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Development setup

Michael Cremer edited this page Mar 26, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • Install dependencies with homebrew

    brew install php nodejs core-utils make git composer
  • Install the Symfony Command Line Interface (CLI)

    For detailed installation instructions see

    # This should still work, because bash is still preinstalled
    wget -O - | bash 
    # Make your shell find the symfony binary, e.g.
    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && ln -sf ~/.symfony/bin/symfony ~/.local/bin/
  • Install the symfony SSL certificates for Chrome and Firefox browsers

    symfony server:ca:install

Ubuntu 20.04

  • Make sure to install a recent version of Node.js (as of this writing: Node.js v14 will do). See e.g. or use Node Version Manager if you need more flexibility.

  • Install dependencies with apt

    sudo apt install make php php-fpm php-xml php-xdebug php-apcu php-sqlite3 php-curl php-gd composer nodejs libnss3-tools git
  • Install composer v2. As of this writing Ubuntu ships with composer v1, however using composer v2 is highly recommended for its much better performance and memory usage.

    Either follow the official installation instructions or trust the following copy&paste instructions

    curl -sS -o composer-setup.php
    php composer-setup.php --install-dir=$HOME/.local/bin --filename=composer
  • Install the Symfony Command Line Interface (CLI)

    For detailed installation instructions see

    wget -O - | bash
    # Make your shell find the symfony binary, e.g.
    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && ln -sf ~/.symfony/bin/symfony ~/.local/bin/
  • Install the symfony SSL certificates for Chrome and Firefox browsers

    symfony server:ca:install


If you are stuck on Windows, it's best to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for PHP and DataWiz development.

  • Install WSL as shown on the Microsoft documentation pages about WSL. Make sure to enable WSL version 2 and choose Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as the Linux distribution

  • Once WSL is up and running, start a WSL shell and proceed with the installation instructions for Ubuntu

  • There's one caveat. To browse the secure version of DataWiz in development, you need to import the symfony certificate:

    • First create the symfony certificate

      symfony server:ca:install
    • Then copy the certificate to a folder your Windows installation has access to. Let's pick your Desktop. Below replace YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME with your own Windows Username.

      cp /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/Symfony_dev_CA_*.crt /mnt/c/Users/YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME/Desktop/
    • On your Windows desktop you will then find a certificate file called something like Symfony_dev_CA_123456789012345678901234567890123456789.crt (on your computer the digits at the end of the filename will vary). Install it for the current user and choose the following certification store: Trusted Root Certification Authorities store

    • Reopen browsers so they know about the new certificate

    • Firefox users must install the certificate into the browser's certificate keychain

    • Now you can access the DataWiz application securely at https://localhost:8000.

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