In the process of PHP to Golang,realize functions that are used frequently in some PHP code, making it easier and faster for PHPer to transform into Gopher!
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go get
Go 1.15 or above.
## import array
In() [PHP:in_array(),Checks if a value exists in an array]
Keys() [PHP:array_keys(),Return all the keys or a subset of the keys of an array]
Values() [PHP:array_values(),Return all the values of an array]
Merge() [PHP:array_merge(),Merge one or more arrays]
Unique() [PHP:array_unique(),Removes duplicate values from an array]
Column() [PHP:array_column(),Return the values from a single column in the input array]
Diff() [PHP:array_diff(),Computes the difference of arrays]
Intersect() [PHP:array_intersect(),Computes the intersection of arrays]
## import crypto
MD5() [PHP:md5(),Calculate the md5 hash of a string]
Sha1() [PHP:sha1(),Calculate the sha1 hash of a string]
Base64Encode() [PHP:base64_encode(),Encodes data with MIME base64]
Base64Decode() [PHP:base64_decode(),Decodes data encoded with MIME base64]
## import datetime
Time() [PHP:time(),Return current Unix timestamp]
StrToTime() [PHP:strtotime(),Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp]
Date() [PHP:date(),Format a Unix timestamp]
CheckDate() [PHP:checkdate(),Validate a Gregorian date]
Sleep() [PHP:sleep(),Delay execution]
Usleep() [PHP:usleep(),Delay execution in microseconds]
## import file
Basename() [PHP:basename(),Returns trailing name component of path]
Dirname() [PHP:dirname(),Returns a parent directory's path]
Filesize() [PHP:filesize(),Gets file size]
PathInfo() [PHP:pathinfo(),Returns information about a file path]
FileExists() [PHP:file_exists(),Checks whether a file or directory exists]
IsDir() [PHP:is_dir(),Tells whether the filename is a directory]
IsFile() [PHP:is_file(),Tells whether the filename is a regular file]
FileGetContents() [PHP:file_get_contents(),Reads entire file into a string]
FilePutContents() [PHP:file_put_contents(),Write data to a file]
Chmod() [PHP:chmod(),Changes file mode]
Chown() [PHP:chown(),Changes file owner]
## import math
Abs() [PHP:abs(),Absolute value]
Round() [PHP:round(),Rounds a float]
Floor() [PHP:floor(),Round fractions down]
Ceil() [PHP:ceil(),Round fractions up]
Max() [PHP:max(),Find highest value]
Min() [PHP:min(),Find lowest value]
DecBin() [PHP:decbin(),Decimal to binary]
DecHex() [PHP:dechex(),Decimal to hexadecimal]
## import string
StrLen() [PHP:strlen(),Get string length]
MbStrLen() [PHP:mb_strlen(),Get string length by UTF-8]
SubstrCount() [PHP:substr_count(),Count the number of substring occurrences]
Substr() [PHP:substr(),Return part of a string]
MbSubstr() [PHP:mb_substr(),Get part of string by UTF-8]
StrPos() [PHP:strpos(),Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string]
StrRPos() [PHP:strrpos(),Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string]
StrSplit() [PHP:str_split(),Convert a string to an array]
UCFirst() [PHP:ucfirst(),Make a string's first character uppercase]
## import url
ParseUrl() [PHP:parse_url(),Parse a URL and return its components]
UrlEncode() [PHP:urlencode(),URL-encodes string]
UrlDecode() [PHP:urldecode(),Decodes URL-encoded string]
RawUrlEncode() [PHP:rawurlencode(),URL-encode according to RFC 3986]
RawUrlDecode() [PHP:rawurldecode(),Decode URL-encoded strings]
HttpBuildQuery() [PHP:http_build_query(),Generate URL-encoded query string]
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