- fully implemented SmartPrompt language and dynamic UI; fixed cache invalidation (e1db385)
- proofreading changed for SmartPrompt V2; user feedback impl. (cd22394)
- rendering of UI fields parsed from prompt; .liquid tpl support, 2-pass value loop done (aad1992)
- smartprompt: parser/compiler V2 implemented (0bf792c)
- added missing vectorstore link (8202d47)
- center alignment (7724ec5)
- changelog, split docs and fixes (f59c4d1)
- correcting assignment and recall of API key (5f2e56f)
- docs formatting (5ee5fe2)
- docs formatting and links (e84d686)
- docs links (54c3274)
- docs links (ff25f72)
- editor content styling (344d15e)
- huge logo (e0e5491)
- initial display size is 1024 x 768 now (11c20f5)
- layout rendering for feedback and draft editor (ced2611)
- markdown formatting default text (6004a45)
- package.json (2da357c)
- post-processing for markdown parsing issues (1cc3670)
- prompt refinements (38d7f8e)
- prompt structure (07db5ec)
- resize handle icon position (0207a3d)
- separator UX fix (height) (8beb658)
- stabilized md content preprocessing (9a0f1b3)
- streaming and chunk rendering (4e375dd)
- style adjustments, stabilizing font-size display over various websites (329230a)
- style fix for font sizing (9aa6ffd)
- tab highlighting fixed (0959927)
- UX optimized for editor menu bar icons and paddings (67e9a4c)
- abstracted streaming LLM api client for OpenAI (aad6ee9)
- added perplexity AI support for online fact-checking (cdac3cc)
- automatic content extraction using autocorrelation algorithm (eb3d0fc)
- basic implementation for coaching module (16a9c0b)
- better default text (58f3010)
- browser compatibility reset CSS (2b205fd)
- CKEditor experimental integration (d67bf39)
- debug code for scripts (afb5ba9)
- editor scrolls down automatically when streaming (360ec91)
- i18n support with EN and DE, plus language switcher (4a7d1ad)
- implemented feedback modal and sending (f188205)
- implemented indexeddb database support with dexie abstraction, key-value storage (23a2b78)
- implemented streaming transcription and live transcoding (a92f289)
- implemented window-independent zooming with state persistency (f0a66f0)
- improved UX by adding separators in between header elements (227b18c)
- more flexible token and cost calculation, UX improvements (4340d30)
- persist language setting and restore, for all pages (945c712)
- preparation of LLM abstraction layer (5dcb28b)
- prompt template language speced; indexdb frontend integration; draft editor live-sync; handlebars parser, needs to be re-implemented (6f26210)
- prompt/tool plan (7e3de7d)
- reordered zoom and extract button position, according to user interview feedback (8730ed3)
- scarping using ZenRows (cb300b0)
- scraping algorithm with auto-correlation for most relevant content (ffe1d33)
- styled sonner component; shareable smart prompts with Markdown data format (74fa48e)
- summary module and prompt; generic module enhancements (0aed956)
- translation, interactive prompt (37646f3)
- UI optimizations and bug fixes (657cf5d)
- UI rework and content extraction optimization (4856e57)
- using gpt-4o, enhanced storage interface for storage layer flag local or session (063ed2e)
- UX refinement, collapsible navigation, navigation padding fixed (f1a6ccd)
- added perplexity AI support for online fact-checking (cdac3cc)
- browser compatibility reset CSS (2b205fd)
- debug code for scripts (afb5ba9)
- i18n support with EN and DE, plus language switcher (4a7d1ad)
- scarping using ZenRows (cb300b0)
- scraping algorithm with auto-correlation for most relevant content (ffe1d33)
- Integrated and tested 5 different WYSIWYG editors ( e6472b7 ):
- Tried Milkdown/CodeMirror (quality issues, complexity) [Markdown]
- Tried CKEditor (license issue) [HTML]
- Tried TinyMCE (license issue from 7+ on) [HTML]
- Tried Quill (BSD Clause, MIT compatible, commercially usable) [HTML], issues with selection in ShadowDOM
- Tried Slate, MIT licensed,
- Finally found Plate, based on Slate and compatible with Tailwind and Shadcn
- correcting assignment and recall of API key (5f2e56f)
- initial display size is 1024 x 768 now (11c20f5)
- style adjustments, stabilizing font-size display over various websites (329230a)
- style fix for font sizing (9aa6ffd)
- tab highlighting fixed (0959927)
- better default text (58f3010)
- CKEditor experimental integration (d67bf39)
- implemented indexeddb database support with dexie abstraction, key-value storage (23a2b78)
- implemented streaming transcription and live transcoding (a92f289)
- using gpt-4o, enhanced storage interface for storage layer flag local or session (063ed2e)
- added missing vectorstore link (8202d47)
- changelog, split docs and fixes (f59c4d1)
- docs formatting (5ee5fe2)
- docs formatting and links (e84d686)
- docs links (54c3274)
- docs links (ff25f72)
- huge logo (e0e5491)
- better default text (58f3010)
- preparation of LLM abstraction layer (5dcb28b)
- translation, interactive prompt (37646f3)
- package.json (2da357c)