2021-09-02 - Remi Ferrand puppet@cc.in2p3.fr - 2.0.0
- PR#8: Type signature rework and conversion to file_line (huge thanks to Phil DeMonaco)
Public inteface was changed, please refer to Conversion from 1.x.x Releases note for a migration guide.
2017-09-13 - Remi Ferrand puppet@cc.in2p3.fr - 1.1.1
- Issue #7: Fixes forge files permissions (bad umask was used when generating package)
2017-08-02 - Remi Ferrand puppet@cc.in2p3.fr - 1.1.0
- PR#6: Specify lens and incl to augeas to speed up things
2015-11-27 - Remi Ferrand puppet@cc.in2p3.fr - 1.0.2
- Fix LICENSE file encoding issue that prevents publication on the Puppet forge
2015-11-27 - Remi Ferrand puppet@cc.in2p3.fr - 1.0.1
- PR#4: Add support for dashed services names
2015-01-08 - Remi Ferrand puppet@cc.in2p3.fr - 1.0.0
- Initial release