When submitting your PR, please make sure that your code is well tested and follow the code style of Boostnote.
The code style of Boostnote is listed in .eslintrc
. We also have additional code styles that is not mentioned in that file.
Please use Object Destructing whenever it's possible.
Example: Importing from library
// BAD
import Code from 'library'
const subCode = Code.subCode
import { subCode } from 'library'
Example: Extract data from react component state
// BAD
const { name } = this.state
This is actually not a "code style" but rather a requirement in every projects. Please name your variables carefully.
Example: Naming callback function for event
// BAD
<h1 onclick={onClick}>Name</h1>
<h1 onclick={onNameClick}>Name</h1>
When writing a conditional statement, if it's too long, cut it into small meaningful variables.
// BAD
if (note.type == 'markdown' && note.index == 2 && note.content.indexOf('string') != -1)
const isSecondMarkdownNote = note.type == 'markdown' && note.index == 2
const isNoteHasString = note.content.indexOf('string') != -1
if (isSecondMarkdownNote && isNoteHasString)
When writing React components, try to use class property instead of class methods. The reason for this is explained perfectly here: https://codeburst.io/use-class-properties-to-clean-up-your-classes-and-react-components-93185879f688
// BAD
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
myMethod () {
// code goes here...
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
myMethod = () => {
// code goes here...