From e026b770249e6b8298d7d8b8360030d084659770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aaron Anderson Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 23:22:41 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] chore(ModelTheory/Encoding): improve the encoding of formulas to avoid `sizeOf` (#15209) Edits the decoding of lists into first-order formulas, so that the proof of well-foundedness is easier and no longer invokes `sizeOf`. --- Mathlib/ModelTheory/Encoding.lean | 150 +++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/ModelTheory/Encoding.lean b/Mathlib/ModelTheory/Encoding.lean index 4d165729ffbb1..d6e14f6927b01 100644 --- a/Mathlib/ModelTheory/Encoding.lean +++ b/Mathlib/ModelTheory/Encoding.lean @@ -52,46 +52,36 @@ def listEncode : L.Term α → List (α ⊕ (Σi, L.Functions i)) Sum.inr (⟨_, f⟩ : Σi, L.Functions i)::(List.finRange _).bind fun i => (ts i).listEncode /-- Decodes a list of variables and function symbols as a list of terms. -/ -def listDecode : List (α ⊕ (Σi, L.Functions i)) → List (Option (L.Term α)) +def listDecode : List (α ⊕ (Σi, L.Functions i)) → List (L.Term α) | [] => [] - | Sum.inl a::l => some (var a)::listDecode l + | Sum.inl a::l => (var a)::listDecode l | Sum.inr ⟨n, f⟩::l => - if h : ∀ i : Fin n, ((listDecode l).get? i).join.isSome then - (func f fun i => Option.get _ (h i))::(listDecode l).drop n - else [none] + if h : n ≤ (listDecode l).length then + (func f (fun i => (listDecode l)[i])) :: (listDecode l).drop n + else [] theorem listDecode_encode_list (l : List (L.Term α)) : - listDecode (l.bind listEncode) = Option.some := by + listDecode (l.bind listEncode) = l := by suffices h : ∀ (t : L.Term α) (l : List (α ⊕ (Σi, L.Functions i))), - listDecode (t.listEncode ++ l) = some t::listDecode l by + listDecode (t.listEncode ++ l) = t::listDecode l by induction' l with t l lih · rfl - · rw [bind_cons, h t (l.bind listEncode), lih,] + · rw [bind_cons, h t (l.bind listEncode), lih] intro t induction' t with a n f ts ih <;> intro l · rw [listEncode, singleton_append, listDecode] · rw [listEncode, cons_append, listDecode] have h : listDecode (((finRange n).bind fun i : Fin n => (ts i).listEncode) ++ l) = - (finRange n).map (Option.some ∘ ts) ++ listDecode l := by + (finRange n).map ts ++ listDecode l := by induction' finRange n with i l' l'ih · rfl - · rw [bind_cons, List.append_assoc, ih, map_cons, l'ih, cons_append, Function.comp] - have h' : ∀ i : Fin n, - (listDecode (((finRange n).bind fun i : Fin n => (ts i).listEncode) ++ l))[(i : Nat)]? = - some (some (ts i)) := by - intro i - rw [h, getElem?_append, getElem?_map] - · simp only [Option.map_eq_some', Function.comp_apply, getElem?_eq_some] - refine ⟨i, ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le i.2 (ge_of_eq (length_finRange _)), ?_⟩, rfl⟩ - rw [getElem_finRange, Fin.eta] - · refine lt_of_lt_of_le i.2 ?_ - simp - refine (dif_pos fun i => Option.isSome_iff_exists.2 ⟨ts i, ?_⟩).trans ?_ - · rw [get?_eq_getElem?, Option.join_eq_some, h'] - refine congr (congr rfl (congr rfl (congr rfl (funext fun i => Option.get_of_mem _ ?_)))) ?_ - · simp [h'] - · rw [h, drop_left'] - rw [length_map, length_finRange] + · rw [bind_cons, List.append_assoc, ih, map_cons, l'ih, cons_append] + simp only [h, length_append, length_map, length_finRange, le_add_iff_nonneg_right, + _root_.zero_le, ↓reduceDIte, getElem_fin, cons.injEq, func.injEq, heq_eq_eq, true_and] + refine ⟨funext (fun i => ?_), ?_⟩ + · rw [List.getElem_append, List.getElem_map, List.getElem_finRange] + simp only [length_map, length_finRange, i.2] + · simp only [length_map, length_finRange, drop_left'] /-- An encoding of terms as lists. -/ @[simps] @@ -102,7 +92,8 @@ protected def encoding : Encoding (L.Term α) where decode_encode t := by have h := listDecode_encode_list [t] rw [bind_singleton] at h - simp only [h, Option.join, head?,, Option.some_bind, id] + simp only [Option.join, h, head?_cons, Option.pure_def, Option.bind_eq_bind, Option.some_bind, + id_eq] theorem listEncode_injective : Function.Injective (listEncode : L.Term α → List (α ⊕ (Σi, L.Functions i))) := @@ -146,7 +137,8 @@ instance [Encodable α] [Encodable (Σi, L.Functions i)] : Encodable (L.Term α) Encodable.ofLeftInjection listEncode (fun l => (listDecode l).head?.join) fun t => by simp only rw [← bind_singleton listEncode, listDecode_encode_list] - simp only [Option.join, head?,, Option.some_bind, id] + simp only [Option.join, head?_cons, Option.pure_def, Option.bind_eq_bind, Option.some_bind, + id_eq] instance [h1 : Countable α] [h2 : Countable (Σl, L.Functions l)] : Countable (L.Term α) := by refine mk_le_aleph0_iff.1 (card_le.trans (max_le_iff.2 ?_)) @@ -176,61 +168,55 @@ def sigmaAll : (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) → Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n | ⟨n + 1, φ⟩ => ⟨n, φ.all⟩ | _ => default + +@[simp] +lemma sigmaAll_apply {n} {φ : L.BoundedFormula α (n + 1)} : + sigmaAll ⟨n + 1, φ⟩ = ⟨n, φ.all⟩ := rfl + /-- Applies `imp` to two elements of `(Σ n, L.BoundedFormula α n)`, or returns `default` if not possible. -/ def sigmaImp : (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) → (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) → Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n | ⟨m, φ⟩, ⟨n, ψ⟩ => if h : m = n then ⟨m, φ.imp ( (by rw [h]) ψ)⟩ else default -/-- Decodes a list of symbols as a list of formulas. -/ @[simp] -def listDecode : ∀ l : List ((Σk, L.Term (α ⊕ Fin k)) ⊕ ((Σn, L.Relations n) ⊕ ℕ)), - (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) × - { l' : List ((Σk, L.Term (α ⊕ Fin k)) ⊕ ((Σn, L.Relations n) ⊕ ℕ)) // - SizeOf.sizeOf l' ≤ max 1 (SizeOf.sizeOf l) } - | Sum.inr (Sum.inr (n + 2))::l => ⟨⟨n, falsum⟩, l, le_max_of_le_right le_add_self⟩ +lemma sigmaImp_apply {n} {φ ψ : L.BoundedFormula α n} : + sigmaImp ⟨n, φ⟩ ⟨n, ψ⟩ = ⟨n, φ.imp ψ⟩ := by + simp only [sigmaImp, ↓reduceDIte, eq_mp_eq_cast, cast_eq] + +/-- Decodes a list of symbols as a list of formulas. -/ +def listDecode : + List ((Σk, L.Term (α ⊕ Fin k)) ⊕ ((Σn, L.Relations n) ⊕ ℕ)) → List (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) + | Sum.inr (Sum.inr (n + 2))::l => ⟨n, falsum⟩::(listDecode l) | Sum.inl ⟨n₁, t₁⟩::Sum.inl ⟨n₂, t₂⟩::l => - ⟨if h : n₁ = n₂ then ⟨n₁, equal t₁ ( (by rw [h]) t₂)⟩ else default, l, by - simp only [SizeOf.sizeOf, List._sizeOf_1, ← add_assoc] - exact le_max_of_le_right le_add_self⟩ - | Sum.inr (Sum.inl ⟨n, R⟩)::Sum.inr (Sum.inr k)::l => - ⟨if h : ∀ i : Fin n, (( Sum.getLeft?).get? i).join.isSome then + (if h : n₁ = n₂ then ⟨n₁, equal t₁ ( (by rw [h]) t₂)⟩ else default)::(listDecode l) + | Sum.inr (Sum.inl ⟨n, R⟩)::Sum.inr (Sum.inr k)::l => ( + if h : ∀ i : Fin n, (( Sum.getLeft?).get? i).join.isSome then if h' : ∀ i, (Option.get _ (h i)).1 = k then ⟨k, BoundedFormula.rel R fun i => (by rw [h' i]) (Option.get _ (h i)).2⟩ else default - else default, - l.drop n, le_max_of_le_right (le_add_left (le_add_left (List.drop_sizeOf_le _ _)))⟩ - | Sum.inr (Sum.inr 0)::l => - have : SizeOf.sizeOf - (↑(listDecode l).2 : List ((Σk, L.Term (α ⊕ Fin k)) ⊕ ((Σn, L.Relations n) ⊕ ℕ))) < - 1 + (1 + 1) + SizeOf.sizeOf l := by - refine lt_of_le_of_lt (listDecode l).2.2 (max_lt ?_ (Nat.lt_add_of_pos_left (by decide))) - rw [add_assoc, lt_add_iff_pos_right, add_pos_iff] - exact Or.inl zero_lt_two - ⟨sigmaImp (listDecode l).1 (listDecode (listDecode l).2).1, - (listDecode (listDecode l).2).2, - le_max_of_le_right - (_root_.trans (listDecode _).2.2 - (max_le (le_add_right le_self_add) - (_root_.trans (listDecode _).2.2 (max_le (le_add_right le_self_add) le_add_self))))⟩ - | Sum.inr (Sum.inr 1)::l => - ⟨sigmaAll (listDecode l).1, (listDecode l).2, - (listDecode l).2.2.trans (max_le_max le_rfl le_add_self)⟩ - | _ => ⟨default, [], le_max_left _ _⟩ - -set_option linter.deprecated false in + else default)::(listDecode (l.drop n)) + | Sum.inr (Sum.inr 0)::l => if h : 2 ≤ (listDecode l).length + then (sigmaImp (listDecode l)[0] (listDecode l)[1])::(drop 2 (listDecode l)) + else [] + | Sum.inr (Sum.inr 1)::l => if h : 1 ≤ (listDecode l).length + then (sigmaAll (listDecode l)[0])::(drop 1 (listDecode l)) + else [] + | _ => [] + termination_by l => l.length + @[simp] theorem listDecode_encode_list (l : List (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n)) : - (listDecode (l.bind fun φ => φ.2.listEncode)).1 = l.headI := by - suffices h : ∀ (φ : Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) (l), - (listDecode (listEncode φ.2 ++ l)).1 = φ ∧ (listDecode (listEncode φ.2 ++ l)).2.1 = l by - induction' l with φ l _ - · rw [List.nil_bind] + listDecode (l.bind (fun φ => φ.2.listEncode)) = l := by + suffices h : ∀ (φ : Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) + (l' : List ((Σk, L.Term (α ⊕ Fin k)) ⊕ ((Σn, L.Relations n) ⊕ ℕ))), + (listDecode (listEncode φ.2 ++ l')) = φ::(listDecode l') by + induction' l with φ l ih + · rw [List.bind_nil] simp [listDecode] - · rw [cons_bind, (h φ _).1, headI_cons] + · rw [bind_cons, h φ _, ih] rintro ⟨n, φ⟩ induction' φ with _ _ _ _ φ_n φ_l φ_R ts _ _ _ ih1 ih2 _ _ ih <;> intro l · rw [listEncode, singleton_append, listDecode] - simp only [eq_self_iff_true, heq_iff_eq, and_self_iff] · rw [listEncode, cons_append, cons_append, listDecode, dif_pos] · simp only [eq_mp_eq_cast, cast_eq, eq_self_iff_true, heq_iff_eq, and_self_iff, nil_append] · simp only [eq_self_iff_true, heq_iff_eq, and_self_iff] @@ -242,9 +228,8 @@ theorem listDecode_encode_list (l : List (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n)) : simp only [Option.join, map_append, map_map, Option.bind_eq_some, id, exists_eq_right, get?_eq_some, length_append, length_map, length_finRange] refine ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le i.2 le_self_add, ?_⟩ - rw [get_append, get_map] - · simp only [Sum.getLeft?, get_finRange, Fin.eta, Function.comp_apply, eq_self_iff_true, - heq_iff_eq, and_self_iff] + rw [get_eq_getElem, getElem_append, getElem_map] + · simp only [getElem_finRange, Fin.eta, Function.comp_apply, Sum.getLeft?] · simp only [length_map, length_finRange, is_lt] rw [dif_pos] swap @@ -254,31 +239,30 @@ theorem listDecode_encode_list (l : List (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n)) : · intro i obtain ⟨h1, h2⟩ := Option.eq_some_iff_get_eq.1 (h i) rw [h2] - simp only [, heq_eq_eq, rel.injEq, true_and] + simp only [Option.join, eq_mp_eq_cast, cons.injEq,, heq_eq_eq, rel.injEq, + true_and] refine ⟨funext fun i => ?_, ?_⟩ · obtain ⟨h1, h2⟩ := Option.eq_some_iff_get_eq.1 (h i) - rw [eq_mp_eq_cast, cast_eq_iff_heq] + rw [cast_eq_iff_heq] exact (Sigma.ext_iff.1 ((Sigma.eta (Option.get _ h1)).trans h2)).2 rw [List.drop_append_eq_append_drop, length_map, length_finRange, Nat.sub_self, drop, drop_eq_nil_of_le, nil_append] rw [length_map, length_finRange] - · rw [listEncode, List.append_assoc, cons_append, listDecode] - simp only [] at * - rw [(ih1 _).1, (ih1 _).2, (ih2 _).1, (ih2 _).2, sigmaImp] - simp only [dite_true] - exact ⟨rfl, trivial⟩ - · rw [listEncode, cons_append, listDecode] - simp only - simp only [] at * - rw [(ih _).1, (ih _).2, sigmaAll] - exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩ + · simp only [] at * + rw [listEncode, List.append_assoc, cons_append, listDecode] + simp only [ih1, ih2, length_cons, le_add_iff_nonneg_left, _root_.zero_le, ↓reduceDIte, + getElem_cons_zero, getElem_cons_succ, sigmaImp_apply, drop_succ_cons, drop_zero] + · simp only [] at * + rw [listEncode, cons_append, listDecode] + simp only [ih, length_cons, le_add_iff_nonneg_left, _root_.zero_le, ↓reduceDIte, + getElem_cons_zero, sigmaAll_apply, drop_succ_cons, drop_zero] /-- An encoding of bounded formulas as lists. -/ @[simps] protected def encoding : Encoding (Σn, L.BoundedFormula α n) where Γ := (Σk, L.Term (α ⊕ Fin k)) ⊕ ((Σn, L.Relations n) ⊕ ℕ) encode φ := φ.2.listEncode - decode l := (listDecode l).1 + decode l := (listDecode l)[0]? decode_encode φ := by have h := listDecode_encode_list [φ] rw [bind_singleton] at h