diff --git a/backend/src/v2/driver/driver.go b/backend/src/v2/driver/driver.go
index 444fa177d27..556da204888 100644
--- a/backend/src/v2/driver/driver.go
+++ b/backend/src/v2/driver/driver.go
@@ -1218,63 +1218,48 @@ func resolveInputs(ctx context.Context, dag *metadata.DAG, iterationIndex *int,
 				return nil, paramError(err)
+			// The producer is the task that produces the output that we need to
+			// consume.
+			producer := tasks[taskOutput.GetProducerTask()]
+			glog.V(4).Info("producer: ", producer)
+			currentTask := producer
 			// If the producer is a DAG, AND its output / producer subtask is
 			// ALSO a DAG, then we need to cycle through this loop until we
 			// arrive at a non-DAG subtask and essentially bubble up that
 			// non-DAG subtask so that its value can be consumed.
-			producerSubTaskMaybeDAG := true
-			for producerSubTaskMaybeDAG {
-				// The producer is the task that produces the output that we need to
-				// consume.
-				producer := tasks[taskOutput.GetProducerTask()]
-				glog.V(4).Info("producer: ", producer)
-				// Get the producer's outputs.
-				_, producerOutputParameters, err := producer.GetParameters()
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, paramError(fmt.Errorf("get producer output parameters: %w", err))
-				}
-				glog.V(4).Info("producer output parameters: ", producerOutputParameters)
-				// Deserialize them.
-				var producerOutputParametersMap map[string]string
-				b, err := producerOutputParameters["Output"].GetStructValue().MarshalJSON()
+			currentSubTaskMaybeDAG := true
+			for currentSubTaskMaybeDAG {
+				glog.V(4).Info("currentTask: ", currentTask.TaskName())
+				_, outputParametersCustomProperty, err := currentTask.GetParameters()
 				if err != nil {
 					return nil, err
-				json.Unmarshal(b, &producerOutputParametersMap)
-				glog.V(4).Info("producerOutputParametersMap: ", producerOutputParametersMap)
-				// If the producer's output includes a producer subtask, which means
-				// that the producer is a DAG that is getting its output from one of
-				// the tasks in the DAG, then we want to roll up the output from the
-				// producer subtask to the producer, so that the downstream logic
-				// can retrieve it appropriately.
-				if producerSubTask, ok := producerOutputParametersMap["producer_subtask"]; ok {
-					glog.V(4).Infof(
-						"Overriding producer task, %v, output with producer_subtask, %v, output.",
-						producer.TaskName(),
-						producerSubTask,
-					)
-					_, producerOutputParameters, err = tasks[producerSubTask].GetParameters()
+				// If the current task is a DAG:
+				if *currentTask.GetExecution().Type == "system.DAGExecution" {
+					// Since currentTask is a DAG, we need to deserialize its
+					// output parameter map so that we can look its
+					// corresponding producer sub-task, reassign currentTask,
+					// and iterate through this loop again.
+					var outputParametersMap map[string]string
+					b, err := outputParametersCustomProperty["Output"].GetStructValue().MarshalJSON()
 					if err != nil {
 						return nil, err
-					glog.V(4).Info("producerSubTask output parameters: ", producerOutputParameters)
-					// The only reason we're updating this is to make the downstream
-					// logging more accurate.
-					taskOutput.ProducerTask = producerOutputParametersMap["producer_subtask"]
-					// Grab the value of the producer output.
-					producerOutputParameterValue, ok := producerOutputParameters[taskOutput.GetOutputParameterKey()]
-					if !ok {
-						return nil, paramError(fmt.Errorf("cannot find output parameter key %q in producer task %q", taskOutput.GetOutputParameterKey(), taskOutput.GetProducerTask()))
-					}
-					// Update the input to be the producer output value.
-					inputs.ParameterValues[name] = producerOutputParameterValue
+					json.Unmarshal(b, &outputParametersMap)
+					glog.V(4).Info("Deserialized outputParametersMap: ", outputParametersMap)
+					subTaskName := outputParametersMap["producer_subtask"]
+					glog.V(4).Infof(
+						"Overriding currentTask, %v, output with currentTask's producer_subtask, %v, output.",
+						currentTask.TaskName(),
+						subTaskName,
+					)
+					// Reassign sub-task before running through the loop again.
+					currentTask = tasks[subTaskName]
 				} else {
-					// The producer subtask is not a DAG, so we exit the loop.
-					producerSubTaskMaybeDAG = false
-					inputs.ParameterValues[name] = producerOutputParameters[taskOutput.GetOutputParameterKey()]
+					inputs.ParameterValues[name] = outputParametersCustomProperty[taskOutput.GetOutputParameterKey()]
+					// Exit the loop.
+					currentSubTaskMaybeDAG = false
@@ -1333,8 +1318,8 @@ func resolveInputs(ctx context.Context, dag *metadata.DAG, iterationIndex *int,
 			var outputArtifactKey string
 			currentSubTaskMaybeDAG := true
 			for currentSubTaskMaybeDAG {
-				// If the current task is a DAG:
 				glog.V(4).Info("currentTask: ", currentTask.TaskName())
+				// If the current task is a DAG:
 				if *currentTask.GetExecution().Type == "system.DAGExecution" {
 					// Get the sub-task.
 					outputArtifactsCustomProperty := currentTask.GetExecution().GetCustomProperties()["output_artifacts"]
@@ -1351,13 +1336,12 @@ func resolveInputs(ctx context.Context, dag *metadata.DAG, iterationIndex *int,
 					outputArtifactKey = artifactSelectors[0].OutputArtifactKey
 					glog.V(4).Info("subTaskName: ", subTaskName)
 					glog.V(4).Info("outputArtifactKey: ", outputArtifactKey)
-					currentSubTask := tasks[subTaskName]
 					// If the sub-task is a DAG, reassign currentTask and run
 					// through the loop again.
-					currentTask = currentSubTask
+					currentTask = tasks[subTaskName]
 					// }
 				} else {
-					// Base case, subtask is a container, not a DAG.
+					// Base case, currentTask is a container, not a DAG.
 					outputs, err := mlmd.GetOutputArtifactsByExecutionId(ctx, currentTask.GetID())
 					if err != nil {
 						return nil, artifactError(err)
diff --git a/backend/src/v2/metadata/client.go b/backend/src/v2/metadata/client.go
index c6729cb67b5..c11d5f356f0 100644
--- a/backend/src/v2/metadata/client.go
+++ b/backend/src/v2/metadata/client.go
@@ -136,8 +136,6 @@ type ExecutionConfig struct {
 	ParentDagID      int64 // parent DAG execution ID. Only the root DAG does not have a parent DAG.
 	InputParameters  map[string]*structpb.Value
 	OutputParameters map[string]*structpb.Value
-	// OutputArtifacts  map[string]*structpb.Value
-	// OutputArtifacts  []*pipelinespec.DagOutputsSpec_ArtifactSelectorSpec
 	OutputArtifacts  map[string]*pipelinespec.DagOutputsSpec_DagOutputArtifactSpec
 	InputArtifactIDs map[string][]int64
 	IterationIndex   *int // Index of the iteration.