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Dyad API


void dyad_init(void)

Initializes dyad. This should be called before any other dyad function is called.

void dyad_update(void)

Handles all the active streams and events. This should be called with each iteration of the program's main loop. By default dyad_update() will block for a maximum of 1 second, dyad_update() can be made not to block by using dyad_setUpdateTimeout() to set the timeout to 0.

void dyad_shutdown(void)

Emits the DYAD_EVENT_CLOSE event on all current streams then shuts down and clears up everything. This should be called at the end of the program or when we no longer need dyad.

const char *dyad_getVersion(void)

Returns the version of the library as a string.

double dyad_getTime(void)

Returns the current time in seconds. This time should only be used for comparisons, as no specific epoch is guaranteed.

int dyad_getStreamCount(void)

Returns the number of currently active streams.

void dyad_setUpdateTimeout(double seconds)

Sets the maximum number of seconds the dyad_update() function can block for. If seconds is 0 then dyad_update() will not block.

void dyad_setTickInterval(double seconds)

Sets the interval in seconds that the DYAD_EVENT_TICK event is emited to all streams; the default is 1 second.

dyad_PanicCallback dyad_atPanic(dyad_PanicCallback func)

Sets the function which will be called when dyad encounters an error it cannot recover from. The old atPanic function is returned or NULL if none was set.

dyad_Stream* dyad_newStream(void)

Creates and returns a new stream. The returned stream is in a closed state by default, dyad_listen(), dyad_listenEx() or dyad_connect() should be called on the stream to take it out of the closed state. See dyad_Stream.

int dyad_listen(dyad_Stream *stream, int port)

Makes the stream begin listening on the given port on all local interfaces.

int dyad_listenEx(dyad_Stream *stream, const char *host, int port, int backlog)

Performs the same task as dyad_listen() but provides additional options: host is the address of the local interface the stream should listen on. backlog is the maximum length of the queue of pending connections.

int dyad_connect(dyad_Stream *stream, const char *host, int port)

Connects the stream to the remote host.

void dyad_addListener(dyad_Stream *stream, int event, dyad_Callback callback, void *udata)

Adds a listener for the event to the stream. When the event occurs the callback is called and the event's udata field is set to udata. If several listeners are added for the same event they are emitted in the order which they were added. See Events.

void dyad_removeListener(dyad_Stream *stream, int event, dyad_Callback callback, void *udata)

Removes an event listener which was added with the dyad_addListener() function.

void dyad_removeAllListeners(dyad_Stream *stream, int event)

Removes all listeners for the given event. If event is DYAD_EVENT_NULL then all listeners for all events are removed.

void dyad_write(dyad_Stream *stream, const void *data, int size)

Writes the data of the given size to the stream. If you want to send a null terminated string use dyad_writef() instead.

void dyad_writef(dyad_Stream *stream, const char *fmt, ...)

Writes a formatted string to the stream. The function is similar to sprintf() with the following differences:

  • Dyad takes care of allocating enough memory for the result.
  • There are no flags, widths or precisions; only the following standard specifiers are supported: %% %s %f %g %d %i %c %x %X %p.
  • The %r specifier is provided, this takes a FILE* argument and writes the contents until the EOF is reached.
  • The %b specifier is provided, this takes a void* argument followed by an int argument representing the number of bytes to be written.

void dyad_vwritef(dyad_Stream stream, const char *fmt, va_list args)

dyad_vwritef() is to dyad_writef() what vsprintf() is to sprintf().

void dyad_end(dyad_Stream *stream)

Finishes sending any data the stream has left in its write buffer then closes the stream. The stream will stop receiving data once this function is called.

void dyad_close(dyad_Stream *stream)

Immediately closes the stream, discarding any data left in its write buffer.

void dyad_setTimeout(dyad_Stream *stream, double seconds)

Sets the number of seconds the stream can go without any activity (receiving or sending data) before it is automatically closed. If 0 seconds is set then the stream will never timeout, this is the default.

void dyad_setNoDelay(dyad_Stream *stream, int opt)

If opt is 1 then Nagle's algorithm is disabled for the stream's socket, 0 enables it; by default it is enabled.

int dyad_getState(dyad_Stream *stream)

Returns the current state of the stream, for example a connected stream would return the value DYAD_STATE_CONNECTED. See States.

const char *dyad_getAddress(dyad_Stream *stream)

Returns the current IP address for the stream. For listening streams this is the local address, for connected streams it is the remote address.

int dyad_getPort(dyad_Stream *stream)

Returns the current port the stream is using. For listening streams this is the local port, for connected streams it is the remote port.

int dyad_getBytesReceived(dyad_Stream *stream)

Returns the number of bytes which have been received by the stream since it was made.

int dyad_getBytesSent(dyad_Stream *stream)

Returns the number of bytes which have been sent by the stream since it was made. This does not include the data in the stream's write buffer which is still waiting to be sent.

dyad_Socket dyad_getSocket(dyad_Stream *stream)

Returns the socket used by the stream.



Emitted when a stream is destroyed. Once all the listeners for this event have returned then the associated stream's pointer should no longer be considered valid.


Emitted when a listening stream accepts a connection. The remote field of the event represents the connected client's stream.


Emitted when a listening stream begins listening.


Emitted when a connecting stream successfully makes the connection to its host.


Emitted when a stream is closed. Closed streams are automatically destroyed by dyad_update(), see DYAD_EVENT_DESTROY


Emitted once each time the stream becomes ready to send more data. This event is useful when writing a large file to a stream, allowing you to send it in smaller chunks rather than copying all the data to the stream's write buffer at once.


Emitted whenever the stream receives data. The event's data field is the received data (null terminated), the size field is set to the size of the received data (excluding the null terminator).


Emitted whenever the stream receives a line of data. The event's data field is set to the received line stripped of the \n or \r\n and null terminated, the size field is the length of string.


Emitted whenever an error occurs on a stream. For example, when creating a listening socket this event will be emitted if it cannot be bound. The stream is immediately closed after this event.


Emitted when the stream times out (see dyad_setTimeout()). The stream is immediately closed after this event.


Emitted every time a tick occurs. A tick is an event which is emitted on every stream at a constant interval; this interval can be set using dyad_setTickInterval().



The stream is closed. Streams are created in this state, and, if left in this state, are destroyed automatically.


The stream is connected but still has data in its write buffer thats waiting to be sent before it closes.


The stream is attempting to connect to a host.


The stream is connected and can send or receive data.


The stream is currently listening for connections to accept.



Represents a socket for the given platform.


A stream created with dyad_newStream() or by a listening server when it accepts a connection. Dyad handles the resources allocated for all streams; closed streams are automatically destroyed by the dyad_update() function.


Contains an event's information, a pointer of which is passed to a dyad_Callback function when an event occurs. This struct contains the following fields:

Field Description
int type The type of event which was emitted
void *udata The udata pointer passed to dyad_addEventListener()
dyad_Stream *stream The stream which emitted this event
dyad_Stream *remote The client stream when a connection is accepted
const char *msg A description of the event or error message
char *data The events associated data
int size The size in bytes of the event's associated data

The dyad_Event struct and the data pointed to by its data field should never be modified by an event callback.


An event listener callback function which can be passed to dyad_addListener(). The function should be of the following form:

void func(dyad_Event *event);


An atPanic callback function which can be passed to dyad_atPanic(). The function should be of the following form:

void func(const char *message);