diff --git a/src/Init/System/IO.lean b/src/Init/System/IO.lean
index c5434606d41a..662f5ca98b9f 100644
--- a/src/Init/System/IO.lean
+++ b/src/Init/System/IO.lean
@@ -470,31 +470,23 @@ def withFile (fn : FilePath) (mode : Mode) (f : Handle → IO α) : IO α :=
 def Handle.putStrLn (h : Handle) (s : String) : IO Unit :=
   h.putStr (s.push '\n')
-partial def Handle.readBinToEnd (h : Handle) : IO ByteArray := do
+partial def Handle.readBinToEndInto (h : Handle) (buf : ByteArray) : IO ByteArray := do
   let rec loop (acc : ByteArray) : IO ByteArray := do
     let buf ← h.read 1024
     if buf.isEmpty then
       return acc
       loop (acc ++ buf)
-  loop ByteArray.empty
+  loop buf
-partial def Handle.readToEnd (h : Handle) : IO String := do
-  let rec loop (s : String) := do
-    let line ← h.getLine
-    if line.isEmpty then
-      return s
-    else
-      loop (s ++ line)
-  loop ""
-def readBinFile (fname : FilePath) : IO ByteArray := do
-  let h ← Handle.mk fname Mode.read
-  h.readBinToEnd
+partial def Handle.readBinToEnd (h : Handle) : IO ByteArray := do
+  h.readBinToEndInto .empty
-def readFile (fname : FilePath) : IO String := do
-  let h ← Handle.mk fname Mode.read
-  h.readToEnd
+def Handle.readToEnd (h : Handle) : IO String := do
+  let data ← h.readBinToEnd
+  match String.fromUTF8? data with
+  | some s => return s
+  | none => throw <| .userError s!"Tried to read from handle containing non UTF-8 data."
 partial def lines (fname : FilePath) : IO (Array String) := do
   let h ← Handle.mk fname Mode.read
@@ -600,6 +592,28 @@ end System.FilePath
 namespace IO
+namespace FS
+def readBinFile (fname : FilePath) : IO ByteArray := do
+  -- Requires metadata so defined after metadata
+  let mdata ← fname.metadata
+  let size := mdata.byteSize.toUSize
+  let handle ← IO.FS.Handle.mk fname .read
+  let buf ←
+    if size > 0 then
+      handle.read mdata.byteSize.toUSize
+    else
+      pure <| ByteArray.mkEmpty 0
+  handle.readBinToEndInto buf
+def readFile (fname : FilePath) : IO String := do
+  let data ← readBinFile fname
+  match String.fromUTF8? data with
+  | some s => return s
+  | none => throw <| .userError s!"Tried to read file '{fname}' containing non UTF-8 data."
+end FS
 def withStdin [Monad m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadLiftT BaseIO m] (h : FS.Stream) (x : m α) : m α := do
   let prev ← setStdin h
   try x finally discard <| setStdin prev
diff --git a/src/runtime/io.cpp b/src/runtime/io.cpp
index 136612e2fee5..488bda4e2753 100644
--- a/src/runtime/io.cpp
+++ b/src/runtime/io.cpp
@@ -485,43 +485,36 @@ extern "C" LEAN_EXPORT obj_res lean_io_prim_handle_write(b_obj_arg h, b_obj_arg
-  Handle.getLine : (@& Handle) → IO Unit
-  The line returned by `lean_io_prim_handle_get_line`
-  is truncated at the first '\0' character and the
-  rest of the line is discarded. */
+/* Handle.getLine : (@& Handle) → IO Unit */
 extern "C" LEAN_EXPORT obj_res lean_io_prim_handle_get_line(b_obj_arg h, obj_arg /* w */) {
     FILE * fp = io_get_handle(h);
-    const int buf_sz = 64;
-    char buf_str[buf_sz]; // NOLINT
     std::string result;
-    bool first = true;
-    while (true) {
-        char * out = std::fgets(buf_str, buf_sz, fp);
-        if (out != nullptr) {
-            if (strlen(buf_str) < buf_sz-1 || buf_str[buf_sz-2] == '\n') {
-                if (first) {
-                    return io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(out));
-                } else {
-                    result.append(out);
-                    return io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(result));
-                }
-            }
-            result.append(out);
-        } else if (std::feof(fp)) {
-            clearerr(fp);
-            return io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(result));
-        } else {
-            return io_result_mk_error(decode_io_error(errno, nullptr));
+    int c; // Note: int, not char, required to handle EOF
+    while ((c = std::fgetc(fp)) != EOF) {
+        result.push_back(c);
+        if (c == '\n') {
+            break;
-        first = false;
+    }
+    if (std::ferror(fp)) {
+        return io_result_mk_error(decode_io_error(errno, nullptr));
+    } else if (std::feof(fp)) {
+        clearerr(fp);
+        return io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(result));
+    } else {
+        obj_res ret = io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(result));
+        return ret;
 /* Handle.putStr : (@& Handle) → (@& String) → IO Unit */
 extern "C" LEAN_EXPORT obj_res lean_io_prim_handle_put_str(b_obj_arg h, b_obj_arg s, obj_arg /* w */) {
     FILE * fp = io_get_handle(h);
-    if (std::fputs(lean_string_cstr(s), fp) != EOF) {
+    usize n = lean_string_size(s) - 1; // - 1 to ignore the terminal NULL byte.
+    usize m = std::fwrite(lean_string_cstr(s), 1, n, fp);
+    if (m == n) {
         return io_result_mk_ok(box(0));
     } else {
         return io_result_mk_error(decode_io_error(errno, nullptr));
diff --git a/stage0/src/runtime/io.cpp b/stage0/src/runtime/io.cpp
index 552e0ca062ff..488bda4e2753 100644
--- a/stage0/src/runtime/io.cpp
+++ b/stage0/src/runtime/io.cpp
@@ -488,18 +488,24 @@ extern "C" LEAN_EXPORT obj_res lean_io_prim_handle_write(b_obj_arg h, b_obj_arg
 /* Handle.getLine : (@& Handle) → IO Unit */
 extern "C" LEAN_EXPORT obj_res lean_io_prim_handle_get_line(b_obj_arg h, obj_arg /* w */) {
     FILE * fp = io_get_handle(h);
-    char* buf = NULL;
-    size_t n = 0;
-    ssize_t read = getline(&buf, &n, fp);
-    if (read != -1) {
-        obj_res ret = io_result_mk_ok(mk_string_from_bytes(buf, read));
-        free(buf);
-        return ret;
+    std::string result;
+    int c; // Note: int, not char, required to handle EOF
+    while ((c = std::fgetc(fp)) != EOF) {
+        result.push_back(c);
+        if (c == '\n') {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (std::ferror(fp)) {
+        return io_result_mk_error(decode_io_error(errno, nullptr));
     } else if (std::feof(fp)) {
-        return io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(""));
+        return io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(result));
     } else {
-        return io_result_mk_error(decode_io_error(errno, nullptr));
+        obj_res ret = io_result_mk_ok(mk_string(result));
+        return ret;
diff --git a/stage0/src/runtime/object.h b/stage0/src/runtime/object.h
index e5d6181d7909..b5e5a6375817 100644
--- a/stage0/src/runtime/object.h
+++ b/stage0/src/runtime/object.h
@@ -238,7 +238,6 @@ inline size_t string_capacity(object * o) { return lean_string_capacity(o); }
 inline uint32 char_default_value() { return lean_char_default_value(); }
 inline obj_res alloc_string(size_t size, size_t capacity, size_t len) { return lean_alloc_string(size, capacity, len); }
 inline obj_res mk_string(char const * s) { return lean_mk_string(s); }
-inline obj_res mk_string_from_bytes(char const * s, size_t sz) { return lean_mk_string_from_bytes(s, sz); }
 LEAN_EXPORT obj_res mk_ascii_string_unchecked(std::string const & s);
 LEAN_EXPORT obj_res mk_string(std::string const & s);
 LEAN_EXPORT std::string string_to_std(b_obj_arg o);
diff --git a/tests/lean/run/3546.lean b/tests/lean/run/3546.lean
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4491b72cd67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lean/run/3546.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+def test : IO Unit := do
+  let tmpFile := "3546.tmp"
+  let firstLine := "foo\u0000bar\n"
+  let content := firstLine ++ "hello world\nbye"
+  IO.FS.writeFile tmpFile content
+  let handle ← IO.FS.Handle.mk tmpFile .read
+  let firstReadLine ← handle.getLine
+  let cond := firstLine == firstReadLine && firstReadLine.length == 8 -- paranoid
+  IO.println cond
+  IO.FS.removeFile tmpFile
+/-- info: true -/
+#guard_msgs in
+#eval test