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We propose several unsupervised segmentation methods and several evaluation metrics and visualizations ( We also consider some baselines and upper bounds to have something we can compare our models with. We measure some additional experiments to support our hypotheses. But also we analyze both datasets (Cantus and GregoBase) and their properties. The outcomes of these experiments and analyses are stored in the notebooks/ folder as outputs of jupyter notebook's cells. Furthermore, we provide the best practices for using our models and evaluation functions.

Note that the in the case we would want to run cells of the particular jupyter notebook, we have to place the notebook into the root directory (with the extracted dataset files as described in The jupyter notebook needs to be in the same directory as the src/ folder.


Each experiment type of a particular dataset (antiphons / no4antiphons / responsories) is measured in one jupyter notebook file.

  • antiphons.ipynb: the notebook contains all models we propose and their results of all evaluation metrics on the antiphon dataset
  • antiphons/
    • baselines.ipynb: the notebook evaluates Words segmentation proposed by Cornelissen and the Rand segmentation on the antiphon dataset
    • NHPYLMModes_5seeds.ipynb: the notebook checks the validness of the NHPYLMModes model by shuffling gold data of modes on the antiphon dataset
    • overlapping_n_grams.ipynb: the notebook evaluates the NgramOverlap to get the upper bound on the antiphon dataset
    • trimmed_experiments.ipynb: the notebook measures the experiment of removing segments from the left, right, or both sides at the same time of chant melodies on the antiphon dataset
  • no4antiphons.ipynb: the notebook contains all models we propose and their results of all evaluation metrics on the antiphons-without-differentiae dataset
  • no4antiphons/
    • baselines.ipynb: the notebook evaluates Words and ngram segmentations proposed by Cornelissen and the Rand segmentation on the antiphons-without-differentiae dataset
    • NHPYLMModes_5seeds.ipynb: the notebook checks the validness of the NHPYLMModes model by shuffling gold data of modes on the antiphons-without-differentiae dataset
    • overlapping_n_grams.ipynb: the notebook evaluates the NgramOverlap to get the upper bound on the antiphons-without-differentiae dataset
    • trimmed_experiments.ipynb: the notebook measures the experiment of removing segments from the left, right, or both sides at the same time of chant melodies on the antiphons-without-differentiae dataset
  • responsories.ipynb: the notebook contains all models we propose and their results of all evaluation metrics on the responsory dataset
  • responsories/
    • baselines.ipynb: the notebook evaluates Syllables segmentation proposed by Cornelissen and the Rand segmentation on the responsory dataset
    • NHPYLMModes_5seeds.ipynb: the notebook checks the validness of the NHPYLMModes model by shuffling gold data of modes on the responsory dataset
    • overlapping_n_grams.ipynb: the notebook evaluates the NgramOverlap to get the upper bound on the responsory dataset
    • trimmed_experiments.ipynb: the notebook measures the experiment of removing segments from the left, right, or both sides at the same time of chant melodies on the responsory dataset
  • corpus_analysis.ipynb: the notebook analyzes both corpora (Cantus and GregoBase) and their properties
  • phrases_dataset.ipynb: the notebook provides the guideline on how to prepare the filtered GregoBase dataset containing pause marks | based on the GregoBase corpus


As part of this section, we list the baseline results compared with our proposals.


bacor_accuracy bacor_f1 nb_accuracy nb_f1
Rand 87.59 87.39 81.37 82.20
Words_liq 94.76 94.71 90.17 90.30
Words 95.22 95.18 91.01 91.10
UM3_5 93.58 93.53 88.15 88.43
UM1_7 94.52 94.47 88.70 89.06
UMM3_5 93.99 93.98 93.03 93.03
UMM1_7 92.69 92.64 83.34 83.01
NHPYLM 95.77 95.75 93.94 94.03
NHPYLMModes 96.03 96.03 96.18 96.18
BERT 89.52 89.39 81.80 82.26
NgramOverlap 96.13 96.11 92.74 92.59
perplexity vocab_size avg_seg_len vocab_levenshtein
Rand - 14986 4.28 0.91
Words_liq - 11087 3.77 0.91
Words - 9434 3.77 0.90
UM3_5 818.79 2325 4.26 0.99
UM1_7 1517.45 3581 4.96 0.93
UMM3_5 441.70 3143 4.06 0.97
UMM1_7 367.89 3782 3.85 0.92
NHPYLM 25.20 2161 2.44 0.90
NHPYLMModes 28.10 3493 2.78 0.93
BERT - 6300 1.85 0.82
wtmf maww mawp wufpc
Rand 64.61 26.89 37.20 5.82
Words_liq 63.00 100.00 - 6.23
Words 61.71 100.00 - 5.73
UM3_5 54.91 32.76 46.83 5.59
UM1_7 57.92 33.10 51.63 5.33
UMM3_5 64.21 34.45 48.23 5.71
UMM1_7 59.90 38.66 56.49 5.85
NHPYLM 49.27 47.87 71.81 7.73
NHPYLMModes 60.50 49.32 67.23 6.27
BERT 48.09 57.75 64.38 6.92

Antiphons Without Differentiae

bacor_accuracy bacor_f1 nb_accuracy nb_f1
Rand 81.70 81.08 75.33 76.68
Words_liq 90.28 90.16 86.57 86.84
Words 90.53 90.38 86.72 86.98
4gram_liq 91.27 91.14 83.25 83.62
UM3_5 90.11 90.00 84.50 84.94
UM1_7 89.84 89.69 84.99 85.50
UMM3_5 89.82 89.77 87.43 87.40
UMM1_7 88.12 87.91 76.21 75.92
NHPYLM 92.99 92.90 91.07 91.31
NHPYLMModes 94.02 94.01 93.58 93.59
BERT 87.28 87.11 79.46 80.02
NgramOverlap 94.69 94.65 90.14 89.95
perplexity vocab_size avg_seg_len vocab_levenshtein
Rand - 14281 4.26 0.91
Words_liq - 10780 3.63 0.91
Words - 9201 3.63 0.90
4gram_liq - 4211 3.89 1.00
UM3_5 825.84 2270 4.25 0.99
UM1_7 1511.34 3407 4.83 0.93
UMM3_5 525.07 3122 4.01 0.98
UMM1_7 401.23 3731 3.58 0.92
NHPYLM 26.10 2353 2.34 0.90
NHPYLMModes 31.08 3317 2.69 0.93
BERT - 6654 1.97 0.84
wtmf maww mawp wufpc
Rand 63.39 27.37 37.44 5.79
Words_liq 61.50 100.00 - 6.22
Words 60.09 100.00 - 5.72
4gram_liq 55.05 29.51 - 6.36
UM3_5 52.79 32.39 48.79 5.58
UM1_7 52.44 31.07 52.44 5.38
UMM3_5 60.75 34.29 51.26 5.61
UMM1_7 54.91 37.74 58.13 6.00
NHPYLM 49.63 46.78 71.59 7.72
NHPYLMModes 55.99 47.78 67.91 6.28
BERT 47.71 52.74 62.84 7.19


bacor_accuracy bacor_f1 nb_accuracy nb_f1
Rand 82.12 81.93 75.11 76.09
Syllables_liq 92.70 92.68 89.81 89.95
Syllables 93.27 93.25 89.43 89.55
UM3_5 92.18 92.13 84.73 84.89
UM1_7 92.41 92.38 86.39 86.59
UMM3_5 91.18 91.18 90.61 90.62
UMM1_7 89.47 89.45 79.66 78.94
NHPYLM 93.12 93.12 91.13 91.23
NHPYLMModes 94.22 94.22 94.22 94.21
BERT 87.43 87.37 75.91 76.49
NgramOverlap 94.31 94.30 93.22 93.20
6gramOverlap 95.21 95.20 91.99 91.92
perplexity vocab_size avg_seg_len vocab_levenshtein
Rand - 16839 4.37 0.91
Syllables_liq - 7342 2.92 0.90
Syllables - 6907 2.92 0.90
UM3_5 978.36 2625 4.44 0.99
UM1_7 1972.99 4443 5.22 0.94
UMM3_5 523.54 3336 4.16 0.98
UMM1_7 475.59 4447 4.11 0.94
NHPYLM 22.92 2676 2.68 0.92
NHPYLMModes 24.99 4170 2.93 0.93
BERT - 4862 1.42 0.76
wtmf maww mawp wufpc
Rand 57.59 26.22 27.20 7.11
Syllables_liq 49.75 100.00 - 9.22
Syllables 49.37 100.00 - 7.63
UM3_5 47.49 35.31 39.37 7.03
UM1_7 52.94 36.29 44.60 6.89
UMM3_5 56.93 38.23 43.27 7.05
UMM1_7 56.29 41.30 54.67 7.23
NHPYLM 46.15 55.49 76.52 8.84
NHPYLMModes 53.96 54.06 68.80 7.53
BERT 41.04 69.23 81.04 8.43

Top 100 Features

Using our feature extraction method (taking 100 most frequent segments from the top 1000 features based on the SVC coefficients), we get 100 features of both antiphons and responsories of segmentations generated by the NHPYLMModes model.

Antiphons (Without Differentiae)

g k h f d l hg e gh gg
fe fed gf efg j ff hh fg df c
ghg kk kj lk ll i fgh cd m hk
dc hgfg ed kjh ghgf cdd fgg dd fh fghg
hgh fd efgfedd hhg hjhgg dcd fghhgg ggg jk kkjh
ee fedd jkl fghhg kjhg hgg cdf kkj hgf hj
lml hkh de fghh lm fgf jh fefg ddcfg kkl
hghg hgfgg cdfedd gfed ccd ghgg hjhg ghk hhgg efgfed
fdc defg lkj gfg cddd ki jklk fef eg dee
kh fedcd jkhg fhk ffg efgg klk hkhg ghgfg lll


f g h k d e l gh j hjkjhg
hg gf kj c fe kl gg hjhghhg hk ghg
kk fg hhg cd i lm hh fed efg df
dd hkhghhg ed fgh dc jklkj defefed ff kkj ll
jk fd hgh fh nm jh fghg ghgfggf ffe fgf
m jkl ghgg klk cdf hgfg hjh dcd gfgh hkghg
ef efd cdd hghg eed hgfghg defed hgf ghkj hghgfgg
efgfggf gfg efed ln fgfe hjkjhgg hih gghg fdf lk
ghhg llk hkh hgg efedefd fghh egfffe fhk lkk efede
fghghhg dfd hkk ggg defedcd kjhghg ggf gfed gff klkj


Based on the results from the notebooks, we can conclude:

  1. Natural segmentation by words or syllables is not ideal.
  2. The beginnings and ends of chants have a stronger modal identity than the segments in the middle.
  3. Many segments are shared among all modes, but there are also segments that are used by only one mode.
  4. Conditional NHPYLM model generates the segmentation that gives the state-of-the-art performance on the mode classification task based on the melody segmentation.
  5. There are only a few frequent segments and a lot of occasional ones.