This project is the code for a hands-on workshop given in KPN for real-time analytics on the DSH platform.
The participants are divided into 4 groups: group-a, group-b, group-c, group-d
During the first day each group will create their own basic processor.
- group-a: average-handling-time-processor
- group-b: queuers-and-callers-processor
- group-c: wait-time-processor
- group-d: queuers-per-service-processor
The end solution will combine all of these processors.
During the second day the participants will extrapolate a batch modeler, to a streaming model-scoring processor.
The streams generated by all of these components will be visualized in a dashboard that has been provided.
First, you will need to get a local working copy of the code, in its starting point version.
To avoid having to type your github password all the time, a ssh key has been generated on the VM. This key is associated with the GitHub repository.
Open a command line (the 'git shell window') and run
mkdir -p git/kpn-dsh-bootstrap/day1-for-{groupname}
cd git/kpn-dsh-bootstrap/day1-for-{groupname}
git clone -b {groupname}
cd dsh-dsc-bootstrap/
git checkout -b day1-{groupname}-{yourinitials}
The repository directory contains different subdirectories, each with the code for another service.
Thirdly, we will also test whether you environment is configured to be able to build a docker container and push it to the right docker repository.
In the sbt shell window, run
Then open a third command line (the 'docker push shell window') and run
docker tag {replayer:whatever version} {service-repo-coords:version-${yourinitials}}
docker push${yourinitials}}
To deploy a new service or manage an existing one, you will need to to use the 'dsh-ump' tool, the user management portal .