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TTyped is a dependently typed language based on the Calculus of Constructions (CoC). Features/quirks include

  1. Conversion from curry variables to de Bruijn indices for variable identification.
  2. The ability to define axioms.
  3. Full reduction of terms that don't contain axioms.
  4. Extraction to the Untyped Lambda Calculus and Scheme.
  5. A REPL that allows for easy experimentation with the CoC.

There is also a version based on intuitionistic type theory in the branch martin_lof (obsolete). A video describing this project can be found at


Comment lines start with a # and extend to the end of the line. Underscores (_) denote ignored variables.


The grammar for the core language is

term = forall , argAndBody
     | lambda , argAndBody
     | explicit , ( { "->" , explicit } | { explicit } ) ;

(* Here explicit refers to the explicit use of parenthesis. *)
explicit = '*'
         | sym
         | '(' , term , ')'

argAndBody = ( "_" | sym ) , ':' , explicit , '.' , term ;

forall = '∀' | '@' ;
lambda = 'λ' | '\' ;

sym = char , { char } ;
char = ? [a-zA-Z] ? ;

Binding Extensions

The core language is extended with bindings at the top level of the REPL and files. These bindings have the form

repl = axiom | bind | object ;

axiom = "axiom" , sym , ':' , term ;

bind = "let" , sym , '=' , object ;

also sym becomes

sym = ( char , { char } ) - ("axiom" | "let");

The let keyword is necessary to avoid backtracing in the parser and ambiguity with function application.


TTyped's semantics is essentially the same as the CoC extended with axioms. See "The Calculus of Constructions" by Coquand and Huet for its full semantics. One interesting thing to note is that the syntax given in the paper rules out unbound variables and forces * to be used only at the type level, while TTyped uses separate semantics checks. This is partly done to make parsing easier, as well as because TTyped uses Church-style variables instead of de Bruijn indices in its syntax. These Church-style variables are then converted into de Bruijn indices for type checking and reduction.


Axioms is TTyped's extension to the CoC. Axioms are symbolic that take on any valid variable type. One may think of an axiom ax of type t as a wrapper around the whole program like so \ax : t. ....

TODO: Give typing judgements and reductions for axioms. They should be almost identical to those for variables.

Example Session

> rlwrap stack run

λ> let id = \a : *. \x : a. x
λ> id
Value     | λa : *. λx : a. x
Type      | ∀a : *. ∀x : a. a
Extracted | λx1. x1
λ> let idT = @a : *. a -> a
λ> idT
Value     | ∀a : *. a -> a
Type      | *
λ> id idT id
Value     | λa : *. λx : a. x
Type      | ∀a : *. a -> a
Extracted | λx1. x1
λ> axiom bot : @a : *. a
λ> bot idT
Value     | bot (∀a : *. a -> a)
Type      | ∀a : *. a -> a
Extracted | bot

A couple of things should be readily apparent from the above example. First, all non-let expression will have their value and type printed. Second, any value that is not a type will be extracted to the untyped lambda calculus and the result will be printed. Third, axiom applications will, and cannot, be reduced.

Note that internally TTyped uses de Bruijn indices. Thus, there may be times when a variable name could refer to two different variables. For disambiguation, a variable name v that refers to a binding other than the closest binding is also given with its de Bruijn index n, using the notation v[n]. If v is an axiom, then is used, giving v[∞]. An example would be

λ> \a : *. \a : a. a
Value     | λa : *. λa : a. a
Type      | ∀a : *. ∀a : a. a[1]
Extracted | λa1. a1

Here the value the trailing a refers to the second variable, while in the type a[1] refers to the first variable.

Files that contain bindings can also be preloaded.

> rlwrap stack run lib/ lib/

λ> id
Value     | λa : *. λx : a. x
Type      | ∀a : *. ∀x : a. a
Extracted | λx1. x1
λ> const
Value     | λa : *. λx : a. λb : *. λ_ : b. x
Type      | ∀a : *. ∀x : a. ∀b : *. b -> a
Extracted | λx1. λv3. x1
λ> add two three
Value     | λr : *. λf : (r -> r). λx : r. f (f (f (f (f x))))
Type      | ∀r : *. (r -> r) -> r -> r
Extracted | λf1. λx2. f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 x2))))
λ> five
Value     | λr : *. λf : (r -> r). λx : r. f (f (f (f (f x))))
Type      | ∀r : *. ∀f : (r -> r). ∀x : r. r
Extracted | λf1. λx2. f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 x2))))
λ> mult three three
Value     | λr : *. λf : (r -> r). λx : r. f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f x))))))))
Type      | ∀r : *. (r -> r) -> r -> r
Extracted | λf1. λx2. f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 x2))))))))
λ> nine
Value     | λr : *. λf : (r -> r). λx : r. f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f x))))))))
Type      | ∀r : *. ∀f : (r -> r). ∀x : r. r
Extracted | λf1. λx2. f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 (f1 x2))))))))
λ> nat
Value     | ∀r : *. (r -> r) -> r -> r
Type      | *

Scheme Extraction

Scheme code can be extracted with the --extract flag. This option must be given a directory to output extracted Scheme scripts to. To run the example hello application run.

> mkdir tmp
> stack run -- lib/ lib/scheme/ examples/ -e tmp
> cat tmp/ lib/scheme/base.scm  tmp/ tmp/ examples/hello.scm > tmp/out.scm

You can now run tmp/out.scm using an interpreter of your choice. The script should simply print 5.


Axioms are left unimplemented in the extracted Scheme code, and must be implemented in order for the extracted code to run. This can be used to implement a FFI. See examples/ and lib/scheme/ for examples.


Use of Axioms

tl;dw DO NOT use axioms if you are doing proofs!!!

The axiom statement allows us to introduces terms whose types are not constructible within the confines of CoC. Since this also allows any type to be inhabited, any program that uses axioms may be unsound (see `lib/, and as such it is recommended to avoid them when doing proofs. However, axioms are useful for several things.

  • We want to introduce logical axioms which are impossible under CoC (see lib/
  • As an FFI to Scheme.

The ret Pattern

The ret pattern is a technique where we assert that an object has a certain type. Using ret, defined in lib/ as \a : *. \x : a. x, we can write ret A x to assert that x : A when type checking. This is useful to make sure a function has the right return type. For example, add in lib/ is defined as \n : natT. \m : natT. ret natT (...). This pattern is used throughout the definitions in lib. It is also useful when using the REPL to determine the type of expressions.


The best way to check TTyped is to run it over all the libraries. One may also use stack check. However, many bugs may not be caught with the default number of QuickCheck samples, so increasing the sample rate may be a good idea. An example

> stack test --ta -a10000

ttyped- test (suite: spec, args: -a10000)

    reduction of type checked term produces normal form
    \a : *. \x : a. x has type @a : *. @x : a. a
    reducing twice produces the same result
    reduction preserves types

Finished in 6.0064 seconds
4 examples, 0 failures


If you wish to contribute please open up a GitHub issue or PR. I want to keep TTyped as a minimal implementation of the CoC, so extensions to the core language semantics will probably be turned down. However, syntax extensions that improve QoL would be nice. Also, any help in finding bugs in the type checker and reduction engine would be much appreciated.


  • The pretty printer is kinda dumb when it comes to the short hand for function types (ie. a -> b). It will only print pi types this way if they ignore their first argument (ie. have the form @_ : a. b). Functions like \x : a. x have the infered type of @x : a. a, and thus will not have types printed as a -> a. This should be fixed.

  • Add better AST conversion and type errors.


Copyright (C) 2020, Taran Lynn <>

This program is licensed under the GPLv3 (see the LICENSE file).