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Development setup

Florian Grässle edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • Install dependencies with homebrew

    brew install php nodejs core-utils make git composer
  • Install the Symfony Command Line Interface (CLI)

    For detailed installation instructions see

    • Quick install:
    wget -O - | bash # This should still work, because bash is still preinstalled
    # Make your shell find the symfony binary, e.g.
    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && ln -sf ~/.symfony/bin/symfony ~/.local/bin/
  • Install the symfony SSL certificates for Chrome and Firefox browsers

    symfony server:ca:install

Ubuntu 20.04

  • Make sure to install a recent version of Node.js (as of this writing: Node.js v14 will do). See e.g. or use Node Version Manager if you need more flexibility.

  • Install dependencies with apt

    sudo apt install make php php-fpm php-xml php-xdebug php-apcu php-sqlite3 php-curl php-gd composer nodejs libnss3-tools git
  • Install the Symfony Command Line Interface (CLI)

    For detailed installation instructions see

    • Quick install:
    wget -O - | bash
    # Make your shell find the symfony binary, e.g.
    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && ln -sf ~/.symfony/bin/symfony ~/.local/bin/
  • Install the symfony SSL certificates for Chrome and Firefox browsers

    symfony server:ca:install


If you are stuck on Windows, it's best to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for PHP and DataWiz development.

  • Install WSL as shown on the Microsoft documentation pages about WSL. Make sure to enable WSL version 2 and choose Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as the Linux distribution

  • Once WSL is up and running, start a WSL shell and proceed with the installation instructions for Ubuntu

  • There's one caveat. To browse the secure version of DataWiz in development, you need to import the symfony certificate:

    • First create the symfony certificate

      symfony server:ca:install
    • Then copy the certificate to a folder your Windows installation has access to. Let's pick your Desktop. Below replace YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME with your own Windows Username.

      cp /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/Symfony_dev_CA_*.crt /mnt/c/Users/YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME/Desktop/
    • On your Windows desktop you will then find a certificate file called something like Symfony_dev_CA_123456789012345678901234567890123456789.crt (on your computer the digits at the end of the filename will vary). Install it for the current user and choose the following certification store: Trusted Root Certification Authorities store

    • Reopen browsers so they know about the new certificate

    • Firefox users must install the certificate into the browser's certificate keychain

    • Now you can access the DataWiz application securely at https://localhost:8000.

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