This directory contains example code using various MicroPython modules to add functionality to boards like ESP32, ESP8266, etc.
- SSD1306 - OLED display module
- BLE - Bluetooth Low Energy communication
- Neopixel - WS2812 RGB LED control
- DHT - Temperature/humidity sensor
- DS18X20 - 1-Wire temperature sensors
- Servo - Servo motor control
- Stepper - Stepper motor control
- MicroPython board
- Components for each module
- Display, sensors, LEDs, motors, etc.
- Required MicroPython module
- Install from upip, copy source file, etc.
- Usage
- The examples demonstrate basic usage of each module.
- Install required module
- Connect hardware components
- Modify pin assignments, I2C/SPI initialization, etc.
- Upload code and test functionality
Contributions welcome! Please open an issue or PR for any bugs or improvements.