A collapsible is a component to mark expandable and collapsible regions. It has states, roles, attributes and behaviour in accordance with guidelines given in Using the WAI-ARIA aria-expanded state to mark expandable and collapsible regions, ARIA Authoring Practices, Button, and Building Accessible Buttons with ARIA: A11y
The collapsible acts as a "pluggable" component. It uses a <button>
element or
an element with role="button"
to control one or more collapsible regions. You
can make virtually any HTML element collapsible by adding two classes,
to the element that should control the collapsible
region(s), and one of the classes mdlext-collapsible-group
to the element that should collapse/expand. The
collapsible component uses the
property to hold a list of one or more collapsible regions. The
state indicates whether region(s) controlled by the component is currently
expanded or collapsed.
1. Code a <button>
element; this is the clickable toggle that will show and hide the collapsible
region(s). Inside the button, code a <span>
element to hold the button caption text.
<span>Click to toggle</span>
2. Add the mdlext-js-collapsible
class to define the element as a collapsible component.
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible">
<span>Click to toggle</span>
3. Optionally add the mdlext-collapsible
class, which will add a pointer
cursor to the collapsible component.
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible mdlext-collapsible">
<span>Click to toggle</span>
4. Optionally add a state icon. Code a <i>
element with class
. The state icon should indicate whether the
collapsible region is expanded or not.
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible">
<span>Click to toggle</span>
<i class="mdlext-aria-expanded-more-less"></i>
5. Code a <div>
element with class mdlext-collapsible-group
to define the element as a collapsible region.
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-group">
6. Add content inside the collapsible container.
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-group">
<p>Content goes here ...</p>
After page load, the component will add all required Aria states, roles and attributes not already present in markup.
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible is-upgraded"
aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="group-4ek31z6jeeag">
<span>Click to toggle</span>
<i class="mdlext-aria-expanded-more-less"></i>
<div id="group-4ek31z6jeeag" class="mdlext-collapsible-group" role="group" hidden>
<p>Content goes here ...</p>
Instead of letting the collapsible component add all the WAI-ARIA stuff, add it yourself in markup. The component will not override attributes already present in markup.
<div class="mdlext-js-collapsible" role="button"
aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="group-1">
<span>Click to toggle</span>
<i class="mdlext-aria-expanded-more-less"></i>
<div id="group-1" class="mdlext-collapsible-group" role="group" hidden>
<p>Content Region #1 goes here ...</p>
The group role is used to identify a set of user interface objects which, in contrast with a region, are not intended to be included in a table of contents or a page summary (such as the structures that are dynamically created by a script or assistive technologies); a group should not be considered a major perceivable section on a page. When the role is added to an element, the browser will send out an accessible group event to assistive technology products which can then notify the user about it.
To define an element as collapsible add one of the classes
or mdlext-collapsible-region
. The component will
set the role attribute to group
or region
Group: A set of user interface objects which are not intended to be included in a page summary or table of contents by assistive technologies.
Region: A large perceivable section of a web page or document, that is important enough to be included in a page summary or table of contents, for example, an area of the page containing live sporting event statistics.
It's easier to style a div compared to a button. For example, you can not style a button as a flexible box!
<div class="mdlext-js-collapsible mdlext-collapsible" aria-expanded="true">
<span>Click to toggle</span>
<i class="mdlext-aria-expanded-more-less"></i>
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<p>Content goes here ...</p>
You can create a one-to-many relationship by supplying a space separated list of ids, representing different, simultaneously controlled elements.
<div class="medext-js-collapsible mdlext-collapsible" role="button"
aria-controls="collapsible-1 collapsible-3">A topic</div>
<div id="collapsible-1" class="mdlext-collapsible-group">
<p>Topic 1 is all about being Topic 1 and may or
may not have anything to do with other topics.</p>
<div id="collapsible-2" class="mdlext-collapsible-group">
<p>Topic 2 is all about being Topic 2 and may or
may not have anything to do with other topics.</p>
<div id="collapsible-3" class="mdlext-collapsible-group">
<p>Topic 3 is all about being Topic 3 and may or
may not have anything to do with other topics.</p>
If the aria-controls
attribute is provided in markup, the component will not
attempt to determine corresponding collapsible regions. In the markup above,
only collapsible-1
and collapsible-3
will be controlled by the component.
Remove the aria-controls
attribute if you want the component to determine the
collapsible regions to be included.
Collapsibles, with many collapsible regions.
<!-- first collapsible -->
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible mdlext-collapsible">
<span>Click to toggle collapsible #1</span>
<i class="mdlext-aria-expanded-more-less"></i>
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<!-- second collapsible -->
<header class="mdlext-js-collapsible mdlext-collapsible">
<span>Click to toggle collapsible #2</span>
<i class="mdlext-aria-expanded-more-less"></i>
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<p>This paragraph will not collapse</p>
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
Nested collapsibles.
.mdlext-collapsible-region .mdlext-js-collapsible,
.mdlext-collapsible-region .mdlext-collapsible-region {
margin-left: 16px;
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-button--raised">
Click to toggle
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<p>A collapsible region</p>
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible mdl-button mdl-button--accent mdl-button--raised">
Click to toggle nested #1
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<p>A nested collapsible region</p>
<button class="mdlext-js-collapsible mdl-button mdl-button--raised
mdl-button--colored mdl-color--deep-orange-100">
Click to toggle nested #2
<div class="mdlext-collapsible-region">
<p>Last region</p>
Collapsible MDL Card.
<!-- The card need some styling to act as a collapsible -->
.mdl-card.welcome-card {
min-height: 0;
max-width: 640px;
width: auto;
.mdl-card.welcome-card > .mdl-card__title {
-webkit-box-pack: start;
-webkit-justify-content: flex-start;
-ms-flex-pack: start;
justify-content: flex-start;
height: 176px;
min-height: 64px;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
color: #fff;
background: url('./assets/welcome_card.jpg') top / cover;
.mdl-card.welcome-card .mdl-card__title:focus {
/* Must focus ring must be inside title since mdl-card has overflow:hidden */
outline-offset: -4px;
.mdl-card.welcome-card .mdl-card__title > * {
-webkit-align-self: center;
-ms-flex-item-align: center;
align-self: center;
.mdl-card.welcome-card .mdl-card__supporting-text {
width: auto;
.mdl-card.welcome-card .mdl-card__actions {
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
.welcome-card > .mdl-card__title .mdl-card__title-text {
-webkit-align-self: flex-end;
-ms-flex-item-align: end;
align-self: flex-end;
padding-bottom: 16px;
.welcome-card > .mdl-card__title[aria-expanded='false'] {
height: 64px;
.welcome-card > .mdl-card__title[aria-expanded='false'] .mdl-card__title-text {
-webkit-align-self: center;
-ms-flex-item-align: center;
align-self: center;
padding-bottom: 0;
.welcome-card > .mdl-card__menu {
color: #ffffff;
<div class="welcome-card mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp">
<header class="mdl-card__title mdlext-js-collapsible mdlext-collapsible">
<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">A Collapsible Card</h2>
<section class="mdl-card__supporting-text mdlext-collapsible-region">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris sagittis pellentesque lacus eleifend lacinia...
<footer class="mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border mdlext-collapsible-region">
<button class="mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect">
Get Started
<div class="mdl-card__menu">
<button class="mdl-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect"
aria-label="Share your knowledge">
<i class="material-icons" aria-hidden="true">share</i>
Create your own state icon with SASS.
The _mixins.scss has a mixin which can be used to create custom state icons.
@charset "UTF-8";
.my-aria-expanded-state {
@include mdlext-aria-expanded-toggle($icon: 'arrow_downward', $icon-expanded: 'arrow_upward');
- The snippets/collapsible.html and the tests provides more detailed examples.
- Try out the live demo
- Space or Enter: toggle the corresponding collapsible region(s).
- Click: toggle the corresponding collapsible region(s).
The collapsible component emits a custom toggle
event when the component is clicked,
Enter key or Space key is pressed or one of the methods expand
or toggle
is called. The event is emitted before the actual toggling
occurs. Call event.preventDefault()
to cancel toggling.
The detail object parameter has the following structure:
detail: {
action // 'expand' or collapse'
Set up an event listener to receive the toggle event.
var someCondition = false;
document.querySelector('#my-collapsible').addEventListener('toggle', function(e) {
console.log('Toggle action:', e.detail.action);
if(someCondition) {
// Stop toggling
someCondition = !someCondition;
Get the element that controls the collapsible region(s).
Get region elements controlled by this collapsible.
Add collapsible region(s).
Remove collapsible region(s).
Expand corresponding collapsible region(s).
Collapse corresponding collapsible region(s).
Toggle corresponding collapsible region(s).
const component = document.querySelector('#my-collapsible');
Check whether component has aria-expanded state set to true.
Check whether component has aria-disabled state set to true.
Enables toggling of collapsible region(s).
Disables toggling of collapsible region(s).
The MDLEXT CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements to the accordion.
MDLEXT class | Effect | Remarks |
mdlext-js-collapsible |
Assigns basic MDL behavior to collapsible. | Required. |
mdlext-collapsible |
Adds a pointer cursor to the collapsible. | Optional. |
mdlext-collapsible-group |
Defines container as a collapsible group. | Required. Either mdlext-collapsible-group or mdlext-collapsible-region must be present to make a container collapsible. |
mdlext-collapsible-region |
Defines container as a collapsible region. | Required. Either mdlext-collapsible-group or mdlext-collapsible-region must be present to make a container collapsible. |
Attribute | Description | Remarks |
role="button |
The element that toggles a region has role button. | Added by component if not present. |
tabindex |
Indicates whether an element is focusable. | A value less than 0, e.g. -1, indicates that the element is not focusable. Tabindex="0" added by component if not present. |
aria-controls |
Identfies the content on the page, using IDREFs, that this collapsible controls. | Added by component if not present. |
aria-expanded |
The element with role button has aria-expanded set to true if the corresponding region(s) is open, oterwise false. |
Defaults to aria-expanded="false" . Set aria-expanded="true" if you want a region to open during page load. |
aria-disabled |
When a collapsible should not be toggable, set aria-disabled to true . |
Optional. If this attribute is present, the collapsible region(s) will not toggle. |
disabled |
Indicates that a collapsible component and it's corresponding region(s) is disabled, otherwise not present. | Optional. If this attribute is present, the collapsible regions will not toggle. |
role="group |
Identifies an element as a collapsible group. | Required on container with class mdlext-collapsible-group . Added by component if not present. |
role="region |
Identifies an element as a collapsible region. | Required on container with class mdlext-collapsible-region . Added by component if not present. |
hidden |
Visually hides a collapsible region. | Added by component if component has aria-expanded="false" . |
id |
The collapsible region must have an id. | A random id is added if not present. The IDREF is used by the aria-controls attribute to identify the collapsible region. |