diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/docs/coqdoc/ABS.abs_defs.html b/docs/coqdoc/ABS.abs_defs.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d9297d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/coqdoc/ABS.abs_defs.html @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+(* generated by Ott 0.33 from: src/abs.ott *)
+ +
+Require Import Arith.
+Require Import Bool.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Ott.ott_list_core.
+ +
+Require Export Ascii.
+Require Export String.
+Require Export ZArith.
+ +
+Require Import FMapList OrderedTypeEx.
+Module Map <: FMapInterface.S := FMapList.Make String_as_OT.
+ +
+#[export] Hint Resolve bool_dec : ott_coq_equality.
+#[export] Hint Resolve ascii_dec : ott_coq_equality.
+#[export] Hint Resolve Pos.eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
+ +
+ +

ABS Definitions

+ +
+ +
+Definition i : Set := nat. (*r index variables (subscripts) *)
+Lemma eq_i: forall (x y : i), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+  decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
+Hint Resolve eq_i : ott_coq_equality.
+Definition fn : Set := string. (*r function name *)
+Lemma eq_fn: forall (x y : fn), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+  decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
+Hint Resolve eq_fn : ott_coq_equality.
+Definition x : Set := string. (*r variable *)
+Lemma eq_x: forall (x' y : x), {x' = y} + {x' <> y}.
+  decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
+Hint Resolve eq_x : ott_coq_equality.
+Definition b : Set := bool. (*r boolean *)
+Lemma eq_b: forall (x y : b), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+  decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
+Hint Resolve eq_b : ott_coq_equality.
+Definition z : Set := Z. (*r integer *)
+Lemma eq_z: forall (x y : z), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+  decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
+Hint Resolve eq_z : ott_coq_equality.
+ +
+Inductive T : Set := (*r ground type *)
+ | T_bool : T
+ | T_int : T.
+ +
+Inductive t : Set := (*r ground term *)
+ | t_b (b5:b) (*r boolean *)
+ | t_int (z5:z) (*r integer *).
+ +
+Inductive sig : Set :=
+ | sig_sig (_:list T) (T_5:T).
+ +
+Inductive e : Set := (*r expression *)
+ | e_t (t5:t) (*r term *)
+ | e_var (x5:x) (*r variable *)
+ | e_fn_call (fn5:fn) (_:list e) (*r function call *).
+ +
+Inductive ctxv : Set :=
+ | ctxv_T (T5:T)
+ | ctxv_sig (sig5:sig).
+ +
+Inductive F : Set := (*r function definition *)
+ | F_fn (T_5:T) (fn5:fn) (_:list (T*x)) (e5:e).
+ +
+Definition s : Type := Map.t t.
+ +
+Definition G : Type := Map.t ctxv.
+ +
+induction principles +
+Section e_rect.
+ +
+  (P_e : e -> Prop)
+  (P_list_e : list e -> Prop).
+ +
+  (H_e_t : forall (t5:t), P_e (e_t t5))
+  (H_e_var : forall (x5:x), P_e (e_var x5))
+  (H_e_fn_call : forall (e_list:list e), P_list_e e_list -> forall (fn5:fn), P_e (e_fn_call fn5 e_list))
+  (H_list_e_nil : P_list_e nil)
+  (H_list_e_cons : forall (e0:e), P_e e0 -> forall (e_l:list e), P_list_e e_l -> P_list_e (cons e0 e_l)).
+ +
+Fixpoint e_ott_ind (n:e) : P_e n :=
+  match n as x return P_e x with
+  | (e_t t5) => H_e_t t5
+  | (e_var x5) => H_e_var x5
+  | (e_fn_call fn5 e_list) => H_e_fn_call e_list (((fix e_list_ott_ind (e_l:list e) : P_list_e e_l := match e_l as x return P_list_e x with nil => H_list_e_nil | cons e1 xl => H_list_e_cons e1(e_ott_ind e1)xl (e_list_ott_ind xl) end)) e_list) fn5
+ +
+End e_rect.
+ +
+definitions +
+ +
+(* defns functional_well_typing *)
+Inductive typ_e : G -> e -> T -> Prop := (* defn e *)
+ | typ_bool : forall (G5:G) (b5:b),
+     typ_e G5 (e_t (t_b b5)) T_bool
+ | typ_int : forall (G5:G) (z5:z),
+     typ_e G5 (e_t (t_int z5)) T_int
+ | typ_var : forall (G5:G) (x5:x) (T5:T),
+      (Map.find x5 G5 = Some (ctxv_T T5 )) ->
+     typ_e G5 (e_var x5) T5
+ | typ_func_expr : forall (e_T_list:list (e*T)) (G5:G) (fn5:fn) (T_5:T),
+     (forall e_ T_, In (e_,T_) (map (fun (pat_: (e*T)) => match pat_ with (e_,T_) => (e_,T_) end) e_T_list) -> (typ_e G5 e_ T_)) ->
+      (Map.find fn5 G5 = Some (ctxv_sig (sig_sig (map (fun (pat_:(e*T)) => match pat_ with (e_,T_) => T_ end ) e_T_list) T_5) )) ->
+     typ_e G5 (e_fn_call fn5 (map (fun (pat_:(e*T)) => match pat_ with (e_,T_) => e_ end ) e_T_list)) T_5
+with typ_F : G -> F -> Prop := (* defn F *)
+ | typ_func_decl : forall (T_x_list:list (T*x)) (G5:G) (T_5:T) (fn5:fn) (e5:e),
+      (Map.find fn5 G5 = Some (ctxv_sig (sig_sig (map (fun (pat_:(T*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_) => T_ end ) T_x_list) T_5) )) ->
+     typ_e (fold_right (fun (ax : x * T) (G5 : G) => Map.add (fst ax) (ctxv_T (snd ax)) G5) G5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_) => (x_,T_) end ) T_x_list) ) e5 T_5 ->
+     typ_F G5 (F_fn T_5 fn5 T_x_list e5).
+ +
+definitions +
+ +
+(* defns functional_evaluation *)
+Inductive red_e : list F -> s -> e -> s -> e -> Prop := (* defn e *)
+ | red_var : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (x5:x) (t5:t),
+      (Map.find x5 s5 = Some ( t5 )) ->
+     red_e F_list s5 (e_var x5) s5 (e_t t5)
+ | red_fun_exp : forall (e'_list e_list:list e) (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (fn5:fn) (e_5:e) (s':s) (e':e),
+     red_e F_list s5 e_5 s' e' ->
+     red_e F_list s5 (e_fn_call fn5 ((app e_list (app (cons e_5 nil) (app e'_list nil))))) s' (e_fn_call fn5 ((app e_list (app (cons e' nil) (app e'_list nil)))))
+ | red_fun_ground : forall (T_x_t_y_list:list (T*x*t*x)) (F'_list F_list:list F) (T_5:T) (fn5:fn) (e5:e) (s5:s),
+      True ->
+     red_e ((app F_list (app (cons (F_fn T_5 fn5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => (T_,x_) end ) T_x_t_y_list) e5) nil) (app F'_list nil)))) s5 (e_fn_call fn5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => (e_t t_) end ) T_x_t_y_list)) (fold_right (fun (xt : x * t) (s5 : s) => Map.add (fst xt) (snd xt) s5) s5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => (y_,t_) end ) T_x_t_y_list) ) ( e5 ) .
+ +
+ +
+ + + diff --git a/docs/coqdoc/ABS.abs_functional_metatheory.html b/docs/coqdoc/ABS.abs_functional_metatheory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5752d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/coqdoc/ABS.abs_functional_metatheory.html @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+From ABS Require Import abs_defs.
+From Coq Require Import List.
+Import ListNotations.
+ +
+ +

ABS Functional Metatheory

+ +
+ +
+Definition subG (G1 G2 : G) : Prop :=
+  forall (key : string) (elt : ctxv),
+    Map.find key G1 = Some elt ->
+    Map.find key G2 = Some elt.
+ +
+Definition G_vdash_s (G5 : G) (s5 : s) :=
forall (x5 : x) (t5 : t) (T5 : T),
+  Map.find x5 s5 = Some t5 ->
+  Map.find x5 G5 = Some (ctxv_T T5) ->
+  typ_e G5 (e_t t5) T5.
+ +
+Lemma type_preservation : forall (G5 : G) (s5 : s),
+  G_vdash_s G5 s5 ->
+  forall (Flist : list F) (e5 : e) (T5 : T) (s' : s) (e' : e),
+    typ_e G5 e5 T5 ->
+    red_e Flist s5 e5 s' e' ->
+    exists G', subG G5 G' /\ G_vdash_s G' s' /\ typ_e G' e' T5.
+ +
+ +
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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Global IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(85 entries)
Variable IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(7 entries)
Library IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(2 entries)
Constructor IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(19 entries)
Inductive IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(9 entries)
Definition IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(40 entries)

Global Index



+abs_functional_metatheory [library]
+abs_defs [library]


+b [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]


+ctxv [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_rec [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_rect [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_sig [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_T [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]


+e [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_z [lemma, in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_b [lemma, in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_x [lemma, in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_fn [lemma, in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_i [lemma, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_ott_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_list_e_cons [variable, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_list_e_nil [variable, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_e_fn_call [variable, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_e_var [variable, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_e_t [variable, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.P_list_e [variable, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.P_e [variable, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect [section, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rec [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_fn_call [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_var [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_t [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]


+F [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+fn [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_rec [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_rect [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_fn [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]


+G [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+G_vdash_s [definition, in ABS.abs_functional_metatheory]


+i [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]


+Map [module, in ABS.abs_defs]


+red_e_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_e_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_fun_ground [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_fun_exp [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_var [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_e [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]


+s [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_rec [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_rect [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_sig [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+subG [definition, in ABS.abs_functional_metatheory]


+t [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+T [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+type_preservation [lemma, in ABS.abs_functional_metatheory]
+typ_F_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_F_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_e_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_e_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_func_decl [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_F [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_func_expr [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_var [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_int [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_bool [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_e [inductive, in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_rec [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_rect [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_int [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_b [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_sind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_rec [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_ind [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_rect [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_int [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_bool [constructor, in ABS.abs_defs]


+x [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]


+z [definition, in ABS.abs_defs]


Module Index



+Map [in ABS.abs_defs]


Variable Index



+e_rect.H_list_e_cons [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_list_e_nil [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_e_fn_call [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_e_var [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.H_e_t [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.P_list_e [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect.P_e [in ABS.abs_defs]


Library Index





Constructor Index



+ctxv_sig [in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_T [in ABS.abs_defs]


+e_fn_call [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_var [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_t [in ABS.abs_defs]


+F_fn [in ABS.abs_defs]


+red_fun_ground [in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_fun_exp [in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_var [in ABS.abs_defs]


+sig_sig [in ABS.abs_defs]


+typ_func_decl [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_func_expr [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_var [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_int [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_bool [in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_int [in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_b [in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_int [in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_bool [in ABS.abs_defs]


Lemma Index



+eq_z [in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_b [in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_x [in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_fn [in ABS.abs_defs]
+eq_i [in ABS.abs_defs]


+type_preservation [in ABS.abs_functional_metatheory]


Inductive Index



+ctxv [in ABS.abs_defs]


+e [in ABS.abs_defs]


+F [in ABS.abs_defs]


+red_e [in ABS.abs_defs]


+sig [in ABS.abs_defs]


+t [in ABS.abs_defs]
+T [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_F [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_e [in ABS.abs_defs]


Section Index



+e_rect [in ABS.abs_defs]


Definition Index



+b [in ABS.abs_defs]


+ctxv_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_rec [in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+ctxv_rect [in ABS.abs_defs]


+e_ott_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rec [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+e_rect [in ABS.abs_defs]


+fn [in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_rec [in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+F_rect [in ABS.abs_defs]


+G [in ABS.abs_defs]
+G_vdash_s [in ABS.abs_functional_metatheory]


+i [in ABS.abs_defs]


+red_e_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+red_e_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]


+s [in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_rec [in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+sig_rect [in ABS.abs_defs]
+subG [in ABS.abs_functional_metatheory]


+typ_F_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_F_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_e_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+typ_e_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_rec [in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+t_rect [in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_sind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_rec [in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_ind [in ABS.abs_defs]
+T_rect [in ABS.abs_defs]


+x [in ABS.abs_defs]


+z [in ABS.abs_defs]

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Global IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(85 entries)
Variable IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(7 entries)
Library IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(2 entries)
Constructor IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(19 entries)
Inductive IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(9 entries)
Definition IndexABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_other(40 entries)
+ +
+ + + diff --git a/docs/coqdoc/toc.html b/docs/coqdoc/toc.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..661843d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/coqdoc/toc.html @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + diff --git a/docs/report/main.pdf b/docs/report/main.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54568d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/report/main.pdf differ diff --git a/index.html b/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea08b09 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + + ABS Metatheory + + + + + + + + +

ABS Metatheory


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Formal metatheory in Coq for the ABS language.



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