Our goal is to not make radical changes to process or approach, but iterate on our working methods to increase velocity and output in a stable, consistent way.
In spite of increasing technical challenges:
- Goal: 3/30 - Stretch Goal: 40
- Status: +3 (Merged):
- Goal: Clear debt back to 1.9
6 months of debt to erase!
- 1.11 +2: {read,patch}ApiregistrationStatus
- 1.10 +5: {replace,patch,list,…}Apiregistration
- 3 of theses endpoints are coved by our first merged test for 1.21
- 4 Endpoints to go, looking good!
- PodProxyWithPath & ServiceProxyWithPath test - + 12 Dependant on Image build to be updated
- AppsV1DaemonSet resource lifecycle test - +6
- Service Status Life Cycle test - +3
- All the 1.9 Technical debt is in the Apps API group
- We are working with SIG App to beat the debt
- Our job k/test-infra#19173
- is runnig on prow.k8s.io
- is catching untested new endpoints
- 3 New untested endpoints was already detected in 1.21
- We are engaging the community ensure promotion of conformance tests
- further automation is in progress
- 1.21 still under discussion
- Consideration between 3 or 4 releases per year ongoing
- Should be agreed shortly
- cncf/k8s-conformance gate is running
- Looks like it’s working
- Discussion point: Labels and removing labels
- No radical changes
- Keep same goals as 1.20
- Know that Endpoints get tougher
In what other ways can we support the CNCF?