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ESP Caching Framework

Technical documentation


The ESP caching framework provides a (hopefully) easy-to-use set of APIs to simplify caching functions and maintain correctness of their values. The intent is to minimize boilerplate code and make it easy to delete caches correctly. Also, all code related to a cache should be in one place. The framework handles boring things such as key creation, cache lookup, etc.

Caches are applied on a function-level granularity. So, split off functions as-need. Also, such functions really shouldn't have side-effects. Split up your functions if needed. Conceptually, each cache maps keys to values, where keys correspond to function arguments. The caches can invalidate keys in bulk by sets of keys, and propagate invalidations up to dependant caches. We limit the types of key sets that may be expressed so that this is implementable.

Internally, invalidations are done by maintaining a signature along with each cache entry. Before returning a value, we check that this signature is current. If not, we pretend the value was never there in the first place. This signature is computed from other cache values called tokens which are shared so that, by reseting a particular token, we can implicitly bulk-invalidate a chosen subset of the keys, notably the subset which depends on that token. Currently the stored value is wrapped into a tuple with the signature. This is likely to change in future to more easily support incr/decr. Unlike the tiered-caching system, keys intentionally do not depend on tokens so that they can be grabbed in bulk by get_many. This avoids the overhead of multiple cache requests. An Asynchronous API to simplify and extend this is underway.

The core class in esp.cache is ArgCache. It handles a crapload of stuff and is very much in need of splitting up. An ArgCache contains a cache paramterized by a list of arguments. It exports a similar API to Django's cache objects, but the keys are lists of Python objects rather than strings. The marinade module (as a pun a Python's pickle) handles stringifying these objects. In addition, ArgCache provides methods to register dependencies and delete_key_set, which takes a key_set and deletes everything in it. It may fallback on deleting more if needbe (in the case that it lacks a Token for the job). Upon deletion, it emits a signal with the key_set, so that other ArgCaches may listen and react appropriately.

Key sets are represented by dictionaries. (We could use lists, but for convenience, the names of the arguments are incorporated.) They map the arguments of an ArgCache (by name) to sets of objects. You can think of them as Cartesian products of these sets by argument. Currently, the only expressable sets are wildcard (that is, everything) and a specific object, and the API is a little iffy. If a (key,value) pair is missing for an argument, it should be assumed to be wildcard (we may explicitly add them later). Exact objects are represented by themselves, and wildcard is represented by a special value, wildcard, in esp.cache.key_set. More special values will be added when the infrastructure is in place. (Notably, I want to handle ancestor/descendant stuff in DataTree.)

[ NOTE: The following section is much more general than what is currently implemented, but it's where I want to go with it all. ]

Each ArgCache maintains a list of Tokens. This will probably be renamed to handles at some point. A Token, given a key to its ArgCache, generates a signature (which will probably be renamed to token). The ArgCache combines all of these signatures to form the final signature. Most of the operations on an ArgCache are linear in the number of tokens, so there shouldn't be too many per-cache. Tokens know how to invalidate the signatures of various classes of key sets, with a different class for each token. On delete_key_set, ArgCache tries to find a token that can delete the given key set (or something larger) and calls it. It will eventually find one because every ArgCache comes with a token that invalidates the entire cache.

Currently, the only types of tokens are ones that can handle key sets of the form (wildcard, wildcard, something, wildcard, something else). That is, combinations of specified objects and wildcards. (To give an idea of the flavor of these, this Tokens extracts its specified argument and looks up a key based on that value.) Tokens are currently created by the get_or_create_token function which is really clumsy, but meh. It takes a tuple (or list) of the names of specified arguments.

Of course, all this would be pointless if we didn't have some way to handle dependencies. Dependencies are implemented using signals. When a model changes, we hook into Django's signals (and a couple we monkey-patch in) and call delete_key_set as needed. This, however, gets tedious and it's easy to forget to pass non-weak references, so ArgCache provides a convenience method depend_on_row. You pass it a model and function to provide the key set. The function is of the form lambda instance: {'blah': blah, ...}. Because Python's lambda syntax sucks, depend_on_row also takes an optional filter argument which is another lambda returning True or False. Anything which does not pass the filter gets ignored.

There are also other methods depend_on_cache and depend_on_m2m which hook into cache change and m2m change signals, respectively. The m2m signal has similar function as depend_on_row, but there are two of them: add_func and rem_func. (If the latter is omitted, the former is used.) Both also take similar filter arguments as depend_on_row.

depend_on_cache has a slightly special mapping function. Here, we take advantage of the dictionary representation of key sets. The mapping function should be of the form

lambda arg1=wildcard, arg2=wildcard, arg3=wildcard, **kwargs: {.....}

The default arguments handle the implicit default attribute of key sets (requirement will likely be removed later), and kwargs captures arguments that were added later or that you don't care about. As a convenience, doing most things with wildcard return more wildcards, so you shouldn't need to explicitly check it often. (Similar to NaN.)

Finally, as an implementation detail, you may often have to refer to a value before it is defined in Python. For instance, referring to a class before it has been initialized or circular import issues. To remedy this, ArgCache delays all dependency processing until after everything has loaded. This processing is done in the esp.cache_loader module which MUST be loaded last. After it has run, a flag is set that makes it an error to define new caches. This does not fully solve the problem, because Python is applicative-order. To deal with this, wrap your model reference with lambda when needed. depend_on_* will notice when it has a thunk and dethunk it. As an example of all this,

depend_on_row(lambda:UserBit, lambda bit: {'user': bit.user},
                              lambda bit: bit.applies_to_verb('V/Administer/Edit'))

All this does not handle the boilerplate code of checking the cache, calling the actual function if missing, finding the function name, etc. ArgCache has a subclass ArgCacheDecorator (with an alias cache_function) that takes a function and extracts all the necessary information with a ton of Python magic. It also wraps the function in a cache lookup. Simply add @cache_decorator and you're set. As a full example,

(Note: This example does have a slight problem if Program.objects.get(...) throws an exception... ArgCache should probably be set up to dump everything when an exception gets raised, although in this case the correct response is to do nothing.)

def getAvailableTimes(self, program, ignore_classes=False):
    """ Return a list of the Event objects representing the times that a particular user
        can teach for a particular program. """
    from esp.resources.models import Resource
    from import Event

    valid_events = Event.objects.filter(resource__user=self, anchor=program.anchor)

    if ignore_classes:
        #   Subtract out the times that they are already teaching.
        other_sections = self.getTaughtSections(program)

        other_times = [sec.meeting_times.values_list('id', flat=True) for sec in other_sections]
        for lst in other_times:
            valid_events = valid_events.exclude(id__in=lst)

    return valid_events
getAvailableTimes.get_or_create_token(('self', 'program',))
        lambda self=wildcard, program=wildcard, **kwargs:
             {'self':self, 'program':program, 'ignore_classes':True})
getAvailableTimes.depend_on_m2m(lambda:ClassSection, 'meeting_times', lambda sec, event: {'program': sec.parent_program})
getAvailableTimes.depend_on_row(lambda:Resource, lambda resource:
                                    {'program': Program.objects.get(anchor=resource.event.anchor),
                                        'self': resource.user})