Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Origins | List<List<double>> | An array of 2D points within the plane of the wall for the origin of each window. Each point should be a list of 2 (x, y) values. The wall plane is assumed to have an origin at the first point of the wall segment and an X-axis extending along the length of the segment. The wall plane Y-axis always points upwards. Therefore, both X and Y values of each origin point should be positive. | |
Widths | List<double> | An array of positive numbers for the window widths. The length of this list must match the length of the origins. | |
Heights | List<double> | An array of positive numbers for the window heights. The length of this list must match the length of the origins. | |
Type | string | [optional] [readonly] [default to "RectangularWindows"] | |
AreDoors | List<bool> | An array of booleans that align with the origins and note whether each of the geometries represents a door (True) or a window (False). If None, it will be assumed that all geometries represent windows and they will be translated to Apertures in any resulting Honeybee model. | [optional] |