Our goal is to not make radical changes to process or approach, but iterate on our working methods to increase velocity and output in a stable, consistent way.
In spite of increasing technical challenges:
- Goal: 28/30 - Stretch Goal: 40
- Goal: Clear debt back to 1.9
6 months of debt to erase! 1.11 +2: {read,patch}ApiregistrationStatus
- 1.10 +5: {replace,patch,list,…}Apiregistration
- 4 Endpoints to go
- These endpoints are block due to a possible bug
- Write AppsV1DaemonSetStatus test - +3 endpoints #100507
- Write PodProxy Redirect Test - +7 endpoint coverage #94786
- All the 1.9 Technical debt is in the Apps API group
- An Umbrella Issue was created and we are working with SIG App to erase that debt
- The cover for Apps endpoints moved from 48% in 1.20 to 62% in 1.21
- ii currently manage the Ineligible endpoints list
- This is done via SQL queries in APISnoop
- SIG Architecture agreed to move it to the community
- PR #98677 will make it happen
- APISnoop functionallity will be updated in 1.22
- 32 new endpoints to GA
- Endpoints for:
- CronJob
- EndpointSlice
- PodDisruptionBudget
- 1.22 timeline is not avalble yet
- It should be another 14 week cycle
- We experienced some issues due to changes made to the 1.20 release branch
after the release was cut.
- It was fixed with PR99081
- Block conformance changes on release branches in k/k #21082 was intruduced to protect release branches
- #21092 reverted the change an must be revisited in 1.22
- Increase Stable Test Coverage for Kubernetes for 2021
- Less than 75 untested eligible stable GA endpoints remaining.
- Ensure no new technical debt is incurred.
- At the end of 1.22 there is 123 endpoints remaining
ii will present a Maintainer Track Sessions on Conformance progress and it’s importance. Wednesday May 5, 2021 12:20 CEST
- Conformance tests for 20 previously untested endpoints
- Know that Endpoints get tougher
- Status endpoints is currently a big community topic
In what other ways can we support the CNCF?