title | tags | public | date | |
Golang |
true |
2020-12-16 |
Go or Golang is a programming language that designed at Google.
The language can be described by these following items:
- it's compiled language
- similar to C language by syntax
- the language has:
- Official website
- **go run <module> - run the file/module as a program
- go test - run tests
- go mod init <module> - initialise a module
It provides an ability to open Go documentation locally and even offline
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest
godoc -http :8000
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
- Go has standard library that is built-in modules of functions
- for example: fmt is a built-in package
- Println(value) is a method that prints value in a console/terminal and also prints break line in the end
- func main() is a function
- it is a main function of the module and it will be executed automatically when you run command go run hello.go
Example 1:
func main() {
var greetingText string
greetingText = "Hello, World!"
Example 2:
func main() {
var greetingText string = "Hello, World!"
Example 3 (with type inference):
func main() {
greetingText := "Hello, World!"
- type inference is when you declare variable without specifying a type
- the variables type is inferred by the value
Declaring a string variable
Example 1:
func main() {
var greetingText string
greetingText = "Hello, World!"
Example 2:
func main() {
var greetingText string = "Hello, World!"
Example 3 (with type inference):
func main() {
greetingText := "Hello, World!"
An example:
func main() {
firstName := "Max"
lastName := "K"
fullName := firstName + " " + lastName
fmt.Println(fullName) // Max K
JavaScript devs be like:
func main() {
numb := "1"
fmt.Println(numb + 7) // invalid operation: numb + 7 (mismatched types string and untyped int)
Example 1:
func main() {
var luckyNumber int
luckyNumber = 17
Example 2:
func main() {
var luckyNumber int = 17
Example 3 (with type inference)
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
if I declare variable like this:
func main() {
var luckyNumber int
it will print the result: 0
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
anotherOneLuckyNumber := luckyNumber + 8
fmt.Println(luckyNumber) // 17
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 25
Reassigning a variable
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
anotherOneLuckyNumber := luckyNumber + 8
fmt.Println(luckyNumber) // 17
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 25
// reassigning a variable
anotherOneLuckyNumber = 33
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 33
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
anotherOneLuckyNumber := luckyNumber * 8
fmt.Println(luckyNumber) // 17
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 136
An example:
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
anotherOneLuckyNumber := luckyNumber / 8
fmt.Println(luckyNumber) // 17
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 3
- anotherOneLuckyNumber will still be integer (int), no numbers after decimal point
- we should use float64 type to have full number with part after point
Using float64
We need to declare that variable anotherOneLuckyNumber should be with type float not int:
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
var anotherOneLuckyNumber float64 = luckyNumber / 8 // cannot use luckyNumber / 8 (value of type int) as float64 value in variable
- there will be an error
- we need to convert luckyNumber into float64 but only in operation of dividing with 8 - for this we can use a command (function) float64
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
var anotherOneLuckyNumber float64 = float64(luckyNumber) / 8
fmt.Println(luckyNumber) // 17
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 2.125
The difference between types float32 and float64 is how many numbers will you have after the point sign.
For example, the result of operation will be:
- 17 / 7 =
- float32
- 2.4285715
- float64
- 2.4285714285714284
- float32
An example with float32:
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
var anotherOneLuckyNumber float32 = float32(luckyNumber) / 7
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 2.4285715
An example with float64:
func main() {
luckyNumber := 17
var anotherOneLuckyNumber float64 = float64(luckyNumber) / 7
fmt.Println(anotherOneLuckyNumber) // 2.4285714285714284
single unicode character
An example:
notice that there is a single quotes ('') instead of double quotes ("") because double quotes are used for string type
func main() {
var someRune rune = 'π'
fmt.Println(someRune) // 128077
- 128077 is a special identifier for the sign 'π'
to print the sign π as it is instead of integer we need to convert it to a string by function string()
func main() {
var someRune rune = 'π'
fmt.Println(string(someRune)) // π
single byte (ASCII character)
An example:
notice that there is a single quotes ('') instead of double quotes ("") because double quotes are used for string type
func main() {
var someByte byte = 'c'
fmt.Println(someByte) // 99
To print a 'c' value as it is we need to convert value to a string by using function string()
func main() {
var someByte byte = 'c'
fmt.Println(string(someByte)) // c
A type byte is a smallest type in Go so you can initialise a variable only with one character (letter or number) but not with something like emoji or special character/symbol like 'β¬'
var someByte byte = 'π' // cannot use 'π' (untyped rune constant 128077) as byte value in variable declaration (overflows)
so you need to use type rune for such characters/symbols
- (package) fmt
- print the argument str in command line (terminal)
- .Print(str) - prints *str as it is
- .Printf(formatStr, args...)
- .Println(str) - as .Print(str) but adds "\n" in the end of string
- return a new formatted string
- .Sprint(str) - returns a new formatted string, uses default formats
- .Sprintf(formatStr, args...)
- .Sprintln(str) - as .Sprint(str) but adds "\n" in the end of string
- write a new formatted string to specified writer (for example: a file or command-line/terminal)
- .Fprint(writer, str) - writes a new formatted string to a writer (file, command-line, etc)
- .Fprintf(writer, formatStr, args...)
- .Fprintln(writer, str) - as .Fprint(str) but adds "\n" in the end of string
- print the argument str in command line (terminal)
Printf(formatStr, args...)
func main() {
nickname := "byteski"
level := 77
fmt.Printf("Greetings, %v (%v lvl)!", nickname, level) // Greetings, byteski (77 lvl)!
Sprintf(formatStr, args...)
func main() {
nickname := "byteski"
level := 77
greeting := fmt.Sprintf("Greetings, %v (%v lvl)!", nickname, level)
fmt.Printf(greeting) // Greetings, byteski (77 lvl)!
Fprintf(writer, formatStr, args...)
import (
func main() {
nickname := "byteski"
level := 77
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Greetings, %v (%v lvl)!", nickname, level) // Greetings, byteski (77 lvl)!
- Go code is organised in modules and packages
- modules
- are bigger than packages
- has unique identifier (name)
- can be distributed (as a library)
- every Go project is a module
- projects can use multiple modules
- created and managed by commands go mod <smth> and file go.mod
- packages
- modules contains packages (at least one package - for example main)
- package can have multiple files
- packages are stored in subfolders in a module
- can be imported
- modules
- pascal case
var Greeting string = "Hello there!"
- in Go it means that variable will be used also outside of the package where was declared
- camel case
var greeting string = "Hello there!"
- in Go it means that variable will be used only inside the same package as where it was declared
An example:
camel case
package greeting
var greetingText = "Hello there!"
package main
import (
func main() {
// Error: greetingText not exported by package greeting
pascal case
package greeting
var GreetingText = "Hello there!"
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(greeting.GreetingText) // Hello there!
Constant is like a variable but it cannot be reassigned. Constant will have the same value.
func main() {
const COUNT = 10
COUNT = 15 // Error: cannot assign to COUNT (untyped int constant 10)
- File should have name like "xxx_test.go"
- The test function must start with word "Test"
func TestHello(t *testing.T) {
- The test function has one argument "t *testing.T"
- Need to import "testing" to use argument "t *testing.T"
- t.Errorf() - prints message fail the test
func TestHello(t *testing.T) {
result := Hello()
expectedValue := "Hello, World!2"
if result != expectedValue {
t.Errorf("expected `%s` but got `%s`", expectedValue, result)
/* will print:
--- FAIL: TestHello (0.00s)
hello_test.go:10: expected `Hello, World!2` but got `Hello, World!`
it seems like an equivalent of "describe" or "it" in [[JestJS]]
func TestHello(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("should return `Hello, <name>!`", func(t *testing.T) {
result := Hello("Max")
expectedValue := "Hello, Max!"
if result != expectedValue {
t.Errorf("expected `%s` but got `%s`", expectedValue, result)
- it declares that the method where it was called is a helper function
- because of this the line number of the assertion (where helper function is called) will be printed out
assert := func(t testing.TB, expectedValue string, resultValue string) {
if resultValue != expectedValue {
t.Errorf("expected `%s` but got `%s`", expectedValue, resultValue)
// ...
t.Run("should return `Hello, <name>!`", func(t *testing.T) {
result := Hello("Max")
expectedValue := "Hello, Max!"
assert(t, expectedValue, result)