This repository is a fork of the e2sim project and has been modified to connect to the Near-RT RIC O-RAN Software Community.
This repository is a fork of the OSC e2sim library with updates to make it work with the ns3-o-ran-e2 ns-3 module.
This module enables the support for running multiple terminations of an O-RAN-compliant E2 interface inside the simulation process. It has been developed as part of a collaborative effort between the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things (WIoT) at Northeastern University, Mavenir, the University of Padova and Sapienza, University of Rome.
Please refer to this quick start guide to setup the environment.
More information can be found in the paper
A. Lacava, M. Polese, R. Sivaraj, R. Soundrarajan, B. S. Bhati, T. Singh, T. Zugno, F. Cuomo, T. Melodia "Programmable and Customized Intelligence for Traffic Steering in 5G Networks Using Open RAN Architectures" in arXiv:2209.14171 October 2022 pdf bibtex