Kademlia for Peer Discovery #5472
Hello rust-libp2p community, I want to develop an application where I use Kademlia with a bootstrap node for peer discovery. In the next step I want to share some messages via gossipsub. I have some issues with Kademlia. As far as I understand the topic, it should work like this:
For some reason the bootstrap step does not work with my local node. No peers are exchanged. If i add the ipfs Bootstrap Node I get many new nodes. Why is my bootstrap node not behaving the same? I think is the same problem as mentioned in #2673 and #2447. Unfortunately I do not understand what is missing from my implementation compared to the answers. If anything is unclear, I will be happy to add it. EDITS: Refactored Code for better Readability Code: use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::{io, io::AsyncBufReadExt, select};
use anyhow::{Result};
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
use libp2p::{kad, noise, tcp, yamux, PeerId, gossipsub, Multiaddr, identify};
use libp2p::identity::{Keypair, PublicKey};
use libp2p::kad::{GetClosestPeersError, GetClosestPeersOk, PROTOCOL_NAME, QueryResult};
use libp2p::kad::store::MemoryStore;
use libp2p::swarm::{NetworkBehaviour, SwarmEvent};
struct MyBehaviour {
gossipsub: gossipsub::Behaviour,
kademlia: kad::Behaviour<MemoryStore>,
identify: identify::Behaviour
fn create_kademlia_behavior(local_peer_id: PeerId) -> kad::Behaviour<MemoryStore> {
// Create a Kademlia behaviour.
let mut cfg = kad::Config::new(PROTOCOL_NAME);
cfg.set_query_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5 * 60));
let store = MemoryStore::new(local_peer_id);
kad::Behaviour::with_config(local_peer_id, store, cfg)
fn create_identify_behavior(local_public_key: PublicKey) -> identify::Behaviour {
let id_cfg = identify::Config::new(identify::PROTOCOL_NAME.to_string(),local_public_key);
fn create_gossipsub_behavior(id_keys: Keypair) -> gossipsub::Behaviour {
// To content-address message, we can take the hash of message and use it as an ID.
let message_id_fn = |message: &gossipsub::Message| {
let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
message.data.hash(&mut s);
// Set a custom gossipsub
let gossipsub_config = gossipsub::ConfigBuilder::default()
.heartbeat_interval(Duration::from_secs(10)) // This is set to aid debugging by not cluttering the log space
.validation_mode(gossipsub::ValidationMode::Strict) // This sets the kind of message validation. The default is Strict (enforce message signing)
.message_id_fn(message_id_fn) // content-address messages. No two messages of the same content will be propagated.
.map_err(|msg| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, msg)).unwrap(); // Temporary hack because `build` does not return a proper `std::error::Error`.
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
let mut swarm = libp2p::SwarmBuilder::with_new_identity()
.with_behaviour(|key| {
Ok(MyBehaviour { gossipsub: create_gossipsub_behavior(key.clone()),
kademlia: create_kademlia_behavior(key.public().to_peer_id()) ,
identify: create_identify_behavior(key.public())})
.with_swarm_config(|c| c.with_idle_connection_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)))
println!("My peer addr is {:?}",swarm.local_peer_id());
let topic = gossipsub::IdentTopic::new("test-net");
// subscribes to our topic
let bootnodes: [(Multiaddr,PeerId); 1] = [
// Reach out to another node if specified
for (peer_addr, peer_id) in bootnodes {
println!("dialing peer {}", peer_addr);
println!("adding initial peer addr to kademli: routing table: {peer_addr}");
// Add the bootnodes to the local routing table.
.add_address(&peer_id, peer_addr.clone());
//doesn't seem to be completely necessary
// Order Kademlia to search for peers.
let to_search: PeerId = Keypair::generate_ed25519().public().into();
println!("Searching for the closest peers to {:?}", to_search);
// Listen on all interfaces and whatever port the OS assigns
// Read full lines from stdin
let mut stdin = io::BufReader::new(io::stdin()).lines();
println!("Enter messages via STDIN and they will be sent to connected peers using Gossipsub");
// Kick it off
loop {
select! {
Ok(Some(line)) = stdin.next_line() => {
if let Err(e) = swarm
.publish(topic.clone(), line.as_bytes()) {
println!("Publish error: {e:?}");
event = swarm.select_next_some() => match event {
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(MyBehaviourEvent::Kademlia(kad::Event::OutboundQueryProgressed {
result: QueryResult::GetClosestPeers(result),
})) => {
match result {
Ok(GetClosestPeersOk { key, peers }) => {
if !peers.is_empty() {
println!("Query finished with closest peers: {:#?}", peers);
for peer in peers {
println!("gossipsub adding peer {peer}");
} else {
println!("Query finished with no closest peers.")
Err(GetClosestPeersError::Timeout { peers, .. }) => {
if !peers.is_empty() {
println!("Query timed out with closest peers: {:#?}", peers);
for peer in peers {
println!("gossipsub adding peer {peer}");
} else {
println!("Query timed out with no closest peers.");
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(MyBehaviourEvent::Identify(identify::Event::Received {
identify::Info {
})) => {
if protocols
.any(|p| *p == kad::PROTOCOL_NAME)
for addr in listen_addrs {
println!("received addr {addr} trough identify");
swarm.behaviour_mut().kademlia.add_address(&peer_id, addr);
} else {
println!("something funky happened, investigate it");
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(MyBehaviourEvent::Gossipsub(gossipsub::Event::Message {
propagation_source: peer_id,
message_id: id,
})) => println!(
"Got message: '{}'with id: {id} from peer: {peer_id}",
SwarmEvent::NewListenAddr { address, .. } => {
println!("Local node is listening on {address}");
_ => println!("{:?}", event),
} Output from A1:
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Replies: 1 comment 10 replies
The code doesn't seem to match your description. A few questions:
There is a current issue linked to Kademlia bootstrapping with a suggested fix #5349. It will be merged soon, but you can already try to see if it solves your issue |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Ah right!
mode (apparently the default?) is for nodes that want to use the DHT, but not actively participate (e.g for nodes behind NAT, limited hardware etc.). The nodes inclient
mode are able to make requests to the DHT, but can never be queried.The nodes in
mode are the only ones to respond to requests. Hence, all nodes will only include nodes inserver
mode in their DHT routing table.So in your example, it is because the nodes were running in
mode that they didn't add each other to their routing tables.