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File metadata and controls

114 lines (75 loc) · 4.85 KB

Task 19

Install Kyverno from the Helm chart in a new kyverno namespace, with the default values.

Let's create an Audit policy in the default namespace, which doesn't allow to use images with the latest tag, or without a tag at all (taken from here:

kubectl apply -f manifests/policy/disallow-latest-tag-policy.yaml

Let's check what happens if we try to create a deployment using an image without a tag. It should work, as the policy is in audit mode, but we'll see the policy validation error in the events:

kubectl create deployment nginx --image nginx
# deployment.apps/nginx created
kubectl get events
# 6s          Warning   PolicyViolation     policy/disallow-latest-tag    Deployment default/nginx: [autogen-require-image-tag] fail; validation error: An image tag is required. rule autogen-require-image-tag failed at path /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image/
# 6s          Warning   PolicyViolation     policy/disallow-latest-tag    Pod default/nginx-77b4fdf86c-k9g8b: [require-image-tag] fail; validation error: An image tag is required. rule require-image-tag failed at path /spec/containers/0/image/
# [...]

Now let's delete the deployment, switch the policy to Enforce mode, and create the deployment again. This time we should get a policy validation error, and the deployment will not be created:

kubectl delete deployment nginx
# deployment.apps "nginx" deleted
kubectl patch --type merge policy disallow-latest-tag --patch '{"spec":{"validationFailureAction":"Enforce"}}'
# patched
kubectl create deployment nginx --image nginx
# error: failed to create deployment: admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request: 
# resource Deployment/default/nginx was blocked due to the following policies 
# disallow-latest-tag:
#   autogen-require-image-tag: 'validation error: An image tag is required. rule autogen-require-image-tag
#     failed at path /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image/'
kubectl get deployment nginx
# Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "nginx" not found

Delete the Kyverno policy, and do the same with the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy in manifests/policy/validatingadmissionpolicy.

Task 20

Clone the example-app[] repository locally.

Deploy the Helm chart in the helm folder to a new app-staging namespace, with a release name of example-app. Set environment to staging.

Expose it through ingress (with or without TLS). Check that you can access /hash/test, /counter/1 and /counter/1/inc endpoints.

Restart (delete) the pod. Check what happens to the /counter/1/inc requests.

Scale the app to two replicas. Check what happens to the /counter/1/inc requests.

Task 21

Enable PostgreSQL by setting config.dbType and postgresql.enabled. Check what happens to the /counter/1/inc requests.

Task 22

Check if you can connect to the database from a different pod.

Enable network policy.

Check that the /counter/1/inc endpoint still works.

Check again if you can connect to the database from a different pod.

Task 23

Experiment with the readiness probe by setting the ASYNC_QUEUE environment variable to 0 and increase config.rounds to 20.

Task 24

Experiment with Pod Security Standards.

# validate
kubectl label --dry-run=server --overwrite ns app-staging
# Warning: existing pods in namespace "app-staging" violate the new PodSecurity enforce level "restricted:latest"
# Warning: example-app-f5b96b955-p8mj6: allowPrivilegeEscalation != false, unrestricted capabilities, runAsNonRoot != true, seccompProfile
# namespace/app-staging labeled (server dry run)
# apply
kubectl label --overwrite ns app-staging
# [...]
# namespace/app-staging labeled

Delete the pod. What happens? Why?

Enable security in example-app values and redeploy. What happens? Why?

Use the image tag v0.0.25.

Task 25

Experiment with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling.

Task 26

Disable PostgreSQL, create a CloudNativePG cluster and configure it in example-app values externalPostgresql.

Task 27

Update the Helm chart to support providing sealed secrets instead of secrets.

Task 28

Deploy example-app in a new app-dev namespace and experiment with Okteto. Make a change, commit, add a release tag, push. Deploy it to staging after the image is built and pushed.

Task 29

Add the staging app, and create a new production app, in ArgoCD.