The following will help you setup Next.js WordPress.
npx create-next-app nextjs-wordpress --example
Copy .env.sample
to .env
cp .env.sample .env
That's it for Next.js. You're ready to move on to the WordPress setup.
All WordPress commands must be run from inside the /wordpress
directory. Docker Desktop needs to be running as well.
This step can be done at a later time. Open the /apps/wordpress/.env
file in your code editor.
From inside the /wordpress
directory, run the following command:
chmod +x && ./
This script pulls down and starts each container. Composer will download the required plugins, WordPress will be configured, and finally the script add an entry to your host file.
Note: You will be prompted to enter your password so the script can edit your
View the WordPress dashboard at: https://nextjswp.test/wp-admin/
- username
- password
Use the credentials above, unless you've customized the
variables in the/apps/wordpress/.env
In order for Next.js to POST
comment and reaction data back to WordPress, it needs to authenticate using an application password.
- Navigate to your Profile page in the WordPress dashboard under
Users --> Profile
- Scroll down to the Application Password section
- Type any name to the New Application Password Name field
- Click the "Add New Application Password" button:
- Copy the password that was generated and paste into
: - Open the
file in the root of this project - Paste the Application Password next to the
In order for post reactions to work, you'll need to import the ACF fields.
- Navigate to the WordPress dashboard under
Custom Fields --> Tools
- Under "Import Field Groups" click the "Choose File" button and select the
file from the/wordpress
directory: - Click the "Import JSON" button
That's it! WordPress should now be setup and ready to go.
The front-end has support for a "Books" custom post type with custom fields. This is just a simple example, so feel free to edit or remove as needed.
Visit the CPT UI tools page: https://nextjswp.test/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cptui_tools
Copy and paste the following JSON into the "Import Post Types" field:
{ "book": { "name": "book", "label": "Books", "singular_label": "Book", "description": "", "public": "true", "publicly_queryable": "true", "show_ui": "true", "show_in_nav_menus": "true", "delete_with_user": "false", "show_in_rest": "true", "rest_base": "", "rest_controller_class": "", "rest_namespace": "", "has_archive": "false", "has_archive_string": "", "exclude_from_search": "false", "capability_type": "page", "hierarchical": "false", "can_export": "false", "rewrite": "true", "rewrite_slug": "", "rewrite_withfront": "true", "query_var": "true", "query_var_slug": "", "menu_position": "", "show_in_menu": "true", "show_in_menu_string": "", "menu_icon": "dashicons-book-alt", "register_meta_box_cb": null, "supports": ["title", "editor", "thumbnail", "custom-fields"], "taxonomies": [], "labels": { "menu_name": "My Books", "all_items": "All Books", "add_new": "Add new", "add_new_item": "Add new Book", "edit_item": "Edit Book", "new_item": "New Book", "view_item": "View Book", "view_items": "View Books", "search_items": "Search Books", "not_found": "No Books found", "not_found_in_trash": "No Books found in trash", "parent": "Parent Book:", "featured_image": "Featured image for this Book", "set_featured_image": "Set featured image for this Book", "remove_featured_image": "Remove featured image for this Book", "use_featured_image": "Use as featured image for this Book", "archives": "Book archives", "insert_into_item": "Insert into Book", "uploaded_to_this_item": "Upload to this Book", "filter_items_list": "Filter Books list", "items_list_navigation": "Books list navigation", "items_list": "Books list", "attributes": "Books attributes", "name_admin_bar": "Book", "item_published": "Book published", "item_published_privately": "Book published privately.", "item_reverted_to_draft": "Book reverted to draft.", "item_scheduled": "Book scheduled", "item_updated": "Book updated.", "parent_item_colon": "Parent Book:" }, "custom_supports": "", "enter_title_here": "", "show_in_graphql": "1", "graphql_single_name": "Book", "graphql_plural_name": "Books" } }
Click the "Import" button.
- Visit the ACF tools page: https://nextjswp.test/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=acf-field-group&page=acf-tools
- Under the Import settings, click "choose file" and select
- Click the blue "Import" button
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