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Setting up a box server

Install dependencies

The program python3 should be at least Python 3.7 (tested with Python 3.7.3). Run the following commands.

  • general
    sudo apt install git
    sudo apt install screen
    sudo apt install dnsutils ethtool
    sudo apt install rsync
    sudo apt install vbetool
  • python (install for all, is something like this needed? umask 022)
    sudo apt install python3-pip
    sudo pip3 install nanpy
    sudo pip3 install pyserial
  • OpenOCD
    sudo apt install make gcc
    sudo apt install libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config
    sudo apt install libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-doc
    sudo apt install libhidapi-dev
    sudo apt install libftdi-dev
  • xc3sprog (FPGA programmer)
    sudo apt install cmake libftdi1-dev

Compile OpenOCD and xc3sprog

Run the following commands:


Setup network configuration

  1. Fix the IP of the server. This has to be done at least for the experiment network interface. (for Raspbian additionally: Switch to standard Debian networking.)

    1. Determine interface names with ip a.
    2. Adjust /etc/network/interfaces.
      # The primary network interface
      allow-hotplug enp6s0
      iface enp6s0 inet static
      #	address
      #	netmask
      #	gateway
      # The experiment network interface
      allow-hotplug enx00e04c680037
      iface enx00e04c680037 inet static
    3. Raspbian: sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd
    4. Raspbian: sudo systemctl enable networking
    5. Raspbian: sudo reboot
    6. Adjust /etc/resolv.conf. See below.
    7. sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
  2. Disable IPv6.

    • Raspbian: Adjust sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt.
      • Add this at the end of the command line ipv6.disable=1
    • Debian: Adjust /etc/sysctl.conf.
      • Add net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 and then run sudo sysctl -p
  3. Configure SSH daemon to use keep alive messages.

    • Adjust /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
      TCPKeepAlive yes
      KeepAlive yes
      ClientAliveInterval 60
      ClientAliveCountMax 10

DHCP/TFTP server

  1. Install and setup dnsmasq for DNS and DHCP.

    1. sudo apt update
    2. sudo apt install dnsmasq tcpdump
    3. Disable dnsmasq interfering with DNS resolution.
      1. sudo rm /etc/resolvconf/update.d/dnsmasq
      2. sudo reboot
    4. Create dnsmasq config. Also, to disable dnsmasq on the interface to the internet, only on our experiment network!
      1. sudo cp /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.bak
      2. echo | sudo tee /etc/dnsmasq.conf
      3. Adjust /etc/dnsmasq.conf. NOTICE: Make sure to fill in the internet interface for no-dhcp!
        pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot"
  2. Create the TFTP directory.

    1. sudo mkdir /tftpboot
    2. sudo chmod 777 /tftpboot
    3. sudo systemctl enable dnsmasq.service
    4. sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq.service
  3. Restart dnsmasq.

    1. sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq
  4. Prepare files in /tftpboot. See

NFS server

  1. Run the following commands.

    sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server
    sudo systemctl enable rpcbind
    sudo systemctl restart rpcbind
    sudo systemctl enable nfs-kernel-server
    sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server
    sudo mkdir /nfs
    sudo mkdir /nfs_master
  2. Prepare root directories in /nfs, export them and use them as rootfs for Linux. See

Final startup configuration

  • Create the file /etc/rc.local if it does not exist and execute chmod +x /etc/rc.local. Otherwise, just add the two lines for selecting the experiment network interface and running the startup script in your file.

    #!/bin/sh -e
    # select experiment network interface
    #export EXPERIMENT_IF=enx00e04c680037
    # line for the startup stript
    # line for turning off the monitor (might be needed for open-standing laptops)
    #vbetool dpms off
    exit 0
  • Configure the firewall

    • Configure the variable EXPERIMENT_IF to match your experiment network interface name. All traffic will be allowed for this interface!
    • Adjust {EMBEXP-BOX}/tools/startup/ (Normally nothing extra needs to be done here.)
  • Notice: You may want to copy these startup files somewhere else and execute from there in order to better control modifications to it.

Group devel and user access

  • Create the devel group with sudo groupadd devel

  • /etc/sudoers

    # Group devel specification (e.g. allow 'sudo reboot')
    %devel	ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot
  • udev - user access to devices

    1. sudo cp {EMBEXP-BOX}/tools/openocd/contrib/60-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    2. sudo cp {EMBEXP-BOX}/config/openocd/60-embexp.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    3. sudo cp {EMBEXP-BOX}/config/openocd/60-hikeyusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    4. sudo udevadm control --reload-rules and replug, or sudo reboot
  • Refer to for how to create new users.