Ladies Who Code LDN | April 2015
For those who made it to our February 'Everyone's new at something' meetup, Maya Bonkowski who spoke about Coding on the metal (on the processor) was our speaker again in April; back by popular demand! This month she discussed Low-level graphics with math and those dirty memory pointers ;)
A very brief intro into:
- Abstract algebra that nobody told you already know
- How number systems we use are intuited to a context rather than mathematics being an absolute
- Why memory pointers have a bad reputation
And how to use all of the above good stuff to mess around in video frame buffers to do realtime effects.
- To be added
- The best C++ book Maya's come across to learn from is Andrew Koenig's "Accelerated C++"
- All the Pointer Code was much more pure C and to learn that the source is still Kernighan and Ritchie's "The C Programming language"
- Maya used openFrameworks to demo the video tricks. You can download it here:
- For Linux and Windows she's had more luck with code::blocks