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BeipMU API Library

The BeipMU API Library is a TypeScript library designed to interact with BeipMU, providing a robust interface for sending commands, handling events, and managing GMCP messages.


  • Command Execution: Send commands directly to BeipMU.
  • Event Handling: Register and unregister event listeners.
  • GMCP Management: Send and receive GMCP messages.
  • Window Management: Open, close, and customize windows, including setting fonts and colors.
  • Script Management: Run and stop scripts.
  • Plugin System: Extend the library with custom plugins, including registration and unregistration.
  • WebView Management: Open web views within the BeipMU client.
  • Connection and Session Information: Check connection status and retrieve world and character names.


For detailed information on how to use WebViews with BeipMU, please refer to the WebViews Documentation. This documentation provides comprehensive guidance on integrating and utilizing WebViews within the BeipMU client.


To install the BeipMU API Library, use npm:

npm install beipmu-api


Basic Example

import { BeipMUAPI } from 'beipmu-api';

const api = new BeipMUAPI();

// Send a command

// Register an event listener
api.on('message', (data) => {
  console.log('Received message:', data);

// Send a GMCP message
api.sendGMCP('core.supports.set', '[" 1"]');

Plugin System

import { BeipMUAPI, Plugin } from 'beipmu-api/plugin';

class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
  initialize(api: BeipMUAPI): void {
    console.log('Plugin initialized');
  start(): void {
    console.log('Plugin started');
  stop(): void {
    console.log('Plugin stopped');

const api = new BeipMUAPI();
const myPlugin = new MyPlugin();


Window Management

import { openWindow, setWindowTitle, setWindowFont, setWindowColors } from 'beipmu-api/commands';

openWindow(api, 'Chat');
setWindowTitle(api, 'Chat', 'Chat Window');
setWindowFont(api, 'Chat', 'Arial', 12);
setWindowColors(api, 'Chat', '#FFFFFF', '#000000');

GMCP Management

import { GMCPManager, createGMCPManager } from 'beipmu-api/gmcp';

const gmcpManager = createGMCPManager(api);
gmcpManager.send('core.hello', 'BeipMU', { version: '1.0' });

WebView Management

api.openWebView('', 'exampleView', 'left', { Authorization: 'Bearer token' });

Connection and Session Information

console.log('Connected:', api.isConnected());
console.log('World Name:', api.getWorldName());
console.log('Character Name:', api.getCharacterName());

Utility Functions

import { colorize } from 'beipmu-api/utils';

console.log(colorize('Hello, World!', 'green'));

Use Cases

  • Interactive Games: Use the library to create interactive games with dynamic command and event handling.
  • Custom Interfaces: Develop custom interfaces for BeipMU using the window and script management features.
  • Extensible Applications: Build applications that can be extended with plugins for additional functionality.


  • Plugin Initialization Errors: Ensure that plugins are correctly implementing the Plugin interface and handling errors in their methods.
  • Command Execution Issues: Verify that commands are correctly formatted and that the BeipMU connection is active.
  • Event Handling Problems: Check that event listeners are registered with the correct event types and that callbacks are functioning as expected.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with a clear message.
  4. Push your changes to your fork.
  5. Submit a pull request with a description of your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.