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95 lines (58 loc) · 2.28 KB


File metadata and controls

95 lines (58 loc) · 2.28 KB



Parallel MPI application to recursively walk and list contents in a directory.

dwalk provides functionality similar to :manpage:`ls(1)` and :manpage:`du(1)`. Like :manpage:`du(1)`, the tool reports a summary of the total number of files and bytes. Like :manpage:`ls(1)`, the tool sorts and prints information about individual files.

The output can be sorted on different fields (e.g, name, user, group, size, etc). A histogram of file sizes can be computed listing the number of files that fall into user-defined bins.


.. option:: -i, --input FILE

   Read source list from FILE. FILE must be generated by another tool
   from the mpiFileUtils suite.
.. option:: -o, --output FILE

   Write the processed list to a file.
.. option:: -l, --lite

   Walk file system without stat.
.. option:: -s, --sort FIELD

   Sort output by comma-delimited fields (see below).
.. option:: -d, --distribution size:SEPARATORS

   Print the distribution of file sizes. For example, specifying
   size:0,80,100 will report the number of files that have size 0
   bytes, between 1-80 bytes, between 81-99 bytes, and 100 bytes or
.. option:: -p, --print

   Print files to the screen.
.. option:: -v, --verbose

   Run in verbose mode.
.. option:: -h, --help

   Print usage.


By default, the list of files dwalk captures is not sorted. To sort the list, one or more fields can be specified in a comma-delimited list:


A field name can be preceded with ‘-’ to sort by that field in reverse order.

A lexicographic sort is executed if more than one field is given.


  1. To print summary information for a directory:

mpirun -np 128 dwalk -v /dir/to/walk

  1. To print a list of files, sorted by file size, then by file name:

mpirun -np 128 dwalk –print –sort size,name /dir/to/walk

  1. To save the list of files:

mpirun -np 128 dwalk –output out.dwalk /dir/to/walk

  1. Print the file distribution for specified histogram based on the size field from the top level directory.

mpirun -np 128 dwalk -v –print -d size:0,20,1G src/


The mpiFileUtils source code and all documentation may be downloaded from <>