The easiest way to use SDL_ttf is to include it along with SDL as subprojects in your project.
First, make sure you have downloaded the external dependencies. You can do that by running
in the external directory.
We'll start by creating a simple project to build and run hello.c
- Create a new project in Xcode, using the App template and selecting Objective C as the language
- Remove the .h and .m files that were automatically added to the project
- Remove the main storyboard that was automatically added to the project
- On iOS projects, select the project, select the main target, select the Info tab, look for "Custom iOS Target Properties", and remove "Main storyboard base file name" and "Application Scene Manifest"
- Right click the project and select "Add Files to [project]", navigate to the SDL_ttf docs directory and add the file hello.c
- Right click the project and select "Add Files to [project]", navigate to the SDL Xcode/SDL directory and add SDL.xcodeproj
- Right click the project and select "Add Files to [project]", navigate to the SDL_ttf Xcode directory and add SDL_ttf.xcodeproj
- Select the project, select the main target, select the General tab, look for "Frameworks, Libaries, and Embedded Content", and add SDL3.framework and SDL3_ttf.framework
- Build and run!