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extrakto for tmux


Output completions - you can complete commands that require you to retype text that is already on the screen. This works everywhere, even in remote ssh sessions.

You can fuzzy find your text instead of selecting it by hand:

  • press tmux prefix + tab to start extrakto
  • fuzzy find the text/path/url/line
  • use custom filters (ctrl + f)
  • press
    • tab to insert it to the current pane,
    • enter to copy it to the clipboard,
  • see other features in HELP (press ctrl-h in extrakto)

Use it for paths, URLs, options from a man page, git hashes, docker container names, ...



  • tmux - popups require 3.2, otherwise extrakto will open in a split window.
  • fzf
  • Python 3.6+
  • a posix shell like Bash

Supported clipboards:

  • Linux Xorg (xclip) and Wayland (wl-copy)
  • macOS (pbcopy)
  • WSL
  • bring your own, see the Wiki for examples (like termux)

Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager

Add the plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'laktak/extrakto'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it. You can use prefix + U to update all plugins.

You should now have all extrakto key bindings defined.

Manual Installation

Clone the repo:

$ git clone ~/clone/path

Add this line to the bottom of .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/clone/path/extrakto.tmux

Reload the tmux environment:

# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

You should now have all extrakto key bindings defined.


Add or look for special tips in our wiki.


You can set any of these options by adding them to your ~/.tmux.conf file:

set -g <option> "<value>"

Where <option> and <value> correspond to one of the options specified below

Common Options

Option Default Description
@extrakto_grab_area window full Whether you want extrakto to grab data from the recent area, the full pane, all current window's (window recent) areas or all current window's (window full) panes. You can also set this option to any number you want (or number preceded by "window ", e.g. "window 500"), this allows you to grab a smaller amount of data from the pane(s) than the pane's limit. For instance, you may have a really big limit for tmux history but using the same limit may end up on having slow performance on Extrakto.
@extrakto_filter_order word all line Filter modes order. The first listed mode will be the default when opening extrakto. You may use word, line, path, url, quote, s-quote or any of your own filters separated by a space. all applies all filters at the same time.


Option Default Description
@extrakto_key tab The key binding to start. If you have any special requirements (like a custom key table) set this to 'none'. See "Custom Tmux Keybindings".
@extrakto_copy_key enter Key to copy selection to clipboard.
@extrakto_insert_key tab Key to insert selection.
@extrakto_filter_key ctrl-f Key to toggle filter mode.
@extrakto_grab_key ctrl-g Key to toggle grab mode.
@extrakto_edit_key ctrl-e Key to run the editor.
@extrakto_open_key ctrl-o Key to run the open command.

All but @extrakto_key are controlled by fzf and must follow its conventions.

Advanced Options

Option Default Description
@extrakto_clip_tool_run bg Set this to tmux_osc52 to enable remote clipboard support or fg/bg to have your clipboard tool run in a foreground/background shell.
@extrakto_clip_tool auto Set this to whatever clipboard tool you would like extrakto to use to copy data into your clipboard. auto will try to choose the correct clipboard for your platform.
@extrakto_editor This defaults to $EDITOR if not set.
@extrakto_fzf_layout default Control the fzf layout which is "bottom-up" by default. If you prefer "top-down" layout instead set this to reverse. In fact, this value is passed to the fzf --layout parameter. Possible values are: default, reverse and reverse-list
@extrakto_fzf_tool fzf Set this to path of fzf if it can't be found in your PATH.
@extrakto_fzf_header i c o e f g h Define the fzf header to show keys for insert, copy, open, edit, filter, grab and help. You can reorder or omit information you don't need.
@extrakto_fzf_unset_default_opts true Unsets custom FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS as it can potentially cause problems in extrakto operations
@extrakto_open_tool auto Set this to path of your own tool or auto to use your platforms open implementation.
@extrakto_popup_position C Set position of the tmux popup window. Possible values are in the display-popup entry in man tmux. Set this to x,y to set the x and y positions to x and y respectively.
@extrakto_popup_size 90% Set width and height of the tmux popup window. Set this to w,h to set the width to w and height to h.
@extrakto_split_direction a Whether the tmux split will be auto, popup, vertical or horizontal
@extrakto_split_size 7 The size of the tmux split (for vertical/horizontal)


set -g @extrakto_split_size "15"
set -g @extrakto_clip_tool "xsel --input --clipboard" # works better for nvim
set -g @extrakto_copy_key "tab"      # use tab to copy to clipboard
set -g @extrakto_insert_key "enter"  # use enter to insert selection
set -g @extrakto_fzf_unset_default_opts "false"  # keep our custom FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS
set -g @extrakto_fzf_header "i c f g" # for small screens shorten the fzf header

Custom Tmux Keybindings

Instead of using @extrakto_key you can define your own key binding to start extrakto in your .tmux.conf:

tmux bind-key YOUR-KEY run-shell "~/.tmux/plugins/extrakto/scripts/ \"#{pane_id}\""

If you wish you can also define different keys to start with a specific filter:

tmux bind-key YOUR-KEY run-shell "~/.tmux/plugins/extrakto/scripts/ \"#{pane_id}\" FILTER-NAME"

Custom Filters

You can define your own filters by creating a file in ~/.config/extrakto/extrakto.conf:

regex: ("[^"\n\r]+")

To override an existing filter copy it to your file first.

If you want to remove one of the alternate filters you can set it to None:

alt2: None

See extrakto.conf for syntax and predefined filters.


You can also use extrakto as a standalone tool to extract tokens from text.


For now simply clone the repository and link to the tool somewhere in your path:

git clone
cd extrakto
# assuming you `export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin` in your `.bashrc`:
ln -s $PWD/ ~/.local/bin/extrakto

Requires Python 3.6+.

CLI Usage

usage: [-h] [--name] [-w] [-l] [--all] [-a ADD] [-p] [-u] [--alt] [-r] [-m MIN_LENGTH] [--warn-empty]

Extracts tokens from plaintext.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name                prefix filter name in the output
  -w, --words           extract "word" tokens
  -l, --lines           extract lines
  --all                 extract using all filters defined in extrakto.conf
  -a ADD, --add ADD     add custom filter
  -p, --paths           short for -a=path
  -u, --urls            short for -a=url
  --alt                 return alternate variants for each match (e.g. and
  -r, --reverse         reverse output
  -m MIN_LENGTH, --min-length MIN_LENGTH
                        minimum token length
  --warn-empty          warn if result is empty


Thanks go to all contributors for their ideas and PRs!

If you make a PR, please keep it small so that it's easier to test and review. Try to create one PR per feature/bug.

Please run black if you change any python code and run shfmt -p if you change any shell files.