From 55d86eceaad2da958ee43692c71ece94dadfac72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eitaro Fukamachi <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 04:46:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add coalton-mode.

 extensions/coalton-mode/coalton-mode.lisp    | 348 +++++++++++++++++++
 extensions/coalton-mode/lem-coalton-mode.asd |   6 +
 2 files changed, 354 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 extensions/coalton-mode/coalton-mode.lisp
 create mode 100644 extensions/coalton-mode/lem-coalton-mode.asd

diff --git a/extensions/coalton-mode/coalton-mode.lisp b/extensions/coalton-mode/coalton-mode.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32a20f357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/coalton-mode/coalton-mode.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+(defpackage #:lem-coalton-mode
+  (:use #:cl
+        #:lem
+        #:lem/language-mode)
+  (:import-from #:lem-lisp-mode/grammar
+                #:wrap-symbol-names
+                #:symbol-boundary-begin
+                #:symbol-boundary-end)
+  (:import-from #:lem-lisp-mode/internal
+                #:check-connection
+                #:connected-p
+                #:lisp-eval-async
+                #:compilation-finished
+                #:top-of-defun-with-annotation
+                #:before-compile-functions)
+  (:import-from #:lem-lisp-syntax.indent
+                #:calc-function-indent
+                #:quote-form-point-p
+                #:vector-form-point-p
+                #:compute-indent-method
+                #:default-indent)
+  (:import-from #:alexandria
+                #:when-let
+                #:if-let)
+  (:export #:coalton-mode))
+(in-package #:lem-coalton-mode)
+(defparameter *body-indent* 2)
+(defparameter *max-depth* 4)
+(defun make-tmlanguage-coalton ()
+  (let ((patterns (make-tm-patterns
+                   (make-tm-region
+                    `(:sequence ";")
+                    "$"
+                    :name 'syntax-comment-attribute)
+                   (make-tm-region
+                    `(:sequence "#|")
+                    `(:sequence "|#")
+                    :patterns 'syntax-comment-attribute)
+                   (make-tm-region
+                    `(:sequence "|")
+                    `(:sequence "|")
+                    :patterns (make-tm-patterns
+                               (make-tm-match "\\\\.")))
+                   (make-tm-region
+                    `(:sequence "\"")
+                    `(:sequence "\"")
+                    :name 'syntax-string-attribute
+                    :patterns (make-tm-patterns
+                               (make-tm-match "\\\\.")))
+                   (make-tm-match
+                    `(:sequence
+                      "("
+                      ,(wrap-symbol-names "define")
+                      "("
+                      (:greedy-repetition 0 1 (:register symbol)))
+                    :captures (vector nil
+                                      (make-tm-name 'syntax-keyword-attribute)
+                                      (make-tm-name 'syntax-function-name-attribute)))
+                   (make-tm-match
+                    `(:sequence
+                      "("
+                      ,(wrap-symbol-names "define")
+                      (:greedy-repetition 0 1 (:register symbol)))
+                    :captures (vector nil
+                                      (make-tm-name 'syntax-keyword-attribute)
+                                      (make-tm-name 'syntax-variable-attribute)))
+                   (make-tm-match
+                    `(:sequence
+                      "("
+                      ,(wrap-symbol-names
+                        "fn"
+                        "λ"
+                        "match"
+                        "let"
+                        "lisp"
+                        "return"
+                        "the"
+                        "while"
+                        "while-let"
+                        "loop"
+                        "break"
+                        "continue"
+                        "for"
+                        "in"
+                        "if"
+                        "when"
+                        "unless"
+                        "and"
+                        "or"
+                        "cond"
+                        "as"
+                        "do"
+                        "progn"
+                        "assert"))
+                    :captures (vector nil
+                                      (make-tm-name 'syntax-keyword-attribute)))
+                   (make-tm-match
+                    `(:sequence
+                      "("
+                      ,(wrap-symbol-names
+                        "declare" "package" "define-type" "define-struct" "define-class" "define-instance")
+                      (:greedy-repetition 0 1 (:register symbol)))
+                    :captures (vector nil
+                                      (make-tm-name 'syntax-keyword-attribute)
+                                      (make-tm-name 'syntax-type-attribute)))
+                   (make-tm-match
+                    `(:sequence
+                      ":"
+                      symbol
+                      symbol-boundary-end)
+                    :name 'syntax-builtin-attribute)
+                   (make-tm-match
+                    `(:sequence
+                      symbol-boundary-begin
+                      ,(ppcre:parse-string "[A-Z]") symbol
+                      symbol-boundary-end)
+                    :name 'syntax-type-attribute))))
+    (make-tmlanguage :patterns patterns)))
+(defvar *syntax-table*
+  (make-syntax-table
+   :space-chars '(#\space #\tab #\newline)
+   :symbol-chars '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~
+                   #\+ #\- #\. #\@)
+   :paren-pairs '((#\( . #\))
+                  (#\[ . #\])
+                  (#\{ . #\}))
+   :string-quote-chars '(#\")
+   :escape-chars '(#\\)
+   :fence-chars '(#\|)
+   :expr-prefix-chars '(#\' #\, #\@ #\# #\`)
+   ;:expr-prefix-forward-function 'skip-expr-prefix-forward
+   ;:expr-prefix-backward-function 'skip-expr-prefix-backward
+   :line-comment-string ";"
+   :block-comment-pairs '(("#|" . "|#"))))
+(defvar *static-indent-table* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defvar *dynamic-indent-table* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defun get-indentation (name)
+  (or (gethash name *static-indent-table*)
+      (caar (gethash name *dynamic-indent-table*))))
+(defun set-indentation (name method)
+  (setf (gethash name *static-indent-table*) method))
+(defparameter *coalton-indentation-rules*
+  '(("fn" (&lambda &body))
+    ("λ" . "lambda")
+    ("cond" (&rest (&whole 2 &rest 1)))
+    ("match" (4 &rest (&whole 2 &rest 1)))
+    ("let" ((&whole 4 &rest (&whole 1 2)) &body))
+    ("lisp" 1)
+    ("return" 0)
+    ("when" 1)
+    ("unless" 1)
+    ("while" 1)
+    ("while-let" . "let")
+    ("progn" (&rest &body))
+    ("package" (4 &rest (&whole 2 &rest coalton-package-body)))))
+(defun coalton-package-body (path indent-point sexp-column)
+  (declare (ignore path sexp-column))
+  (calc-function-indent indent-point))
+(defun load-static-indentation-rules ()
+  (loop for (fn . rule) in *coalton-indentation-rules*
+        do (set-indentation fn (etypecase rule
+                                 (string (get-indentation rule))
+                                 (cons (first rule))))))
+(defun find-indent-method (name path)
+  (flet ((f (method)
+           (when method
+             (return-from find-indent-method method))))
+    (f (get-indentation name))
+    (let ((name1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings "(?<=:)[^:]+" name)))
+      (when name1
+        (f (get-indentation name1)))
+      (f (and (null (cdr path))
+              (ppcre:scan "^(?:with-|without-|within-|do-|def)" (or name1 name))
+              '(&lambda &body))))))
+(defun calc-indent-1 (indent-point)
+  (let* ((const-flag nil)
+         (innermost-sexp-column nil)
+         (calculated
+           (with-point ((p indent-point))
+             (loop
+               :named outer
+               :with path := '() :and sexp-column
+               :for innermost := t :then nil
+               :repeat *max-depth*
+               :do
+                  (loop :for n :from 0 :do
+                           (when (and (< 0 n) (start-line-p p))
+                             (return-from outer nil))
+                           (unless (form-offset p -1)
+                             (push n path)
+                             (return)))
+                  (when (and (null (cdr path))
+                             (= 0 (car path))
+                             (scan-lists p -1 1 t))
+                    (return-from outer (1+ (point-column p))))
+                  (when (and innermost
+                             (or (member (character-at p 0) '(#\: #\"))
+                                 (looking-at p "#!?[+-]")))
+                    (setf const-flag t))
+                  (let ((name (string-downcase (symbol-string-at-point p))))
+                    (unless (scan-lists p -1 1 t)
+                      (return-from outer 'default-indent))
+                    (unless sexp-column (setf sexp-column (point-column p)))
+                    (when innermost
+                      (setf innermost-sexp-column sexp-column))
+                    (when (or (quote-form-point-p p)
+                              (vector-form-point-p p))
+                      (return-from outer (1+ sexp-column)))
+                    (let ((method (find-indent-method name path)))
+                      (when method
+                        (return-from outer
+                          (cond ((eq method 'default-indent)
+                                 (setq const-flag nil) ; for the case of (:and ...) in sxql
+                                 method)
+                                (t
+                                 (compute-indent-method method
+                                                        path
+                                                        indent-point
+                                                        sexp-column)))))))))))
+    (cond ((and (eq calculated 'default-indent)
+                (not const-flag))
+           (calc-function-indent indent-point))
+          ((and (or (null calculated)
+                    (eq calculated 'default-indent))
+                const-flag)
+           (1+ innermost-sexp-column))
+          (calculated
+           (if (eq calculated 'default-indent)
+               (calc-function-indent indent-point)
+               calculated))
+          (t
+           (calc-function-indent indent-point)))))
+(defun calc-indent (point)
+  (line-start point)
+  (with-point-syntax point
+    (let ((state (syntax-ppss point)))
+      (cond
+        ((pps-state-string-p state) nil)
+        ((zerop (pps-state-paren-depth state))
+         0)
+        (t (calc-indent-1 point))))))
+(define-major-mode coalton-mode language-mode
+    (:name "Coalton"
+     :keymap *coalton-mode-keymap*
+     :syntax-table *syntax-table*
+     :mode-hook *coalton-mode-hook*)
+  (setf (variable-value 'enable-syntax-highlight) t
+        (variable-value 'calc-indent-function) 'calc-indent
+        (variable-value 'indent-tabs-mode) nil
+        (variable-value 'tab-width) 4
+        (variable-value 'line-comment) ";"
+        (variable-value 'insertion-line-comment) ";; "
+        (variable-value 'language-mode-tag) 'coalton-mode
+        (variable-value 'idle-function) 'coalton-idle-function)
+  (set-syntax-parser *syntax-table* (make-tmlanguage-coalton)))
+(defun guess-current-position-package (point)
+  (with-point ((p point))
+    (loop
+      (ppcre:register-groups-bind (package-name)
+          ("^\\s*\\(\\s*package ([^\)\(\\s]*)"
+           (string-downcase (line-string p)))
+        (return package-name))
+      (unless (line-offset p -1)
+        (return)))))
+(defun update-buffer-package ()
+  (when-let ((package-name (guess-current-position-package (current-point))))
+    (setf (buffer-package (current-buffer)) package-name)))
+(defun coalton-idle-function ()
+  (when (connected-p)
+    (let ((major-mode (buffer-major-mode (current-buffer))))
+      (when (eq major-mode 'coalton-mode)
+        (update-buffer-package)))))
+(defun buffer-package (buffer &optional default)
+  (let ((package-name (buffer-value buffer "package" default)))
+    (typecase package-name
+      (null (if-let (package-name (guess-current-position-package (buffer-point buffer)))
+              (string-upcase package-name)
+              default))
+      ((or symbol string)
+       (string-upcase package-name))
+      ((cons (or symbol string))
+       (string-upcase (car package-name))))))
+(defun (setf buffer-package) (package buffer)
+  (setf (buffer-value buffer "package") package))
+(defvar *current-package* nil)
+(defun current-package ()
+  (or *current-package*
+      (buffer-package (current-buffer))
+      "COALTON-USER"))
+(defun coalton-eval-async (form &optional cont (package (current-package)))
+  (destructuring-bind (fn coalton-form &rest args) form
+    (lisp-eval-async `(,fn ,(format nil "(coalton:coalton-toplevel ~A)" coalton-form) ,@args)
+                     cont
+                     package)))
+(define-command coalton-compile-region (start end) (:region)
+  (check-connection)
+  (let ((string (points-to-string start end))
+        (position `((:position ,(position-at-point start))
+                    (:line
+                     ,(line-number-at-point (current-point))
+                     ,(point-charpos (current-point))))))
+    (run-hooks (variable-value 'before-compile-functions) start end)
+    (coalton-eval-async `(micros:compile-string-for-emacs ,string
+                                                          ,(buffer-name (current-buffer))
+                                                          ',position
+                                                          ,(buffer-filename (current-buffer))
+                                                          nil)
+                        #'compilation-finished)))
+(define-command coalton-compile-defun () ()
+  (check-connection)
+  (with-point ((point (current-point)))
+    (top-of-defun-with-annotation point)
+    (with-point ((start point)
+                 (end point))
+      (scan-lists end 1 0)
+      (coalton-compile-region start end))))
+(define-key *coalton-mode-keymap* "C-c C-c" 'coalton-compile-defun)
+(define-file-type ("coal") coalton-mode)
+(defmethod execute :after ((mode coalton-mode) (command self-insert) argument)
+  (when (eql #\space (get-self-insert-char))
+    (lem-lisp-mode/autodoc:lisp-autodoc)))
diff --git a/extensions/coalton-mode/lem-coalton-mode.asd b/extensions/coalton-mode/lem-coalton-mode.asd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8fee52cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/coalton-mode/lem-coalton-mode.asd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(defsystem "lem-coalton-mode"
+  :depends-on ("lem"
+               "lem-lisp-mode"
+               "micros")
+  :components
+  ((:file "coalton-mode")))