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File metadata and controls

101 lines (77 loc) · 4.59 KB

Database Schema and Administration Tools

This folder contains database schema migration files, seed files, and administration tools for the PostgreSQL database.

Directory Layout

├── backups                     # Database backup files
│   └── ...                     #   - for example "20240101T120000Z.sql"
├── migrations                  # Database schema migration files
│   ├── 001_initial.ts          #   - initial schema
│   └── ...                     #   - the reset of the migration files
├── models                      # Data models and Zod validators (generated)
│   ├── User.ts                 #   - User model
│   ├── Workspace.ts            #   - Workspace model
│   └── ...                     #   - the reset of the data models
├── seeds                       # Database seed files
│   ├── 01-users.ts             #   - user account
│   ├── 02-workspaces.ts        #   - user workspaces
│   └── ...                     #   - the reset of the seed files
├── ssl                         # TLS/SSL certificates for database access
├── cli.ts                      # Database administration CLI
├── package.json                # Node.js dependencies
└──                   # This file

Tech Stack

Getting Started

Ensure that you have the recent version of PostgreSQL installed on your machine as well as psql and pg_dump client utilities. On macOS, you can install them using Homebrew:

$ brew update
$ brew install postgresql libpq
$ brew services start postgresql

You may need a GUI tool such as Postico to access the database.

Once the PostgreSQL server is up and running, you can update the database connection settings inside of the .env (or, .env.local) file and bootstrap the database (schema and data) by running:

$ yarn db --version         # Check current database version
$ yarn db create            # Create a new database
$ yarn db migrate --seed    # Run all migrations and seeds
$ yarn db types             # Generate TypeScript types

To see all available commands, run yarn db --help:

Usage: db [options] [command]

Database management CLI for PostgreSQL

  -i, --interactive   launch interactive terminal with Knex.js
  --env <env>         target environment (e.g. prod, staging, test)
  -v, --version       current database and migration versions
  --schema <schema>   database schema (default: "public")
  -h, --help          display help for command

  create [options]    create a new database if doesn't exist
  migrate [options]   run all migrations that have not yet been run
  rollback [options]  rollback the last batch of migrations performed
  backup [options]    create a backup of the database data
  restore [options]   restore database data from a backup file
  types [options]     generate TypeScript types from a live db
  psql [options]      launch PostgreSQL interactive terminal

In order to create a new migration, create a new <ver>_<name>.ts file inside of the migrations folder, give it a descriptive name prefixed with the migration version number, for example 002_products.ts. Open it in the editor, start typing migration and hit Tab key which should insert the following VS Code snippet:

To apply the migration, run:

$ yarn db migrate [--env <name>] [--seed]

If you need to rollback the migration, run:

$ yarn db rollback [--env <name>] [--all]


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