}
- description="Delete a file at the given path"
+ example='''
+ '''
async def delete_file(self, file_path: str) -> ToolResult:
@@ -221,7 +228,12 @@ async def delete_file(self, file_path: str) -> ToolResult:
{"param_name": "old_str", "node_type": "element", "path": "old_str"},
{"param_name": "new_str", "node_type": "element", "path": "new_str"}
- description="Replace text in a file"
+ example='''
+ text to replace
+ replacement text
+ '''
async def str_replace(self, file_path: str, old_str: str, new_str: str) -> ToolResult:
diff --git a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/terminal_tool.py b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/terminal_tool.py
index f5ad66a..5bd7eb7 100644
--- a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/terminal_tool.py
+++ b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/tools/terminal_tool.py
@@ -46,7 +46,11 @@ async def _update_command_history(self, command: str, output: str, success: bool
{"param_name": "command", "node_type": "content", "path": "."}
- description="Execute a shell command in the workspace directory"
+ example='''
+ npm install package-name
+ '''
async def execute_command(self, command: str) -> ToolResult:
original_dir = os.getcwd()
diff --git a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/index.html b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index abf96d6..0000000
--- a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- Modern Landing Page
Welcome to the Future
Transform your digital presence with our innovative solutions
- Our Features
Fast Performance
Lightning-quick load times and smooth interactions
Beautiful Design
Stunning visuals that capture attention
Perfect display on all devices
About Us
We're dedicated to creating exceptional digital experiences that drive results.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/script.js b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/script.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc5510..0000000
--- a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/script.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
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- const data = Object.fromEntries(formData);
- console.log('Form submitted:', data);
- form.reset();
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/styles.css b/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/styles.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e05405..0000000
--- a/agentpress/examples/example_agent/workspace/styles.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/agentpress/thread_manager.py b/agentpress/thread_manager.py
index 51c82ce..17c568f 100644
--- a/agentpress/thread_manager.py
+++ b/agentpress/thread_manager.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import json
import logging
import os
+import uuid
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Type, Union, AsyncGenerator
from agentpress.llm import make_llm_api_call
from agentpress.tool import Tool, ToolResult
from agentpress.tool_registry import ToolRegistry
from agentpress.llm_response_processor import LLMResponseProcessor
from agentpress.base_processors import ToolParserBase, ToolExecutorBase, ResultsAdderBase
-import uuid
from agentpress.xml_tool_parser import XMLToolParser
from agentpress.xml_tool_executor import XMLToolExecutor
diff --git a/agentpress/tool.py b/agentpress/tool.py
index bde9ac5..6c8dccb 100644
--- a/agentpress/tool.py
+++ b/agentpress/tool.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class XMLTagSchema:
"""Schema for XML tool tags with improved node mapping"""
tag_name: str # Root tag name (e.g. "str-replace")
mappings: List[XMLNodeMapping] = field(default_factory=list)
- description: Optional[str] = None
+ example: Optional[str] = None # Changed from description to example
def add_mapping(self, param_name: str, node_type: str = "element", path: str = ".") -> None:
"""Add a new node mapping"""
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def decorator(func):
def xml_schema(
tag_name: str,
mappings: List[Dict[str, str]] = None,
- description: str = None
+ example: str = None # Changed from description to example
Decorator for XML schema tools with improved node mapping.
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def xml_schema(
- param_name: Name of the function parameter
- node_type: "element", "attribute", or "content"
- path: Path to the node (default "." for root)
- description: Optional description of the tool
+ example: Optional example showing how to use the XML tag
@@ -118,11 +118,16 @@ def xml_schema(
{"param_name": "old_str", "node_type": "element", "path": "old_str"},
{"param_name": "new_str", "node_type": "element", "path": "new_str"}
- description="Replace text in a file"
+ example='''
+ text to replace
+ replacement text
+ '''
def decorator(func):
- xml_schema = XMLTagSchema(tag_name=tag_name, description=description)
+ xml_schema = XMLTagSchema(tag_name=tag_name, example=example)
# Add mappings
if mappings:
diff --git a/agentpress/tool_registry.py b/agentpress/tool_registry.py
index d3b079d..0e9ce88 100644
--- a/agentpress/tool_registry.py
+++ b/agentpress/tool_registry.py
@@ -129,3 +129,16 @@ def get_openapi_schemas(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
for tool_info in self.tools.values()
if tool_info['schema'].schema_type == SchemaType.OPENAPI
+ def get_xml_examples(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ """Get all XML tag examples from registered tools.
+ Returns:
+ Dict[str, str]: Dictionary mapping tag names to their examples
+ """
+ examples = {}
+ for tool_info in self.xml_tools.values():
+ schema = tool_info['schema']
+ if schema.xml_schema and schema.xml_schema.example:
+ examples[schema.xml_schema.tag_name] = schema.xml_schema.example
+ return examples
diff --git a/agentpress/xml_results_adder.py b/agentpress/xml_results_adder.py
index 47aa519..af7fae3 100644
--- a/agentpress/xml_results_adder.py
+++ b/agentpress/xml_results_adder.py
@@ -11,68 +11,65 @@ class XMLResultsAdder(ResultsAdderBase):
def __init__(self, thread_manager):
- self.pending_tool_results = {}
- def _format_xml_response(self, content: str, tool_calls: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None) -> str:
- """Format the response content with XML tool results."""
- response_parts = []
- # Add any non-XML content first
- non_xml_content = []
- lines = content.split('\n')
- for line in lines:
- if not (line.strip().startswith('<') and line.strip().endswith('>')):
- non_xml_content.append(line)
- if non_xml_content:
- response_parts.append('\n'.join(non_xml_content))
- # Add XML blocks with their results
- if tool_calls:
- for tool_call in tool_calls:
- tool_id = tool_call['id']
- if tool_id in self.pending_tool_results:
- result = self.pending_tool_results[tool_id]
- response_parts.append(
- f"\n"
- f"{result}\n"
- f""
- )
- return '\n\n'.join(response_parts)
+ self.message_added = False
async def add_initial_response(self, thread_id: str, content: str, tool_calls: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None):
- """Add initial response with XML formatting."""
- formatted_content = self._format_xml_response(content, tool_calls)
+ """Add initial response without modifications."""
message = {
"role": "assistant",
- "content": formatted_content
+ "content": content
await self.add_message(thread_id, message)
self.message_added = True
async def update_response(self, thread_id: str, content: str, tool_calls: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None):
- """Update response with XML formatting."""
+ """Update response without modifications."""
if not self.message_added:
await self.add_initial_response(thread_id, content, tool_calls)
- formatted_content = self._format_xml_response(content, tool_calls)
message = {
"role": "assistant",
- "content": formatted_content
+ "content": content
await self.update_message(thread_id, message)
async def add_tool_result(self, thread_id: str, result: Dict[str, Any]):
- """Store tool result for inclusion in the XML response."""
- tool_call_id = result['tool_call_id']
- self.pending_tool_results[tool_call_id] = result['content']
- # Update the message to include the new result
- messages = await self.list_messages(thread_id)
- for msg in reversed(messages):
- if msg['role'] == 'assistant':
- content = msg['content']
- tool_calls = msg.get('tool_calls', [])
- await self.update_response(thread_id, content, tool_calls)
- break
\ No newline at end of file
+ """Add tool result as a user message."""
+ try:
+ # Get the original tool call to find the root tag
+ messages = await self.list_messages(thread_id)
+ assistant_msg = next((msg for msg in reversed(messages)
+ if msg['role'] == 'assistant'), None)
+ if assistant_msg:
+ content = assistant_msg['content']
+ # Find the opening XML tag for this tool call
+ tool_start = content.find(f'<{result["name"]}')
+ if tool_start >= 0:
+ tag_end = content.find('>', tool_start)
+ if tag_end >= 0:
+ root_tag = content[tool_start:tag_end + 1]
+ # Create a simple reference message as user role
+ result_message = {
+ "role": "user",
+ "content": f"Result for {root_tag}\n{result['content']}"
+ }
+ await self.add_message(thread_id, result_message)
+ return
+ # Fallback if we can't find the root tag
+ result_message = {
+ "role": "user",
+ "content": f"Result for {result['name']}:\n{result['content']}"
+ }
+ await self.add_message(thread_id, result_message)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error(f"Error adding tool result: {e}")
+ # Ensure the result is still added even if there's an error
+ result_message = {
+ "role": "user",
+ "content": f"Result for {result['name']}:\n{result['content']}"
+ }
+ await self.add_message(thread_id, result_message)
\ No newline at end of file