Links for resources or documents are grouped through an object of type Enm\JsonApi\Model\Resource\Link\LinkCollectionInterface
Method | Return type | Description |
all() | array | All link objects of this collection. |
count() | int | Number of collection entries. |
isEmpty() | bool | Checks if the collection contains any elements. |
has(string $name) | bool | Checks if the collection contains a special link. |
get(string $name) | LinkInterface | Returns a link by name or throws an \InvalidArgumentException if relationship does not exists. |
set(LinkInterface $link) | $this | Set a link object into the collection. |
remove(string $name) | $this | Remove a link by name from the collection. |
removeElement(LinkInterface $link) | $this | Remove a link object from the collection. |
createLink(string $name, string $href) | $this | Create a new link object in the collection. |
A link itself is an object of type Enm\JsonApi\Model\Resource\Link\LinkInterface
Method | Return type | Description |
name() | string | The link name. |
href() | string | The link target. |
metaInformation() | KeyValueCollectionInterface | Collection of meta informations for this link. |
duplicate(string $name = null) | $this | Helper method to duplicate this linl, optional with another name. |
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