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Prolin is a linear programming library for Clojure. It provides idiomatic Clojure APIs to formulate and solve linear programming problems, and a small set of utilties for some common transformations of LP objective functions and constraints.

It uses the two-phase Simplex algorithm provided by Apache Commons Math as its internal LP solver.

There are several value propositions to using Prolin over Commons Math directly:

  • Idiomatic Clojure API
  • Allows the use of arbitrary values (anything with equality semantics) to identify variables
  • Modular, protocol-based design to allow for easy extension to alternative solver implementations or alternative representations of constraints and polynomials.


The API is centered around a few key protocols.


An instance of prolin.protocols.LinearPolynomial represents a linear polynomial. LinearPolynomials are a key building block of linear programming.

(defprotocol LinearPolynomial
  "Representation of a linear polynomial (a polynomial of degree
  one). A linear polynomial consists of:

   - Any number of variables, each with a numerical coefficient
   - A constant numerical term

   The keys representing variables can be any type that supports good
   equality semantics."

  (variables [this] "Return a map of variable identifiers to coefficients.")
  (constant [this] "Returns the constant term of the polynomial"))

A prolin.protocols/linear-polynomial function is provided to construct a LinearPolynomial from a constant number and a variables map.

An implementation of LinearPolynomial for java.lang.String is provided, allowing strings such as "x + y - 4" or "3x + 4y - 2z" to be used anywhere you want a polynomial. Note that the parser is not sophisticated and is provided mostly for experimentation and testing; it will only work for basic equations or inequalities (not, for example, equations with parenthesis, multiple constant terms, etc.)

The prolin.polynomial namespace contains utility functions for:

  • Adding polynomials
  • Subtracting polynomials
  • Multiplying polynomials by a scalar
  • Constructing a 'zero' polynomial with the given variables
  • Instantiating a polynomial by plugging in numbers for each of its variables


Linear constraints are linear equalities or inequalities that are used to restrict the 'feasible region' of a linear programming problem.

Constraints are represented as the prolin.protocols.Constraint protocol, to allow callers to define implementations that are the best fit for a particular problem.

(defprotocol Constraint
  "Representation of a linear constraint as an (in)equality"
  (relation [this] "Return one of '>=, '<=, or '=")
  (polynomial [this]
    "Returns a LinearPolynomial representing the variables,
    coefficients and constant term of the (in)equality, when it is put
    in one of the forms:

    a[0]x[0] + ... + a[n]x[n] + c = 0
    a[0]x[0] + ... + a[n]x[n] + c <= 0
    a[0]x[0] + ... + a[n]x[n] + c >= 0

    Any linear (in)equality can be algebraically manipulated to this
    form without any loss of generality, and it is this form that is
    used to represent all linear constraints internally. See
    'prolin.polynomial/subtract' for a function to help transform
    arbitrary (in)equalities to this format."))

A prolin.protocols/constraint constructor is also provided, to construct a constraint directly from a polynomial and its relation to 0.

Additionally, Constraint is extended to java.lang.String to allow Strings such as "x = y", "3x + y => 4" to be used anywhere you want a Constraint. Again, note that the parsing of such strings is naive and intended only for experimentation and testing.


A solution algorithm is provided by an instance of the prolin.protocols.Solver protocol.

Only one implementation of Solver is currently provided; one based on the Apache Commons Math SimplexSolver. You can obtain an instance of this solver by calling prolin.commons-math/solver. solver optionally takes an options map containing the following keys:

:epsilon - Amount of error to accept for algorithm convergence. (double value)
:max-ulps - Amount of error to accept in floating point comparisons. (int value)
:cutoff - Values smaller than the cutOff are treated as zero." (double value)

If you wish to implement Solver for an alternative linear programming solver or algorithm, see the protocol definition in prolin.protocols.

Once you have an instance of Solver, you can invoke the prolin/optimize function, which takes a solver, an objective function (as a LinearPolynomial), a collection of Constraints, and a boolean (true to minimize the objective, false to maximize it.)

The prolin/maximize and prolin/minimize functions have the same signature, but eliminating the final boolean flag.


(require '[prolin :as p])
(require '[prolin.protocols :as pp])
(require '[prolin.commons-math :as cm])

;; Maximize x
(p/optimize (cm/solver) "x" #{"x <= 5", "x >= -2"} false)
;; => {"x" 5.0}

;; Same as above
(p/maximize (cm/solver) "x" #{"x <= 5", "x >= -2"})
;; => {"x" 5.0}

;; Now minimizing
(p/minimize (cm/solver) "x" #{"x <= 5", "x >= -2"})
;; => {"x" -2.0}

;; Using more than one variable
(p/maximize (cm/solver) "x" #{"2x = y", "y <= 5" })
;; => {"x" 5.0, "y" 2.5}

;; Same as above, but constructing objective & constraints directly,
;; instead of using the String implementations
(p/maximize (cm/solver)
            (pp/linear-polynomial 0 {:x 1})
            #{(pp/constraint '= (pp/linear-polynomial 0 {:x 2 :y -1}))
              (pp/constraint '<= (pp/linear-polynomial -5 {:y 1}))})
;; => {:x 5.0, :y 2.5}

;; Throws an ex-info with a :reason of :no-solution if it can't be solved
(p/maximize (cm/solver) "x" #{"x = 3", "x = 4" })
;; => Exception!

;; Throws an ex-info with a :reason of :unbounded if the solution
;; is unconstrainted
(p/maximize (cm/solver) "x" #{"x >= 1"})
;; => Exception!


To run the clojure.test tests, run lein test from the project directory.

To run the clojure.test.generative tests, run lein with-profile test generative.


Copyright © 2013 Luke VanderHart

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.