1.1.0 (2020-01-16)
- added package-lock.json file updated (32e827d)
- added automated tests to the repository and Quasar-Framework (d0d7173)
- github: added Dotenv plugin to Quasar-Framework (5d9d680)
- added TypeScript support for Quasar-Framework (c68aeae)
- added ignored filex for semantic-release (7bafe8e)
- added missing .gitignore (50e685e)
- another fix on the workflow YML (2a0b7b7)
- changed the GitHub workflow version (98ae745)
- fix the GitHub workflow not working properly (a3aacc7)
- fixes on the workflows triggers (40522b4)
- missing GitHub steps on the YML file (9ec6174)
- github: added semantic-release workflow (79e4997)
- added commit linters and code linters (#3) (23d0480)
- added commitizen package with conventional standards (9f43d88)
- added commitlint package with husky integration (327c2b0)
- added ESLint and AirBnB style guide (703d72b)
- Added GitHub workflows for PR analysis (#2) (184f9e9)
- added husky and linst-staged (2dcb9f8)
- added Quasar-Framework (7372b7f)
- added Quasar-Framework (#5) (49df2e4)
- added semantic-release configs (d80c6fa)
- added semantic-release package (12b6417)
- github: added GitHub workflow conventional-pr-name (50ef335)
- github: added GitHub workflow update-pr-branch (f1f1f14)
- github: github action assign-pr-to-author.yml added to workflow (6dc53e2)