Test Environment
- Raspberrypi 3B, 4B or Ubuntu
- python 3.3+ / dlib 19.6+ / opencv 3.3+ (I think the slightly lower version will not matter.)
- ageitgey/face_recognition and pyimagesearch.com (Reference)
File list
- python3 dbtest.py --record [Trained File]
- Check Pretrained File
- python3 train.py --image [Image_File] --name [Face Name] --record [Trained File] --mode [init/add]
- init > Trained File rewrite
- add > Append to Trained File
- python3 landmark.py # Demo face landmark detection
- python3 demo.py --record [Trained File] # Demo face recognition
- python3 dbtest.py --record [Trained File]
Requirements (22.10.25)
- dlib==19.24.0
- numpy==1.23.4
- opencv-python==