Use devcontainer (locally)
-1. Install [Docker]( on your local machine.
-1. Install devcontainer CLI:
- Open command palette (CMD + SHIFT+ P) type *Install devcontainer CLI*
- ![](./docs/install_devcontainer_cli.png)
-1. Next build and open dev container:
- ```bash
- # build dev container
- devcontainer build .
- # open dev container
- devcontainer open .
- ```
-Verify you are in a development container by running commands:
-terraform -v
-yc --version
-dbt --version
-If any of these commands fails printing out used software version then you are probably running it on your local machine not in a dev container!
-## 2. Deploy Infrastructure to Yandex.Cloud with Terraform
-1. Get familiar with Yandex.Cloud web UI
- We will deploy:
- - [Yandex Managed Service for ClickHouse](
- ![](./docs/clickhouse_management_console.gif)
-1. Configure `yc` CLI: [Getting started with the command-line interface by Yandex Cloud](
- ```bash
- yc init
- ```
-1. Populate `.env` file
- `.env` is used to store secrets as environment variables.
- Copy template file [.env.template](./.env.template) to `.env` file:
- ```bash
- cp .env.template .env
- ```
- Open file in editor and set your own values.
- > ❗️ Never commit secrets to git
-1. Set environment variables:
- ```bash
- export YC_TOKEN=$(yc iam create-token)
- export YC_CLOUD_ID=$(yc config get cloud-id)
- export YC_FOLDER_ID=$(yc config get folder-id)
- export $(xargs <.env)
- ```
-1. Deploy using Terraform
- Configure YC Terraform provider:
- ```bash
- cp terraformrc ~/.terraformrc
- ```
- Get familiar with Cloud Infrastructure: [](./ and [](./
- ```bash
- terraform init
- terraform validate
- terraform fmt
- terraform plan
- terraform apply
- ```
- Store terraform output values as Environment Variables:
- ```bash
- export CLICKHOUSE_HOST=$(terraform output -raw clickhouse_host_fqdn)
- export DBT_PASSWORD=${TF_VAR_clickhouse_password}
- ```
- [EN] Reference: [Getting started with Terraform by Yandex Cloud](
- [RU] Reference: [Начало работы с Terraform by Yandex Cloud](
-## 3. Check database connection
-[Configure JDBC (DBeaver) connection](