Arr matey, if ye be a fan o' the salty seadog life, ye be findin' yerself in the right place. This 'ere be a joke Rancher Extension that adds a new Pirate localization. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Shiver me timbers, let's have some fun with our dev-ship!
Note: The localisation in this example be far from the full breadth of pirate lingo and merely illustrates how such a zany idear could be achieved. 'Tis a life full of jollification and japes, we be tellin' ye!
For this and other example plugins, see:
- Clone this here repository to yer machine.
- Install the npm dependencies with a hearty "yarn install".
- Run the extension with a rowdy "API= yarn dev".
With the Pirate Locale Extension installed, ye'll be navigatin' yer Rancher UI in the ol' pirate speak! Just go to yer account settings, find the locale selection dropdown, and select "Pirate". Yer Rancher interface will now be speakin' like a true buccaneer!
All hands on deck! If ye be willin' to add more pirate speak to the extension, feel free to make a pull request. We welcome all old salts and landlubbers alike!
Got a bone to pick? Ye can raise yer issues in the issue tracker and we'll be sure to take a gander.
Remember, this be a joke extension. Don't take it too seriously. Have fun, let loose, and maybe ye'll find ye got a bit o' the pirate in ye!
Fair winds and followin' seas, me hearties!